As Steve pointed out, Terry Bean is a member of the Democrat National Committee, a big money bundler for Obama, an abortion advocate, a founder of the gay advocacy group Human Rights Campaign, and a friend of Ray Buckley (DNC Vice-Chair, gay advocate, and Chair of the NH Democrat Party) was arrested on accusations that he raped an under-aged boy (e.g., “jail bait”).
Now, if this was a member of the RNC (Republican National Committee), you could not lose a bet that ALL of the major networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC) would have something up about in in under 30 seconds flat. I did a Google search earlier this morning- not a single of the Big Three had anything up on this news story. Nada. Nein, zippo, nothing. What’s the over / under that not ONE network will even spend 15 seconds on this story?
Democrats with bylines – cannot spoil the narrative, now, can we? Glenn Reynolds has it right over at Instapundit with this (emphasis mine):
Making sure you know what they want you to know is job #2 for them; making sure you don’t know what they don’t want you to know is job #1.