Zimmerman – Martin: now the travesty goes to overdrive.

by Skip

When I watched the verdict being declared in the OJ Simpson trial (where a black man was accused of killing a white woman and her friend, and where “if the glove don’t fit, you must acquit” entered the lexicon), I was aghast at how long the trial had gone and how quickly the jury returned its verdict (makeup: 9 Blacks, 1 Hispanics, 2 Whites / 10 Women, 2 Men) of Not Guilty.  I had disagreed with the jury but thought: Justice as been done.  He was innocent before the trial and now he is innocent after the trial.  That is our system.  I had no thought to say: hey, this is not right – we need a trial do-ver simply because I disagreed with it.

Not so much in this trial.  I note that the Left is now using the same incrementalist and unrelenting legislative insistence that if they don’t get the result they wanted, they switch to a mode by which redouble their efforts by any means possible and by “enlisting the mob” and using that intimidation factor of a pure democracy (“mobocracy”)  to override The Rule of Law  (see also Grokster Mike’s post; more on the DOJ ‘double jeopardy’ civil rights announcement here and here even as the DOJ’s Community Relations Division was stirring up trouble ahead of the trial, a la Community Organizers, vs acting oil on water (no match jokes please, even if it may be appropriate)).  They are also not willing to let the system work as it should – they will bring all kinds of “non-partisan” groups to bear and “celebrity rabble-rousers” “community leaders” (like the ever present race-baiters Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) even if they live thousands of miles away from where an incident took place. Already, the story is starting to come out in how the Martin family decided to make this a political / race baiting process instead of simply letting the judicial process go forward (e.g.,  go read the great citizen journalism of “following the network” done by Conservative Treehouse to get a fuller idea of the machinations of the Left behind the scene).

It will be interesting to see Eric Holder’s role in this Act Two, given that the DOJ and CRD applied political pressure to actually arrest Zimmerman and go to trial, yet the FBI (who also reports to him) found no credible evidence of Zimmerman being racially motivated with respect to Martin – so how can there be a civil rights infraction (unless, of course, the fix is now in)?  But when multiple races are involved, I guess (one part Hispanic / black vs a black), by definition there must be a race tinging (especially after the media made up a NEW racial slot: white Hispanic.

After all, that’s the outcome they wanted: a race decision.  Upset that it came down to being a self-defense / fight / legal definition decision?  You bet – and that’s why the do-over is being demanded, or so it seems to this humble blogger (who neither is nor plays a lawyer in real life or anywhere else).  I do see a “double jeopardy” here – wrongful death, perhaps, a charge in a civil court affair and a federal race / civil rights affair.

All after having been judged to be innocent in the judicial system after having been declared guilty and quartered by the MSM.  I am afraid that this, quite some time ago, became a political matter rather than a legal one.  And that is where the Left prefers it to be.

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