Women's March Concord

Concord ‘Women’s March’ a Yawn Fest

Today was the 4th annual ‘Women’s March’ in Concord. The march began in January 2017, after Trump was elected. Apparently, Trump was suddenly going to take women’s rights away… or something (NOTE: he hasn’t). Like last year, the attendance was sparse and frankly, the rally was boring AF. There were maybe a couple hundred people … Read more

pussy hat womens march

DNC Backs Away from Women’s March – NH Organizers Still On Board with Antisemitism

While we wait for an answer from New Hampshire’s Women’s March organizers, the DNC has decided that the optics are bad. While it has sponsored previous DC marches it has opted not to support the movement this year. The Democratic National Committee has joined the list of liberal organizations dropping their affiliations with the Women’s March, just … Read more

It’s Time to Demand an Explanation from Women’s March organizers in the Granite State

by The 603 Alliance:  The so-called ‘Women’s March’ (which refuses to include conservative or pro-life women) has become too extreme even for many of the left wing activists who run the event at the state level.  Virulent anti-Semitism among the organization’s leaders (typified by Linda Sarsour’s statement urging American Muslims not to “humanize” Jews) have led … Read more

pussy hat womens march

More Women’s Marches Cancelled

The Women’s March used women. Partisan Trump-hating hypocrites took advantage of them. It was never about equality for all women. It was about equity for some women and hatred for others. And a program that was destined to collapse under the weight of its own hypocrisy.

Women’s March Canceled – Too Many White People

Local event organizers have a problem. Too many disenfranchised white women. Not enough disenfranchised people of color. But that’s not a blessing. Women’s March organizers in Eureka California are canceling a rally planned for January 19th. Too many white folks.

Women’s March Bemoans Shutdown of Prostitution and Child Sex-Trafficking Site

Backpagecom CEO Carl Ferrer has rolled on his cofounders and executives admitting that he, “conspired with other Backpage principals … to find ways to knowingly facilitate the state-law prostitution crimes being committed by Backpage’s customers.”  The site is charged with money laundering, prostitution, sex trafficking and child sex trafficking. The Women’s March official response to shutting down … Read more

Donald J. Trump, Truth Trolling the Women’s March

Beautiful weather all over our great country, a perfect day for all Women to March. Get out there now to celebrate the historic milestones and unprecedented economic success and wealth creation that has taken place over the last 12 months. Lowest female unemployment in 18 years! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 20, 2018 Nothing … Read more

Women’s March Ditching Pussyhats Cuz of “Men”

The pink hand-knitted tea-cozy market is about to get flooded. Women’s March organizers are moving away from the iconic “pussyhat” because it may be offensive to trans women who don’t have female genitalia. Just so we are clear, the Women’s March wants to ditch their “iconic Pussyhat” because of men.   We now return you to your regularly … Read more

“Women’s March” Rejects Pro-life Women

There’s going to be a “Women’s March” in Washington next Saturday, January 21, with corresponding gatherings in Concord and Portsmouth. So all women are welcome, right? Wrong. That’s why I use quotation marks around “Women’s March.” The pro-life group New Wave Feminists applied to be listed as a participating group. March organizers ignored the application … Read more

The Morning Mail – March 10th, 2023

On this day in 241 BC, the Romans sank the Carthaginian fleet (Battle of the Aegates Islands), ending the first Punic war, and in 1783 the USS Alliance won the last naval battle of the US Revolutionary War off Cape Canaveral.

The Morning Mail – March 8th, 2023

Welcome to March 8th, 2023. It is International Women’s day. The day when Democrats celebrate robbing women of things (jobs, medals, history, privacy) by insisting that men are or can be women.