It’s Time to Demand an Explanation from Women’s March organizers in the Granite State

by The 603 Alliance: 

The so-called ‘Women’s March’ (which refuses to include conservative or pro-life women) has become too extreme even for many of the left wing activists who run the event at the state level.  Virulent anti-Semitism among the organization’s leaders (typified by Linda Sarsour’s statement urging American Muslims not to “humanize” Jews) have led many Women’s March affiliates around the country to cancel their participation in the event.

But not in New Hampshire. Despite involvement from Linda Sarsour, Louis Farrakhan, and other anti-Semitic bigots, local organizers are still promoting the event as an opportunity to protect women’s rights. What about Jewish women’s rights?

Karen Weinstein and Linda McGrath, members of NH4Israel, say that anti-Semitism is reawakening around the world and is very reminiscent of the 1930s, they said.  “It’s a scary time to be a Jew, and it is chilling to see how many of the Women’s March supporters are willing to embrace the anti-Semites who happen to agree with their political views”.

In addition to embracing anti-Semites Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory, Women’s March leaders have refused to disavow their leaders’ association with Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, an organization that has long been known for promoting anti-Semitism.

Women’s March organizers in the Granite State need to explain their continued fealty to an organization and ideas that contradict their lip-service not just of equality between the sexes but among all women.


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