Artist- Lisa Benson
The Nashua Telegraph, in reprinting (as a guest editorial) the left wing blathering of the Concord Monitor, has just reassured sexual predators who want to abuse young girls in the state of New Hampshire, that their secret is probably safe.
Sargent (Debbie Wasserman) Schultz steps in it again, or maybe just drives over it–in her Japanese made, low fuel economy, luxury car.
Chip Bok; Obama lays a wreath
Even Bloggers need a vacation, even if it is just from the part that’s not blogging. So no new GrokTALK! Podcast this week. But help yourself to leftovers. We’ve got plenty of interviews that you may have missed to keep you going until next time.
Romney – Chameleon
New Health Care Regulations released.
Follow your congressman on twitter…
The progressive program is to scare people about change we know we need to ensure we even have a Mediciad program (not that we want what we have) while treating it like thier budget–no plan, no plan to have a plan, because their plan would cost them representation in congress.
Debt Ceiling
Yes, Anthony Weiner probably did tweet a picture of his Weiner to a college co-ed. He is arrogant enough. They are both adults. It’s not as if he cheated on his wife and lied to a grand jury about it. But the coverup by the left wing organs (sorry) is a glorious display of self-immolation.
Investigative reporter Erick Stakelbeck, host of the network program “Stakelbeck on Terror,” has written a book everyone needs to pay attention to. It’s called “The Terrorist Next Door, ‘How the government is deceiving you about the Islamist threat.”
The New Hampshire Senate will be voting on HB 146 this week, a bill that would give the jury in any trial the power of nullification.
..what I find particularity perverse is that “Republican” Senators in New Hampshire could be tying themselves to the Massachusetts compromise as the tipping point at which staying in RGGI would then no longer make sense.
May 30, 2011 | subscribe to this list ACTION ALERT! Jury Nullification: Let Justice Truly Be DoneThe full Senate will vote on HB 146 on June 1. This bill would require juries in all criminal proceedings that they have the power not only to judge the case, but also the law. This is an incredibly important pro-liberty bill, … Read more
We don’t need no stinking budgets
Unemployment Application
Given the facts ‘on the ground’ will pregnancy continue to be the “exception” to parental notification in John Lynches New Hampshire or have parents earned the right to have a voice in what happens to their underage daughters?