The Liberal Darkness

Nothing they say today will matter tomorrow. And this applies to their policies as well. We see this in the bald faced contradictions of their own words and ideas; their disregard for anything that slows their accumulation of power. And they will do and say anything to hold power because they are spiritually empty, disconnected–hoping power will somehow complete them.

Hooksett Police Commission Flashback

The problems with the Hooksett New Hampshire Police Department have served as media fodder for years. A combative chief, a pointless middle management police commission unwilling to act, all culminating in a report that substantiates something I pointed out over two and one-half years ago.

Prepare For The Barakaclypse

Every one of these was or is a left wing campaign to make leftist dogma look like centrist mantra. They exist to streamline progressive/socialsit thought into mainstream thinking. But they failed and so the latter iterations have become more destructive. Each “movement” has gotten progressively more unruly, progressively more violent.

Mitt Romney: Like Having to Take Your Cousin to The Prom

Mitt Romney - All things To If this running for president thing doesn’t pan out, Willard ‘Mitt’ Romney could probably get a gig as the new spokesman for Pork; The other white meat.  And I don’t mean political pork.  I’m referring to the "not Mitt" mentality that continues to surround the GOP primary process.  Romney continues to fare well, and if nothing else polls consistently, but he is the Republican voters guy-who-can-beat-Obama candidate of last resort.  He’s the backstop candidate where the ball ends up if no one else gets a hit.

And Mitt was looking good until Governor Rick Perry announced and proceeded to suck all the wind out of the race.

As Perry stumbled around on the national stage Herman Cain climbed up to the number one spot.

While Cain works out his alleged and unofficial "dating" history Gingrich is now favored among the conservative base and not because he’s necessarily the best conservative but because he is a fighter and…he’s not Mitt Romney. 

You see the pattern.  Anyone but Mitt, please.

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Has #OWS or #ONH Inspired Local Action?

Nothing says redistribute the wealth like stealing a Generator from Comcast. That’s what 99%er John P. Boisvert Jr., 34, of 5 Red Gate Lane Meredith did during the big power outage. Comcast is a great big company with so much cash they just leave generators laying around. Boisvert was observed “liberating” the generator from its capitalist oppressors and was later arrested for stealing.

Obama Golfs With Guy Who Solicits Whores

I suppose it is the state of media and their love affair with Mr. Obama that when in the midst of a hatchet job on a potential opponent over accusations of sexual misconduct that the leader of the free world gets a pass for golfing with a guy convicted of soliciting prostitutes.

Politco/White House Stenographer Jennifer Epstein

Obama is(sic) played with two White House staffers — Marvin Nicholson and Pete Selfridge — and with high school classmate Bobby Titcomb, according to a pool report. In April, Titcomb was one of four men arrested as part of an undercover prostitution sting. He was later released on $500 bail. In May, Titcomb didn’t appear in court as his lawyer offered a no contest plea

Whatever your own thoughts, prostitution is still illegal in most places and rumor has it the girls are not treated particularly well.  So there is something to be said for the timing and optics given the "influential men treating women as sex objects" smear Politco has been waging on Mr. Herman Cain.  While Cain is defending himself from Obama’s pit bull David Axelrod, most of the Staff at Politco, and a dyspeptic conga-line of publicity-seeking-future-reality-star/potential-tell-all-book-deal-signing gold-diggers, Mr. Obama is casually hitting a little white ball around exclusive Hawaiian country clubs, in golf slacks and a pricey polo, with a guy who solicits sex from whores.

Hey.  Hookers are a shovel ready job, right?! 

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Union Leader Announces Subscriber Wall

Following in the footsteps of the other papers in New Hampshire the Union Leader is invoking the “hey it’s our news you should pay for it” clause. They will be erecting a subscriber wall sometime soon. (Merry Christmas!)

Gingrich Soundbite Smackdown

Newt Gingrich is definitely on a roll. And while I completely disagree with him on Global warming, (and have endorsed someone else) it warms my heart to see him standing at the cafeteria line of ideas with the graduates of the Left-wing School of Journalism, taking the crap sandwich they are trying to hand him, and stuffing into their pompous little pie holes.

Pelosi Corruption Scandle Hits 60 Minutes Tonight.

Throw Them All Out, which hits bookshelves nationwide on Tuesday, reportedly contains a powder keg of original investigative information that suggests Pelosi leveraged her insider status to acquire her highly profitable Visa IPO and then used her congressional authority to shield Visa from disadvantageous legislation.

NH Democrats Painted Into A Racist Corner?

…given that the super-majority of people casting ballots in the (Democrat) primary contest will be white, will voting against Joann Dowdell in the Democrat primary be considered racist, or will voting for her be be considered racist?

Does Carol Agree With Nancy ‘No Budget’ Pelosi?

Does Carol SEIU-Porter agree with Nancy, that the reason the Democrats never passed a budget–it has been an historical 927 days–was that the “Republican would have filibustered it?” (Careful now….try to remember how many republicans there actually were before you answer)

New Carol Same As The Old Carol

I realize this is another captain obvious moment for activists who pay attention to such things but we are all quick to forget; not how Democrats demonize opponents they claim are owned by some special interest but who owns them and how much they will work to distract us from that.

The Debate You Probably Missed

Last nights presentation was attended by four candidate. Governor Buddy Roemer, Governor Gary Johnson, Senator Rick Santorum and Speaker Gingrich. They were paired up (Roemer/Johnson; Santorum/Gingrich) and given about an hour for each of the two sets. A moderator asked relevant questions and the candidates were permitted the latitude to answer at depth and engage each other.

Voter Fraud Workshop Tonight

Ed Naile, the Chairman of the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers, will be holding a Voter Fraud Workshop tonight. It is sponsored by the Manchester 912 group and starts at 6:30 PM.

Dropping The Ball On Municipal Elections

Shrinking state government, and returning control to the local level, is a pointless endeavor if the people in control at the local level are all tax and spenders. And we seem more than willing to concede that space. The day before the Manchester filing deadline there were scores of seats uncontested or open.

Predatory Black Sexuality…or Something.

Racism, like atheism, is a funny thing.  Atheism assumes all the garb of a belief system for the sole purpose of demanding constitutional rights so that it can have preferential treatment over actual religions without any of the same limitations it forces upon them; to the point that forcing the absence of any expression of faith (as a form of faith) is a greater right of faith than actual faith itself.

If people were smart they’d walk into the nearest public building tomorrow morning and start complaining  about the atheism that is being forced upon them by the government.

Racism has similar privileges, afforded to the masters of the Democrat party plantation and their Steve Urkleown "left wing" Uncle Toms.  They are free  to be racists at their convenience, accusing others of it at every opportunity.  Here is particularly stunning example.

“We’re going to see how open [they are] to this black — their ‘new black friend’ when they find out he is harassing blonde women as opposed to black women. That sort of thing of black sexuality — predatory black sexuality. Very frightening in this country, still. Very threatening. So we’ll see how that plays out.”

Predatory Black Sexuality.  Probably not something you talk to the kids about over blueberry muffins and OJ (OJ? – Racist!)  And all this time I though PBS was the Public broadcasting system.  Little did I know it was something I was secretly supposed to be intimidated by. 

To be perfectly honest, when I first heard of it (about fifteen minutes ago) my first guess was that Predatory Black Sexuality was just another course of study at the average left wing University.  And if you take it with a minor in (white?) Women’s Studies I think you can get a shovel ready job as a PR rep for Planned Parenthood.  You remember them?  They are an organization that  takes tax payer money to execute the by-products of the no-strings drive-by hook-up culture-sexuality the left has been selling to inner-city minority populations for the past 50 years.

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Would Someone Please Ask Ron Paul…

Are we convinced a Nuclear Iran does not assist in the development of a Nuclear Syria, or Turkey, or some other Middle-East nation? We are to believe that a Nuclear Iran, which has been moving conventional weapons to Hezbollah and others would never think of doing the same with other weapons?

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