Irrelevant – Larry Lessig & NH Rebellion. Hillary Clinton says so

by Skip

REMEMBER WHEN MONEY IN POLITICS WAS BAD? ME NEITHER: The Hill: Hillary Clinton plans to astound, intimidate with fundraising ‘like nothing you’ve seen.’

Major donors are ready to announce huge financial commitments to Hillary Clinton as soon as she announces a second run for the White House, according to Clinton allies and Democratic fundraisers.

The Clinton team wants to build excitement about her campaign launch, which is expected in March or April. The money blitz would be a show of Clinton’s strength meant to scare away potential primary rivals.

The floodgates are going to open immediately, and there’s going to be a rush to get on the team,” said Don Peebles, the real estate mogul who served on President Obama’s national finance committee. “There’s nobody in the Democratic Party who can match her. Not even close.”

It’s going to be like nothing you’ve seen,” added one top Democratic donor, who supported both of Obama’s presidential campaigns and plans to throw big support behind Clinton. “The numbers will be astounding.”

Clinton is also busy considering who to have run the finances of her would-be campaign.

It will be a tall order to out-Obama the money he’s raised but it looks like she’s aiming high.  An aside to Steve – at least Glen is with you:

Well, I guess Terry Bean is out of the question.

(H/T: Instapundit)

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