74% of Americans Support Voter ID – NH Democrats on the Wrong Side Again!

Why anyone believes that Democrats are the party of the people is beyond me.  More aggressive PR perhaps.   Well here is yet another example of where Democrats, and New Hampshire Democrats in particular, are in the super minority on what matters to most Americans.  From a Washington Post Poll…74% of adult think requiring some form of ID to vote is a good idea.

(back up link if above has not been repaired)

74% favor ID to vote


But how about minorities?

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Democrat Contradictions – Out Of State Influence in Local Elections

Democrats in New Hampshire take a lot of money from outside the state.  Don’t take my word for it, just go look it up.  Millions and Millions.  They use candidates, campaign committees, so-called non-profits, and even have super wealthy out of state special interest donors making personal donations here and there to move money around the campaign finance camp fire, often right into the state Democrat party coffer, then back out to your local races.

No one should be surprised or even taken aback at this because it is all part of the business of politics, every party does some of this, it is all perfectly legal, and everything was fine up until the point when the New Hampshire Democrat party decided to make it a recurring campaign issue against Republicans.   It wasn’t Democrats who were affected by objects of out of state money and influence, just the Republicans.

Democrats are clearly guilty of hypocrisy on the  issue (no surprise there), but whenever they start a narrative like this it is usually because they are doing something else that might be worse, that they need you to be distracted from.  And guess what?   They were.

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The Promise of The Democrat Police State

Inconvenient Speech Equals handcuffs in the Democrat Police State
Inconvenient Speech Equals handcuffs in the Democrat Police State

Democrats obstructing speech they object to continued… after yesterdays post, which produced some necessary followup.  Obama campaign officials obstructed a Pennsylvania reporter from speaking to Obama supporters waiting outside, in line for an Obama rally.  A Commenter, C. dog, responded with a link to this story from 2008, at the Democrat National Convention, in Denver.

ABC reporter Asa Eslocker was filming for a story about the financial influence of lobbyists and wealthy donors.  While taking pictures of Democrat Senators and others on a public sidewalk he was arrested and detained by the police.

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Medicare Fraud – [Updated and Bumped – Again…]

When I say “Medicare Fraud,” I’m not referring to the corrupt practices of people and professionals who are milking taxpayers by running fast circles around the bureaucratic behemoth that is Medicare.  I am referring to the left-wing Democrat lie-factory that has nothing in its barren campaign quiver but fear tactics.   That is the fraud I am referring to.   That and the fraud they will perpetrate on every aspect of the Ryan Budget.

I just hope Harry Reid has nothing to say about the Ryan budget…you know…that might get awkward.

Here’s a short clip from CBS news c/o Hot Air on Romney/Ryan and Medicare…

[Update(s) on the jump]

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Ask A New Hampshire Democrat … About Silencing The Press

New Hampshire Democrats have no problem silencing speech they object to, or that contradicts their agenda, so it will be interesting to get their take on this. 

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Palate Cleanser- Snow Dogs

I shot this last winter, then proceeded to play with the transitions in my video editing software of choice, then left it in a folder for a warm summer day.  I’ve had a few opportunities for ‘warm summer day’ and not posted it, but better late than never. … so here are some cool dogs … Read more

Romney Picks Ryan for VP (Updated)

This morning Mitt Romney announced that Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan is his pick for VP.

I’d call this a great choice.  Given that we very likley have over 200 Trillion in unfunded entitlements to deal with, and Ryan being the only guy with a well developed plan–not for cutting or gutting but for dealing with the promises we’ve made and working toward a long term resolution–choosing Ryan says that Romney is serious about dealing with entitlement spending.

And while no plan is perfect, at least there is a Ryan Plan.

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Challenge Time

Challenge Accepted - Will NH Democrats show us their civility
Will NH Democrats Accept the Challenge?

I’ve been railing on the hypocrisy of New Hampshire Democrats and they don’t like it.  But you see, it’s all their own fault.  You can’t cry wolf at every remark your opponents make, demand everyone in the opposing party denounce them anytime you think it is politically convenient for you,   and then ignore everything anyone in your own party says or does as if it is not equally or even more uncivil.

So it’s challenge time.

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Because Democrat Timothy Horrigan Asked…

Calling out Left wing hypocrisy is my meat and potatoes. So, the other day, while asking (yet again) why anyone would trust Democrats given their party culture, I mentioned that one of their current NH House candidates had previously voted here while claiming to live in another State.

New Hampshire Democrat Timothy Horrigan asked when the candidate, William ‘Hud’ Connery, admitted to living in Tennessee?  Another ‘anonymous commenter’ said the post was bogus and we had no proof.

I accept your challenge.  You want proof, here it is.

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Massachusetts gay groups wont go to Nashua if Chik-fil-A food is thereTwo Massachusetts Gay Groups will not be participating in the Nashua Pride Fest this Saturday because the Nashua Chick-fil-A is providing 200 chicken sandwiches to the event.

The groups claim that by accepting the donated food event organizers are promoting the Chik-fil-A brand, even though the owner of the local restaurant supports Gay Pride events and homosexual causes.

Question: Isn’t that judging the guy by the wrapper and not based on who he really is as a person and what he can contribute?

whisper/ “hypocrisy.”

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NH Foreclosures Trending Downward

Foreclosures in New Hampshire are steadily trending downward
Steadily Trending Downward In New Hampshire

Fosters Daily Democrat (Fosters.com) is reporting some encouraging news on New Hampshire home foreclosures…

The cumulative total through the first half of the year — 2,029 foreclosure deeds — is about 3 percent below the same period in 2011, when there were 2,100, and 7 percent below the same period in 2010, when there were 2,188.

…”Barring disruptions in the economic recovery, there is reason to believe the number of new foreclosures in New Hampshire will continue to decline,” said the authority.

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Notable Quotes: Henry C. Alford (President & CEO -National Black Chamber of Commerce)

Harry C Alford - National Black Chamber of Commerce
Harry C Alford - National Black Chamber of Commerce

“When Obama became president, we were all happy about the symbolism–America’s first black president.  We didn’t really care about his position or views on anything.  We just wanted a black president no matter what.  We should have been more careful, as his views on small business, especially black business, are counter to ours.

“His view of business is that it should be a few major corporations which are totally unionized and working with the government, which should also be massive and reaching every level of American Society.  Thus, his first Executive Order was the reinstatement of Project Labor Agreements in government contracting. 

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It’s About Character…Or in This Case, the Lack Thereof…

Just talked about this Yesterday…and I’ve been asking pointed questions for weeks (years?) about the fatal character flaws of Democrats who ignore the hate and violence in their own party that they would never tolerate from anyone else.  It is hypocritical.  And it is a cultural feature of the politics of the left that shows … Read more

A Special Message to the Independents and Undecided Voters from Michelle Obama.

A special message to the independents and undecided’s from Michelle Obama.  You are a confused knucklehead. (audio) This from the woman who in her $317,000.00 dollar per year make work job, instead of helping to promote programs to assist underprivileged blacks on the south side of Chicago, launched program called the South Side Health Collaborative.  … Read more

It’s Brian Terry’s Birthday

Slain Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry would be 42 today, according to this post over at Breitbart.com.  In his memory, you can follow this link to sign a virtual birthday card set up by the Brian Terry Foundation.  You can sign the card without donating but they will ask for your support after you submit … Read more

From Top To Bottom The Democrat Party Lacks Principles

The blatant double standards exercised by Democrats is regard to what is outrageous becomes clearer every day.  Here in New Hampshire, spewing hate-speech and laughing at inferred acts of violence are pushed aside when we know that were it the Republicans making ‘off-hand’ remarks of a similar nature, the left would never let it go…. it would be an example of the underlying hate they hold for (insert name here), and would disqualify them for office….and yet not one Democrat has the honor to stand up and say as much when it’s them.

And at the national level the Obama Super PAC has called Mr. Romney many things and most recently a murderer.  But like everything else wrong with the Democrat party, from the violence to the slurs, to the racism, none of them, at least in New Hampshire, has the ‘teabag’ to admit that this is just as wrong as if Republican’s had done it.

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Harry Reid’s Anonymous Source

NRCC Steak Out 2012!

Brian Sussman

The Nashua Republican City Committee (NRCC) is at it again, with their annual “Steak Out” dinner/fundraiser planned for Saturday, August 25, 2012.

They’ve always managed to get some great keynotes, from the late Andrew Breitbart and James O’Keefe, to Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, to former Fox News anchor, E.D. Hill.

This year, they are hosting former meteorologist and science reporter, now conservative talk radio host and author, Brian Sussman.

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Pot Calling The Kettle Black?

Yesterday I reported on a the efforts of NH Right to life (NHRTL) to challenge the legality of Planned (non) Parenthood’s (PP) pharmacy licenses now that they are no longer receiving funding directly from New Hampshire Taxpayers for preventing families.  (see Will Planned Parenthood in NH Lose its Pharmacist Licenses). NHRTL claims that the exemption PP receives is only valid when state funding is present from NH Health and Human Services.  Since they claim state funding is not, they say the exemption no longer applies.

Well, over at RH Reality Check, (Reproductive & Sexual Health and Justice) Robin Marty covers the story with the headline…New Hampshire Right to Life Falsely Attacks Planned Parenthood.  Is she right?

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Why Should the Government Pay For Birth Control?

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