Again, kudos to Steve for breaking the Terry Bean story here (and here) in NH (DNC Committeeman-bigwhig / Obama donor / NHDP Chair Ray Buckley) being rrested on charges of sodomy on a minor-aged boy and the NH Democrat Party stonewall silence – so as NOT to disavow Raybo’s friend? Or avoiding the mud of this homosexual rape (I leave you all to connect the dots yourselves). I’ve been watching the NH media (First in the Nation Primary and all – you’d think news of a Democrat National Committee member would make it into their conscienceness, eh? Nary a peep.
And not at the national level with the lone exception of CNN; from the Media Research Center:
CNN Covers Sex Abuse Case Against Obama ‘Friend,’ As Big Three Censor Story
CNN stood out on Sunday and Monday for actually covering the sex abuse charges against Terry Bean, a “major fundraiser for President Obama,” as correspondent Erin McPike labeled him. The cable network devoted three full segments and two news briefs to the criminal charges against Bean, who is also the co-founder of the left-wing homosexual activist group Human Rights Campaign. As of Monday morning, the Big Three networks have yet to cover the story on their morning and evening newscasts.
Republicans bad (even if for allegedly spitting on the sidewalk); Democrats good (even when allegedly committing under-aged rape).
New Day Sunday host Victor Blackwell gave the first CNN news brief on Bean’s arrest:
VICTOR BLACKWELL: A gay rights activist and vocal supporter of President Obama has been indicted on sex crimes. Sixty-six-year-old Terry Bean was arrested last week on charges of sexual abuse related to a 15-year-old boy in Oregon. Bean’s attorney denies the charges – saying, in a statement, that Bean is the victim of an extortion ring.
Our “objective” media – telling us the news we need not only by the seconds / column inches they spend on it but by the seconds / column issues they don’t.