Condemn Racial Politics and Race Baiting

To the Editor: Attorney General Holder says we are a “nation of cowards” regarding race.   Perhaps that is because when people try to have an honest race related discussion, anyone who says anything outside liberal orthodoxy is called a racist.  But, the race baiters and the race hustlers are at it again in Sanford, Florida, … Read more

Left Wing Liars – A Few Examples.

The Today show is under “Investigation” by NBC after…”the morning show aired an edited conversation between George Zimmerman and a 911 dispatcher recorded moments before the shooting. The investigation came after Fox News and others pointed out that the network spliced two parts of the call together, making it appear as if Zimmerman had said, … Read more

The Usual Suspects Fan Racial Fires

To the Editor: Apparently there is another eye witness to the incident that ended with the tragic shooting of Trayvon Martin.  Hopefully Cathy Merwin, who seems to know exactly what happened and how the case should be handled, has provided her information to the Florida state, Justice Department, FBI, and Special Prosecutor investigators. Perhaps she … Read more

Poisoning the Minds of Future Generations with CRT

It seems that liberals have again come up with another cure for the ills of society.  They see critical race theory (CRT) as the elixir needed to treat Americans suffering from an acute ailment, one they didn’t even know they had – incurable systemic racism. By the turn of the 21st century, most people believed … Read more

When you keep pulling bricks out of the Wall that is Society…

Interesting article to puruse: Obama’s Social Experiments Are Wreaking Havoc on America Today Can you see where this is going?  When you upset and then throw away long term Society’s norms built up over hundreds of years for the sake of “PROGRESS!”, why should anyone be surprised? Sure, some wrongs have been righted but then … Read more


I keep hearing folks talk about how the Zimmerman case is not, nor never was about stand your ground.  The case wasn’t but that had nothing to do with why there even was a case, or a trial, or why we all know who these two people are, or why Democrats rose up to mewl … Read more