Terry Bean-and-Lawson 2014

Major Democrat Donor Terry Bean Arrested For Sodomy of a Minor (Again!)

Longtime readers will recognize the name Terry Bean. He is a very wealthy donor to Democrat politicians (like Obama) and Democrat causes who, in 2014, was accused of sexually abusing underage boys. That wasn’t even his first incident facing such charges. But he basically purchased his innocence which is permissible in Orgeron. He has been arrested again. Same … Read more

Terry Bean is Back in the News – In Oregon

Prominent Gay Rights activist, one-percenter, and Democrat party money man Terry Bean has been pinging my Google alert all week. Seems he has bought off the minor he is accused of raping to the tune of “the lad doesn’t want to press charges anymore.” Bean is now asking a judge to drop the criminal case because … Read more

It’s Not Just NH Media – NYT Got Nothing To Say About Buckley’s Accused Pederast Pal Terry Bean

I guess the NH Media outlets are still waiting on the paper of Record…? (Michelle Malkin.com  12/3/14)  While The New York Times has spilled gallons of ink on the campus rape epidemic, the GOP’s Mark Foley underage page scandal and the Catholic Church’s pedophilia problem, it has remained silent the past six months on the … Read more

Speaking of Terry Bean – actually, the media (including NH) still isn’t reporting the story at all

Again, kudos to Steve for breaking the Terry Bean story here (and here) in NH (DNC Committeeman-bigwhig / Obama donor / NHDP Chair Ray Buckley) being rrested on charges of sodomy on a minor-aged boy and the NH Democrat Party stonewall silence – so as NOT to disavow Raybo’s friend?  Or avoiding the mud of this homosexual rape (I leave … Read more

Obama Counter-Terrorism Chief Arrested for Soliciting Sex With a Minor

Forty-four-year-old State Dept. counter-terrorism program chief Daniel Rosen was arrested for soliciting sex from a minor online. Police in Fairfax County, Virginia said 44-year-old Daniel Rosen was arrested in his Washington D.C. home after a series of online exchanges with a female detective from their department’s child exploitation unit. The detective was posing as a … Read more

Irrelevant – Larry Lessig & NH Rebellion. Hillary Clinton says so

REMEMBER WHEN MONEY IN POLITICS WAS BAD? ME NEITHER: The Hill: Hillary Clinton plans to astound, intimidate with fundraising ‘like nothing you’ve seen.’ Major donors are ready to announce huge financial commitments to Hillary Clinton as soon as she announces a second run for the White House, according to Clinton allies and Democratic fundraisers. The Clinton … Read more