Gun Control in NH


Once again, another MAJOR RED ALERT from the Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire: The mother of ALL GUN CONTROL bills is about to be heard in the NH House Criminal Justice Committee. This is the most destructive piece of legislation to ever be introduced to the legislature in modern history. This legislation – House … Read more

South Dakota Passes Constitutional Carry – Gov. Says She’ll Sign it!

While New Hampshire Democrats attempt to take new Hampshire backward on the issue, South Dakota is poised to become the 14th State with Constitutional Carry. On Tuesday, the South Dakota state legislature passed a bill allowing for permit-less concealed carrying. The bill now goes to the desk of Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD), who has already expressed support for … Read more

Flashback- Remember ‘This Slut Votes?’

If I remember correctly health care was a big issue for the Left in the mid-terms. That got me thinking about women’s health. This lead to a passing memory about the contradiction between Democrat health care policies and Democrat rhetoric when it comes to that particular anatomical feature on biological women that is the acute … Read more

Judy Aron – Candidate, NH House: Sullivan County District 7

by Judy Aron When State government overtaxes, overspends and overregulates it causes great damage to families, communities, and businesses. That has happened in other states, especially in New England, and I don’t want to see that happen here in New Hampshire.  Our citizens deserve better!  I will work hard to protect our Constitutional rights and … Read more

2A Rally Today – GrokTALK! Will be On Site for Interviews

The Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire is holding its 4th annual Second Amendment Rally in Concord today from 12-2. GrokTALK! will be there and while I will not be recording or streaming the event, I will be recording interviews. Hope to see you there.

Cornerstone: Contact Your Legisaltors Today!

Cornerstone Policy Research N.H. House: Votes Coming on Gender Identity Bill and Viable Fetus Protection Act The House is scheduled to meet for three days next week (Tuesday through Thursday, March 6-8) to vote on more than 300 bills. Don’t let your priorities get lost in the shuffle! It’s time to call or email your own state … Read more

If Hypocrats and the Media Worked This Hard to Cover for Democrat Sexual Predators What Else Are They Hiding?

In the wake of Matt Lauer’s termination, and the self-immolation underway on the left, the news is littered with exciting tidbits from long-time liberal hypocrites about other long-time liberal hypocrites, like this. On ABC News’ “This Week,” veteran journalist Cokie Roberts made a rather revealing admission in the wake of accusations from women that far-left Rep. … Read more

American College of Pediatricians – Gender Ideology Harms Children

Last March, while HB1661 (last years bathroom bill) was making the rounds in New Hampshire–as in other states–the American College of Pediatricians issued a statement and guidance on the issue of children, gender ideology, and gender dysphoria. NH House Bill 478 is the same legislation only this year too many Republicans are ignoring the danger it represents … Read more

She’s very confused, this one.

And I have a question for Anonymous (just the fact this person can’t leave their real name says something) that just left this comment at Kimberly’s post: Women’s March: I’m EMBARRASSED for my Gender Anonymous It’s just too bad that you don’t have respectable women reading your blog, because they would have already called you out … Read more

Enjoy Your Denial. It’s The Only Thing Left That’s Truly Yours

When the government directs taxpayer money toward something, it immediately takes an interest in everything about the money. The cash comes with a sidecar full of rules, regulations. The blanket term for these is ‘strings.’ It always comes with strings attached. Everyone knows this except women who are told by Democrats to support taxpayer-funded abortion.

“Standing” Room Only – Abortion Buffer Zone Appeal Denied

An appeals court has upheld a state law from 2014 that creates a 25-foot buffer zone around New Hampshire Abortion clinics, but only because it has never been applied or enforced. Interesting. Democrats write and pass a law nearly identical to one in Massachusetts thrown out by the US Supreme Court for violating the first … Read more

Abortion stats: who’s holding up the bill?

Sorry-not-sorry to bring this up again, but will someone please point me to the place in the Senate where the abortion statistics bill was stashed?  Who could possibly be benefiting from stalling on this? I sat in on the House study committee meetings that resulted in this year’s HB 629, “relative to induced termination of … Read more

NH Democrats double down on state-sanctioned racism and discrimination

Yesterday New Hampshire Senate Democrats decided to own racism, discrimination and gender bias. They voted against an amendment to Senate Bill 336 that would end over 90 years of state-sanctioned racism and discrimination. Rather than end these practices they decided to double down on them by voting for another amendment presented by Senator David Pierce … Read more

Notable Quote – Kirsten Powers

Welcome to the Dark Ages, Part II. We have slipped into an age of un-enlightenment where you fall in line behind the mob or face the consequences. How ironic that the persecutors this time around are the so-called intellectuals. They claim to be liberal while behaving as anything but. The touchstone of liberalism is tolerance … Read more

A meditation on abortion in America…

…and the hubris-laden Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade in 1973. But wait. It does read in part that “If abortion is evil, almost everybody is at least a little bit guilty. There have been more than 50 million abortions in America since 1973….Maybe you’ve had, or facilitated, one. Very likely someone you know … Read more