Lakewood Shooter Was An El Salvadoran Non-Citizen ... Who Voted in the 2020 US Election - Granite Grok

Lakewood Shooter Was An El Salvadoran Non-Citizen … Who Voted in the 2020 US Election

Genesse Ivonne Moreno was an El Salvadoan “immigrant” with a history of criminal conduct known to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). A woman (pretending to be a man named Jeffrey Moreno) who tried to shoot up a church in Austin, Texas, has since been described by authorities as … white.

Genesse Ivonne Moreno from El Salvador is documented as a White non-Hispanic.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that shooter-bias appropriation? They want “Jeffrey” to be white, but it just ain’t so. Moreno might even be descended from the ancient Mayan culture, whose history, language, and heritage were colonized by the Spanish, whose language and culture her family was forced to adopt. In other words, she’s not a he; she might be Mayan, but she’s definitely not white.

The same thing happened to Geoge Zimmerman, a Hispanic man who shot Trayvon Martin in self-defense. An incident that turned him into a white Hispanic and the fully grown Trayvon into a child. Media magic and its growing a culture of distrust among Americans. It is no longer advisable to trust anything the legacy media reports. You’ll get more reliable news on the stall door of a public bathroom.

And as Ann Coulter noted on Bill Maher’s show recently – regarding another shooter –  we don’t know a lot, but what we do know is that it was not a white male. If it were a white man shooting, we’d know.

The speculation in KC is gang-related (yutes of color, perhaps), so that will disappear faster than you can say Genesse Ivonne Moreno (or Jeffrey) because there is no suitable narrative even after they’ve warped the truth. As for Moreno, that story comes with bonus opportunities to say WTF. Sara Gonzales, who is also not white, shared some interesting news about Moreno.

I think we can safely say she did not vote for Trump and that she is not the only illegal border jumper “known to ICE” who “voted” in the  2020 election—a known illegal with a criminal history who somehow obtained firearms and targeted a Christian Church.

Meanwhile, back in DC, the J6 persecutions continue…
