Sen Barack Obama in Laconia recently (GG file photo)
Here at the ‘Grok, we make no bones about the fact that we are conservative Republicans and will almost without question be voting that way barring some unforseen and monumental circumstance. That being said, we are observing, studying, and chronicling what the Democrats are doing because we’re interested and, quite frankly, believe one must know what the "opponent" is thinking and doing. As the march to the White House continues, and the various candidates tramp through the Granite State en route, it seems like a good thing to see, hear, and possibly meet each and every one from both of the parties. After all, one will become the next president. And, while it pains me to say this, one must realistically expect that there’s a good chance the next will be a Democrat. This forces me to ferret out the good points from all comers, seeking the one I believe will do the LEAST harm to the US. To believe otherwise given the current situation would be a mistake. That doesn’t mean that the situation can’t change, but that is pure hope at the moment. But I digress…
As we inch closer to election day, we find candidates beginning to release major policy remarks and proposals. Yesterday we heard Sen. Barack Obama unveiling his "Comprehensive Strategy to Fight Global Terrorism." While I disagree with his pullout from Iraq as proposed, there are some points that make sense. It was a thoughtful speech and I give him credit for its detail. Unlike others who have built their candidacies upon a foundation of "Bush Derangement Syndrome" (BDS), offering little but rhetoric and bumper-sticker-like slogans, Obama has at least delivered a plan. I am not alone in my guarded praise.
Today in his blog, the Union Leader’s Drew Cline writes
In his speech on terrorism today, Sen. Barack Obama referred to the war on terror with a term almost identical to the one Rudy Giuliani invented for his campaign. Instead of saying “war on terror,” he said “al-Qaida’s war against us. . .” and “the terrorists are at war with us.”
Rudy’s coinage is “the terrorists’ war on us.”
Obama clearly wants the American people to know that he is not John Edwards, that he believes the terrorists are waging a war on this country, but that he would fight back differently. Smart.
I have reprinted the speech further down in the post. Late yesterday, I had the chance to participate in a bloggers’ conference call featuring Major General Scott Gration (USAF-Ret.) in a discussion of the Obama strategy. While relatively short, it was enlightening in more than one way.
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