Cartoon of the day 5-20-11

Michael Ramirez

Stephen Colbert’s Campaign Finance Lesson

“Why does it get so complicated to do this? I mean, this is page after page of legalese,” Mr. Colbert lamented. “All I’m trying to do is affect the 2012 election. It’s not like I’m trying to install iTunes.”

Right To Work Override

If Exxon Mobile demanded $50.00 per month from all its employees, every month, to pay for benefits and it’s political action agenda, the left would shit kittens, protest, and then engage in well funded, partisan series of lawsuits until the company was forbidden from using that money for political activity.

Cartoon of the day 5-19-11

Jerry Holbert – Boston Herald ‘The Sperminator”

New Hampshire Got Jobs!?

How about some jobs? New Hampshire is reporting an April unemployment rate of 4.9%. … This is unlike last year when the initial “improvement” we saw was actually the result of workforce decline–people had stopped looking or receiving benefits and dropped out of the equation.

Is John Edwards a Scumbag?

It should have been rhetorical but after Tweeting John Edwards latest declaration of Ass-hattedness to Twitter and Facebook about an alleged John Edwards sex tape, I was asked jokingly:

"Is John Edwards and alleged Scumbag or is it confirmed he is a Scumbag. Don’t want you to cross any legal lines."

Great question. When exactly does an ambulance chasing trial lawyer turned professional lying-cheat, rat-bastard, who had an affair on his cancer-stricken wife, making a sex tape with his videographer who had his love child, cross the line to scumbag?

That’s not a hard question to answer even if we can’t agree that he started on the other side of the line. But why is allowing his mistress to create a sex tape she never destroyed her fault? You don’t make sex tapes with politicians unless you either want to blackmail them or you want to spice up the act; does anyone actually watch these after they make them, or do they just wait until they get stolen and show up on the internet? And if you are a politician and you let someone make a sex tape–when you are married and running for President? Well….who is the idiot in this scenario? Was it not dumb enough just to cheat on your sick wife while on campaign, or dumber to then allow someone to make a record of it?

I can’t give an unbiased answer for several reasons  but mostly because I think he always was a scum bag.  So I figured I’d give some of the folks who were willing to ignore the fact that he was an ambulance chasing trial lawyer turned professional lying-cheat, rat-bastard, and supported his goal to to be President, an opportunity to answer the question for us.  To that end I have included an October 2007 list of Graniteroots town chairs for Edwards I found over at NH Insider.   If anyone can tell us when or if he has crossed the line to ‘scumbag’ they can.

The list is on the jump.

Or we can ask Tim Horrigan, also an Edwards fan at least in Jan of 2008, who is the one Democrat I know of most likely to read this post.

So find a name and take a survey.  Let us know if Edwards is officially a scumbag across the ideological spectrum or…will the democrats now elevate him to Clintonesque stature?  Sex scandal, perjury, a southern lilt, lying dirt-bag; that’s presidential material for left wingers.  This could be a tough one.

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Government To Mandate PLAN Chip In Your Cell Phone

..your President wont have to worry about wasting a crisis. He can just create them as needed, and text them right to your cell phone. “Be afraid. Be very afraid.”

Hey Lefty? Wassup With the Health Care Waivers?

Here’s a nice video to get you primed up and ready to de-fang a union near you. It’s all about ObamaScare and the Democrat-Crony Waiver wire. Unions, Democrats, Hypocrites, Together.

Cartoon of the day 5-18-11

Raise The Debt Ceiling – Bob Gorrell

The Potato Is A Gateway Drug…

Potato ban by FDA in public school lunches?

Picture of The Day 5-17-11

Bob Gorrell  

The Missiles of Venezuela

missile.jpgOriginally reported last November by Germany’s Die Welt, but just recently resurrected by The Drudge Report from the Jerusalem Post, Iran–the Islamic regime that has been waging war on the United States since 1979–is building intermediate range missile launch pads in Venezuela.

Yes, the same Iran that prior to 2005 traded nothing with Hugo Chavez but which has since increased its trade with the socialist nut job to the tune of 40 billion.  There is good reason to speculate that this has or will include nuclear technology.  His goal being to expand control in the region by intimidating neighbors, I’m sorry–by offering mob style "protection" from the evil Americans.

So we’d have an America hating socialist nut job with intermediate range Iranian missiles and a working relationship with a country (Iran) that the current administration has suggested is going to get nuclear weapons anyway?  Venezuela is already suspected of having Hezbollah training camps in its jungles.  The Iranian Military is hanging with the Chavez.  This presents no risk?  Or maybe the economy isn’t the only thing Obama plans to screw up while in office?

Note to the White House.  Israel will not be bombing our problems away in Venezuela.  And I’m certain they have no expectation that we’ll back them up with anything other than wordy statements when they do what has to be done to survive. So don;t count on them to help you out here.

So the next question; can :Obama the bold, courageous, and decisive" actually be any of those things when it comes to the Missiles of Venezuela?  Can the guy who accepts books from the same dictator who is prepared to represent a significant risk to American interests in the hemisphere–including interests in America, step up and take them out before they are operational?  Or does the major troublemaker and regional king maker in Venezuela have a right to intermediate range weapons capable of carrying nuclear warheads, and the ongoing training and assistance of Iran’s Qods force?

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Hillsborough 4 – You have Special Election Today

If you live in Hillsborough district 4 and you are reading this it means that you are probably not on your way to vote in your special election. Considering how much democrats would like to win a seat don’t you think you should get off your GOP backside and go vote for Peter Kucmas?

Cartoon of the day 5-16-11

Sacred Cow

NH Senate Should BEG Our forgiveness on RGGI

Fools!God has a sense of humor.  Just days after Republican State Senators in New Hampshire bent over backwards to the green lobby (and refused to leave RGGI) a major green lobby advocate (George Monbiot) announced that none of their ideas work. (Ideas like cap and trade for example.)  Now, just days after that, a highly credentialed European scientist who was on the Anthropogenic Global Warming Government money "Gravy Train" has a message to those who continue to support CO2 mitigation of any kind, and in particular the failed variety like RGGI… those who still believe the planet is in danger from our carbon dioxide emissions: Sorry, but you’ve been had. Yes, carbon dioxide is a cause of global warming, but it’s so minor it’s not worth doing much about.

So who is David Evans?  Here’s his bio from the article.

David Evans consulted full-time for the Australian Greenhouse Office (now the Department of Climate Change) from 1999 to 2005, and part-time 2008 to 2010, modelling Australia’s carbon in plants, debris, mulch, soils, and forestry and agricultural products. He is a mathematician and engineer, with six university degrees, including a PhD from Stanford University in electrical engineering.

Is this speaking truth to power?

The whole idea that carbon dioxide is the main cause of the recent global warming is based on a guess that was proved false by empirical evidence during the 1990s. But the gravy train was too big, with too many jobs, industries, trading profits, political careers, and the possibility of world government and total control riding on the outcome. So rather than admit they were wrong, the governments, and their tame climate scientists, now outrageously maintain the fiction that carbon dioxide is a dangerous pollutant.

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The RLCNH Report for May 15, 2011

The RLCNH Report  | subscribe to this list ACTION ALERT! Give the Legislature Authority Over ObamaCare The House Commerce committee will hold a continuing executive session on , which establishes an oversight committee within the legislature to oversee state government activities relative to implementation of ObamaCare. State agencies and officials would need to consult with, and get … Read more

Cartoon of the day 5-15-11

  Cartoonist: Steve Breen  

GrokTalk! Saturday May 14th , 2011

Live Streaming local and National News with opinion you could only get from GraniteGrok. EMail:     Call us!  603-524-7478 This week, 9-11AM…GrokNation! Rocks Rick Olson, Heavily Armed Grokster– He’s going to a special event today.  Check in to see what it is. Mike Rodger, Grokster from another land– On all things Presidential politics. … Read more

Cartoon of the day 5-13-11


A Funding “Solution” For Democrats Concerned about Budget Cuts

Remember all that stuff we didn’t have to have in the New Hampshire budget before 2006 when the democrats started piling it up into what has become our Billion dollar budget deficit? I don’t either. I’m not even sure what they spent it on which is why I am convinced I can do without it. All this caterwauling is clearly just cover for keeping the bloated bureaucracy alive so they can milk it for union campaign contributions.

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