Ask A New Hampshire Democrat ... About Silencing The Press - Granite Grok

Ask A New Hampshire Democrat … About Silencing The Press

New Hampshire Democrats have no problem silencing speech they object to, or that contradicts their agenda, so it will be interesting to get their take on this. 

As de-facto supporters and defenders of Obama and the president’s re-election campaign, someone should ask them to explain why that campaign stopped a reporter from interviewing supporters, waiting in line outside for an Obama event.

Obama campaign officials barred a Pennsylvania reporter from talking to people who were in line to attend an Obama rally.

The reporter, Dave Davies, wrote that “during the two-hour wait for the rally to begin, I wanted to talk to some of the supporters attending the event,” but was told, “You can’t be interviewing people in line,” by an Obama campaign official.

“My experience Thursday at a Michelle Obama event in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania was a first,” Davies wrote. “Obama campaign operatives barred me from talking to voters outside the event, to the point of interfering with my interviews and grabbing my microphone.”

I can see them having some say inside the event, but outside?

What does this say about the campaign and about freedom of the press, if anything?

The reporter suspects that it was overzealous message discipline.  OK.  But you realize they have the same problem in Cuba, Venezuela, China, and all the other places where tyrants rule.



