Democrats – It’s Not About The Kids Or Gun Violence – It’s Just Politics and Power

When Mayor Bloomberg set his anti-gun sights on Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR) over his opposition to new gun ownership restrictions, Democrats changed their tune.  Democrat Senators Charles Schumer and Harry Reid, even former President Bill Clinton, who according to TIME reporter Mark Halprin,  “…asked Bloomberg to temper his enthusiasm for attacking politicians who oppose stricter … Read more

When Confronted With A Lie, You Need To Stand Your Ground

Judith Cherbonneau of Claremont has posted a petition on asking New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan to take another look at the stand your ground law in New Hampshire. Calling for “Stand Your Ground” laws to be reviewed is a bipartisan effort. President Obama spoke out on the need for review, and prominent Republicans like … Read more

NH Democrat Hypocrites in High Dudgeon over “Slap Hillary Game.”

The Left in NH, and in general, has snapped over a web-game on a super PAC website that allows you to slap Hillary.  I’d agree, that is not productive.  But naturally the identity-politics-sky-is-falling-Democrats have to run around claiming the entire NHGOP must be to blame. Someone claiming to be a Republican might be to blame.  … Read more

GrokTALK! for 7/20/2013 – and everything must come to an end…Segment 4

Susan, Mike and Father Christian Tudor, and Jeff Chidester continue on with Skip’s questioning (a patient lot, them!): Donuts! With all the recent “Obamacare “setbacks”, why is he still succeeding with Obamacare?  How? Self-reliance vs dependency? What is the Democratic Plantation? Does the MSM “report” on society, or prides itself on “shaping” or “making it … Read more

Would a less cynical person think this?

OK, the Attorney General of the United States Eric Holder just spoke to the NAACP convention.  Just before this, we saw: The Sanford, FL police Chief decides not to charge George Zimmerman for lack of evidence His Department of Justice sent down folks to “persuade” the the City Fathers to oust the Chief With further … Read more

The Zimmerman Trial Was Always About Stand Your Ground

I started writing this as a comment to Skip’s post (here) but then realized it was too long. Stand Your Ground was never brought up at the Zimmerman trial but I think that was intentional.   It was never about Zimmerman.  It was always about Stand Your Ground and the left’s anti-gun agenda.  He’s just a … Read more

Hey, Eric Holder? Now here is a REAL discrimination suit your DOJ should file!

With the verdict of the George Zimmerman / Trayvon Martin trial igniting a sense of rage (fanned by the usual race-baiting suspects who scream “RAACISTS!” even at a simple cross eyed face), Eric Holder (the most politicized US Attorney General EVAH!) has waded in and announced “Thank you, State of Florida – we’ll take it … Read more

Two quick thoughts – Donna Brazile is wrong, and then is wrong again.

Brazile was the former campaign manager for my former (when I lived in MA growing up) Democrat Governer Michael Dukakis when he ran for President and got sliced and diced electorally.  She’s now considered to be a Voice, Strategist, and Consultant in the Democrat Party as well as a talking head and syndicated columnist.  She … Read more


  The death of 6′ 1″  5′ 11″ Trayvon Martin was a tragedy as is the loss of any life but he chose to pin George Zimmerman to the ground and then attempt to turn his head into meatloaf. If Mr. Zimmerman had not then had to shoot Mr. Martin in an effort to save … Read more

If Barack Obama Had a Son… (ee-eye, ee-eye, ohhh)

If Barack Obama had a son…he’d pin a Hispanic man to the ground and punch the crap out of him.  Right?  He’d be just like Trayvon Martin. That’s got to be good for “race relations.” And the politicians wanted to hang George Zimmerman out as race-bait despite the evidence complete with Black Panther hit squads.  … Read more

Testimony From A Key Prosecution Witness In ZimmermanTrial

I think it may be time to scroll back through Internet history and scrounge up all the local and national  posthumous Trayvon Martin worship from the anti self defense, anti-stand your ground crowd (mostly low information zombies and Democrats –is that redundant?) because a key prosecution witness just testified that they guy in the hoodie … Read more

Making Racists As Needed

MSDNC talking head Toure (Toure’ Too-Rah!) is  a race pimp, or at the very least a race-baiter.    If there was any room for debate about that, he has recently removed all doubt. Waxing leftist-philosophic on the Aurora Massacre… I would hope that it would be something like a Trayvon Martin situation that would make … Read more

DJ Bettencourt – a sad story

I thought it a bit strange, when I first heard it,  that DJ was resigning from the House and from being the Majority Leader – after all, the session was just about over.  Really, it was “dude, why bother, ya gotta run for re-election anyways”.  Family?  I knew that he was going to marrying Shannon … Read more

“Negros With Guns”

Ann Coulter, despite her recent foolishness in attacking Newt Gingrich, is nearly always, ahem, “on target.” As with her recent column, “Negros with Guns,” which starts out like this: Liberals have leapt on the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida to push for the repeal of “stand your ground” laws and to demand tighter … Read more