From Obama and Holder to Trayvon Martin and Nickolas Cruz

They should have seen Nickolas Cruz ‘coming’ a mile away but no one paid attention because beginning under Barack Obama and Eric Holder they were trained not to look too hard and not to see too much. Mike Rogers joins me to explain. More ways to listen on the original blog post page

From Obama and Holder to Trayvon Martin and Nickolas Cruz

They should have seen Nickolas Cruz ‘coming’ a mile away but no one paid attention because beginning under Barack Obama and Eric Holder they were trained not to look too hard and not to see too much. Mike Rogers joins me to explain. Also Available on Google Play

Martin-Zimmerman Episode Reveals Corruption in our Society

The Zimmerman-Martin incident and aftermath is sad on many levels.   Martin is dead.  Facing death threats, Zimmerman lives in hiding.  Both families are devastated.  People “getting justice for Trayvon” create other victims.  The media demonstrated its corruption.  Political pressure forced an indictment when one may not have been warranted, raising questions whether any of us … Read more

Zimmerman – Martin: now the travesty goes to overdrive.

When I watched the verdict being declared in the OJ Simpson trial (where a black man was accused of killing a white woman and her friend, and where “if the glove don’t fit, you must acquit” entered the lexicon), I was aghast at how long the trial had gone and how quickly the jury returned … Read more

Trayvon, Hurricanes, And Faux Pow Wow Chow

If you’ve recovered from the underwhelming Facebook IPO, perhaps you are ready for this? Trayvon was beating George Zimmerma badly before the man finally shot him in self-defense.  There is no doubt about that. So here’s an observation for the anti-second amendment clowns who are always insisting that lawfully armed citizens run away from any … Read more

What is Critical Race Theory?

I have been gathering a ton of posts on Critical Race Theory – the brainwashing attempt to “prove” that America was racist before it was founded (think The 1619 Project), has been racist during its entire existence, and it always will be. You’ll be hearing a lot from me on this going forward as it … Read more

Does Going from the Basement to the White House Make Sense?

So, What Starts Happening November 4th? It’s Already Not Looking Good.

The Left (with Democrat elected politicians running cover for their brownshirts – Antifa and Black Lives Matter) has been in training all summer long in the large Democrat “owned” cities, notably Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, San Diego, NYC; the list just keeps going on and one.

GrokTALK! Episodes Updated

Spreaker made some changes during our hiatus that I have just discovered. I thought I was embedding each episode but I was actually embedding the player, which updates to the latest episode. If you listen on Stitcher, Spreaker, iTunes, TuneIn, iHeart, GooglePlay or the Grok Podcast page, you won’t have noticed any difference. But until … Read more

Misplaced Outrage

June M. Huot asks, in the 12/10/2014 Laconia Daily Sun (, “Where is our outrage?”  at what she apparently believes are the racially motivated deaths of Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice and what she believes is the racially motivated lack of indictments or convictions, at least so far, of the people … Read more

RINO Report Special Edition – What Is a Hess-Hole?

As we head toward a new session it is important to know who the Democrats are in the Republican party.  One example is (Republican?) David Hess, NH House, (Merrimack 24), who has a voting record on gun rights that is no different than if we had, say… Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, or Diane Feinstein in … Read more

Where Is NH Media on A Gun Running Politician?

In case there is any doubt that there is a media preference for Democrats let’s just clear that up…Again. A quick search of three local Newspapers near me, provides some perspective. I Searched three items.  Leland Yee, the gun-running anti-gun Democrat State Senator from CA, Wendy Davis–a Democrat State senator from TX (and candidate for … Read more