“When Obama became president, we were all happy about the symbolism–America’s first black president. We didn’t really care about his position or views on anything. We just wanted a black president no matter what. We should have been more careful, as his views on small business, especially black business, are counter to ours.
“His view of business is that it should be a few major corporations which are totally unionized and working with the government, which should also be massive and reaching every level of American Society. Thus, his first Executive Order was the reinstatement of Project Labor Agreements in government contracting.
“PLA’s give labor unions an exclusive [option] in construction jobs–all participating firms must use union labor or, as least, pay union wages and abide by union rules. This activity, in effect, discriminates against blacks, Hispanics, and women per-se, as trade unions deliberately under employ them…
“President George W. Bush eliminated PLA’s from federal contracting and his main reason was ‘unions discriminate against small business, women, and minorities.’ So here we were with the first black president who deliberately discriminates against small business, women, and minorities. How Ironic!”
-Harry C. Alford (President and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce) Representing two million black businesses in the US.
Quote Excerpt from The Amateur – Barack Obama in the White House, by Edward Klein