Give the Legislature Authority Over ObamaCare
The House Commerce committee will hold a continuing executive session on , which establishes an oversight committee within the legislature to oversee state government activities relative to implementation of ObamaCare. State agencies and officials would need to consult with, and get approvals from, this committee before doing anything. The session begins at 1:30PM on Tuesday, May 17 in LOB 302.
Please e-mail the committee to support the bill.
In the House next week:
Floor Votes on Wednesday, May 18
SB 125 clarifies "reasonable compensation" for the purposes of NH business profits tax deduction calculation, and places the burden of proof on the state instead of the taxpayer. The Ways and Means Committee voted this bill OTP/A (Ought to Pass with Amendment) 16-5 on April 5. Please e-mail and ask them to support this pro-taxpayer bill.
Criminal Justice and Public Safety
The committee will hold an executive session starting at 1:00PM on Tuesday, May 17 in LOB 204. In this session the committee will consider SB 52, which excludes persons convicted of violent crimes and sexually violent persons from mandatory early release on probation or parole; and SB 88, which clarifies circumstances under which a person may use deadly force in self-defense and removes the prior obligation to retreat. Please e-mail the committee and ask them to support both bills.
The committee will hold an executive session on SB 192 at 1:00PM on Tuesday, May 17 in LOB 205-207. This bill establishes a commission to identify strategies needed for delivering a 21st century education. The commission will include a wide variety of members, with significant representation from the educational industry and also teachers’ unions. The bill states that in the future, teacher compensation should be based on helping students attain mastery of required competencies – i.e. performance-based. The bill also states other goals, including finding multiple funding models for education and assisting towns and cities in identifying compensation strategies; and the commission will report its findings by December 30, 2011. Please e-mail the committee and ask them to ensure that the commission truly focuses on education reform and student achievement, and not maintenance of the status quo.
The committee will hold an executive session on SB 154 at 10:00AM on Wednesday, May 18 in LOB 210-211. This bill reforms the comprehensive shoreland protection act to streamline bureaucratic procedures and provide more protections for property owners. Please e-mail the committee and ask them to support this legislation.
Municipal and County Government
The committee will hold a continued executive session on SB 2 at 10:00AM on Wednesday, May 18 in LOB 301, and at 10:00AM on Thursday, May 19 in the same room. This bill would allow various political subdivisions (cities, towns, school districts, etc.) to adopt annual limits on budget increases. This would substantially benefit and protect taxpayers, so please e-mail the committee and ask them to support this important bill.
Ways and Means
The committee will hold a hearing on SB 170 at 11:00AM on Wednesday, May 18 in LOB 202. This bill prohibits the state from taking funds held by the NH Medical Malpractice Joint Underwriting Association (NHMMJUA). Recall that Gov. Lynch at one point tried to confiscate these funds to close budget gaps; this bill would prevent NHJMMUA funds from being taken in future attempts to avoid real fiscal discipline. Please e-mail the committee and ask them to support this bill.
In the Senate next week:
Floor votes on Wednesday, May 18
- HB 590 makes it clear that the legislature believes federal grants-in-aid (bribe money so the state will do the will of the federal government) are unconstitutional and establishes a committee to review state participation in federal grant-in-aid programs. Email your Senator and ask them to support this bill.
- HB 316 would restore property rights by removing the penalty for those who refuse to allow government officials into their homes for property assessment. Email your Senator and ask them to support this bill.
- HB 248 would establish a commission to study business regulations in New Hampshire. Email your Senator and ask them to support this bill.
- HB 187 would extend the carry-forward period of the business enterprise tax credit against the business profits tax. This would reduce the cost of doing business in New Hampshire. Email your Senator and ask them to support this bill.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is wrapping up its work on HB1 and HB2 (the House Budget bills). There will be an executive session on today, Thursday, and Friday.Email the committee members to hold strong on the House budget bottom line of $10.4 million. The government must do more with less, just as we have had to do in our own families.
Judiciary Committee
HB 648, which would prohibit public utilities from using eminent domain to bulid or operate transmission facilities, has a public hearing on Thursday, May 19 at 1:15PM in Representative’s Hall. Executive session may follow.