“Women’s March” Rejects Pro-life Women

There’s going to be a “Women’s March” in Washington next Saturday, January 21, with corresponding gatherings in Concord and Portsmouth. So all women are welcome, right?

Wrong. That’s why I use quotation marks around “Women’s March.”

The pro-life group New Wave Feminists applied to be listed as a participating group. March organizers ignored the application for awhile before finally granting it early this week. This was news, since abortion advocacy groups were among the March’s leaders. This man-bites-dog story got a bit of play, highlighted by a thoughtful post in The Atlantic

The publicity led to a hue and cry among the abortion advocates involved in the march. Within hours, New Wave Feminists had been disinvited. Leaders of the march tweeted a public apology for having even thought for a moment that pro-life women belong in a “Women’s March.”

Members of New Wave Feminists plan to go to the “Women’s March” anyway, joined by other pro-life women who are riled by the arrogance of the march’s organizers. All my January travel funds are invested in the March for Life being held in Washington on the 27th, or else I’d join them.

More thoughts on this at Leaven for the Loaf.


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