Harry Reid’s Anonymous Source

NRCC Steak Out 2012!

Brian Sussman

The Nashua Republican City Committee (NRCC) is at it again, with their annual “Steak Out” dinner/fundraiser planned for Saturday, August 25, 2012.

They’ve always managed to get some great keynotes, from the late Andrew Breitbart and James O’Keefe, to Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, to former Fox News anchor, E.D. Hill.

This year, they are hosting former meteorologist and science reporter, now conservative talk radio host and author, Brian Sussman.

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Pot Calling The Kettle Black?

Yesterday I reported on a the efforts of NH Right to life (NHRTL) to challenge the legality of Planned (non) Parenthood’s (PP) pharmacy licenses now that they are no longer receiving funding directly from New Hampshire Taxpayers for preventing families.  (see Will Planned Parenthood in NH Lose its Pharmacist Licenses). NHRTL claims that the exemption PP receives is only valid when state funding is present from NH Health and Human Services.  Since they claim state funding is not, they say the exemption no longer applies.

Well, over at RH Reality Check, (Reproductive & Sexual Health and Justice) Robin Marty covers the story with the headline…New Hampshire Right to Life Falsely Attacks Planned Parenthood.  Is she right?

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Why Should the Government Pay For Birth Control?

Ask a New Hampshire Democrat…About Taxing ‘The Rich.’

I am willing to bet that almost every New Hampshire Democrat supports the national agenda on taxing corporations and “the rich.”  To paraphrase Kyle Reese from the original Terminator movie, in regard to Democrats raising taxes…  “That’s what they do.  That’s all they do.”

The real problem is, of course, spending, which Democrats deny.  “It’s not about spending,” they say, “we need the rich to pay ‘Their fair share®.'” But  all you have to do to prove they are wrong (again) is to look at what would happen if Democrats actually got those taxes they say we have to have on corporations and the wealthy.

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Obama Is A Murderer [Updated]

He is.  He even has a kill list.  They bragged about it.  Foreign terrorists have constitutional rights but killing American Citizens without a trial is not above Mr. Obama.  Yes, the Peace Prize winner has a kill list.  And he is using it. Meanwhile, that Obama Super PAC Ad about how Romney “Murdered” a Steel … Read more

Encountering ‘Tea-Baggers’ On the Path To Restoring Civility to Concord

That tebagger called me an offensive name- Democrats and selective civilityIs there any limit to the number of dumb things a Democrat candidate for the NH House can do or say–or claim to stand? And how come, every time I try to walk away from this guy, he keeps dragging me back?

Yes, I am referring to William Hudson Connery III, who since having stumbled onto the New Hampshire political stage–as a Democrat candidate in Newmarket (Rock 17)–has insulted people of faith,  tried to hide the fact, demonstrated a past in which he encouraged what in most places amounts to vote fraud, violated Department of Defense rules, and has now exemplified his Left Wing, New Hampshire, street cred by invoking (unsolicited) the unflattering term ‘Teabaggers.’

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Notable Quotes – Alexander Hamilton

  “Those who stand for nothing fall for anything.”    

Will Planned Parenthood in NH Lose Its Pharmacist Licenses

Don’t ask why but I got this story from of all places, Think Progress…

State law requires a licensed pharmacist to dispense prescriptions, but it contains an exemption for family-planning clinics if they operate under contract with the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services.

In April, Right to Life filed a complaint with the Board of Pharmacy claiming that exemption no longer applies.

The presumption is that when the NH Executive council terminated State funding the relationship with NH-DES ended, thereby…um…aborting the exemption.

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A Rose By Any Other Name…

This may sound like a strange observation but I think we can narrow down the field of potential Romney VP candidates based on how well their name sounds after “Romney.”  (I am amused by the notion that this might matter.)   Romney-Christie, for example, does not roll off the tongue the way “Romney-Ryan” would.   And let’s face it, Obama- Biden may one day be a slang term for economic destruction (if it is not already), but it rolls off the tongue as if it were a beautifully constructed expletive.

Drops hot Tuna casserole…”Obamabiden!”

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Are Democrats Really This Stupid?

The latest presidential campaign message to come from the Smartest guy ever to hold the Office™ is that the presumptive Republican opponent is like Robin Hood. They are calling him “Romney Hood.” That’s right.  With the accumulated knowledge of a Drove (or better yet a Flange, Wake, Venue, or Kettle) of White Tower intellectual and … Read more

Would NH Democrats Want Out Of State Military Personel Voting Here?

It is generally accepted that military personnel and their families,  no matter where they are working, get to vote back home, no matter where they are and how far away “home” is. But to hear New Hampshire Democrats talk, if there was one or more, great big military bases in New Hampshire, with thousands of … Read more

Plans Within Plans…

Seeing as class struggle is the primary motivation behind progressive left-wing rhetoric…  And Democrats we’re fine with implementing a program like Fast & Furious, for the stated purpose of using the results of such an endeavor to create public outrage that might lead to further limiting second amendment rights….  How far-fetched is it to suggest … Read more

Leave It To Beavers

The Hayden Reservoir is gone so where did the fish goThe big news today is the disappearance of an entire pond in Hollis, New Hampshire.  The town decided to breach a dam, which drained Hayden Reservoir, becasue it was cheaper than keeping it and paying for the work to meet the sharia-law like standards, tithing, and annual tribute demanded by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental services.

I’m sure the DES is disappointed.

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New Hampshire “Democrat” Values

Michelle Obama was in New Hampshire recently, talking about how Barack will win here because they have “New Hampshire Values.”  I realize that what she meant was New Hampshire Democrat party values, which are more like ‘Chicago Values,’ than actual ‘New Hampshire values.’ You know the values she means; big spending, more taxes and fees, … Read more

UN Arms Treaty Dead…But Not The Discussion

Gun Rights win - UN arms treaty collapsesI was writing a follow up to our grass roots effort to contact New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte--to push her off the fence, basically, to vote against the UN Arms Treaty.  Senator Ayotte eventually agreed with us and along with Senator Portman–who is typically an unreliable centrist on issues like this–made it impossible for the treaty to get Senate Approval.

Yeah, we were pretty jacked about it.  But not everyone was convinced it was the right thing to do.

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What About Unions Paying “Their” Fair Share

The left and the unions are obsessed with big corporations and the rich paying ‘Their fair Share,” but when are the great big unions, who can expend billions (4.4 billion from 2006-2011) on political campaigns, (but pay no taxes) going to start paying their fair share? Labor unions are nonprofits, and they rake in millions … Read more

Has Forty Years Of Feminist Culture Had an Epiphany?

New York City ‘Officials,’ which I take to mean ‘experts’ have gotten this crazy idea in their heads.  Feeding babies breast milk may actually be better for them.  The babies not the officials.  Although, maybe….no.  Not going there.

The NPR headline reads New York City Officials: Breast Milk May Be Best ‘Formula.’  You think?

I wonder what clued them in?  I’m certain it was not the 70,000 years of human existence that preceded their benevolent if not entirely unobservant genius, during which women fed their babies breast milk.  That would be far too obvious for such advanced thinkers as ‘officials’ and ‘experts.’

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Happy Birthday….

…To my daughter Katie.  My youngest child turns 12 today. If you would like to celebrate by donating to a local New Hampshire Republican campaign knock yourself out.  Feel free to donate to the Grok, or buy something at amazon.  Mow your lawn, go about your business, take a trip, nap all day, work on … Read more

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