
Massachusetts gay groups wont go to Nashua if Chik-fil-A food is thereTwo Massachusetts Gay Groups will not be participating in the Nashua Pride Fest this Saturday because the Nashua Chick-fil-A is providing 200 chicken sandwiches to the event.

The groups claim that by accepting the donated food event organizers are promoting the Chik-fil-A brand, even though the owner of the local restaurant supports Gay Pride events and homosexual causes.

Question: Isn’t that judging the guy by the wrapper and not based on who he really is as a person and what he can contribute?

whisper/ “hypocrisy.”

The groups issued a lengthy statement that does nothing to excuse the hypocrisy they are guilty of, focusing on the national chains founding family and the views of the Cathy family on gay marriage.

Chick-fil-A makes no bones about being opposed to marriage equality, nor about the millions of dollars they’ve given to defend “biblical marriage” and the “traditional family.” This is a curious position for a corporation, or an individual store beholden to that corporation, to support considering the perennial battle in New Hampshire to retain their equal marriage law.

I’ve made it clear more than once on these pages that no matter which way you roll, Marriage is not a right .  It isn’t.  There is no right to marriage.  It does not exist.  Not for me, not for you, not for the gay pride groups from Massachusetts that repeat these made up claims nor the national gay lobbies who use it to frack  the cultural fields of the fruited plain for new sources of pity to advance a broader left wing agenda.

Religions legitimately refuse to marry heterosexuals at will.  People still seeking union can turn to the state for a civil service, something New Hampshire had in place for homosexuals without the made-up “perennial battle to retain equal marriage law.”

Intolerance and ignorance.  Isn’t that just grand?

The Marriage of Chicken, and a Bun

And not to put too much emphasis on it but, a US District court in the Blue state of Hawaii, has just rejected a suit claiming the states one man one woman marriage law is unconstitutional.  The court refused to accept that the constitution protected marriage.

You know what the state is supposed to protect equally…property, and contracts.

Marriage is a recognized religious contract.  A civil union is a civil contract.  In the eyes of the state, they are equal.  Equal?  Oh, look?  New Hampshire already had equality of contract for homosexual ‘unions’ before Democrats strong-armed a marriage law through the state house.  And you know what?  If they repealed that “marriage” law,  New Hampshire  could still have the same “equality” of contract.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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