Belknap County Delegation – Chair Harry Bean Leads Republicans to Vote to Raise your County Taxes by 35.4%

by Skip

Yep, that’s right.  Instead of doing the right things by the right process (e.g., not properly noticing the Budget meetings, not making the proper motions, seconds, and votes on changing line item amounts, trying to circumvent NH’s Right To Know Law) that tainted / despoiled their work (look what happens when you try to cut corners, kiddies) so as to make it unusable, a motion was made to table the Delegation’s budget and just accept the Belknap County Commissioners’ budget.

See above that last line in the image above – the work of Commissioners Peter Spanos, Glen Waring, and Stephen Hodges (all Republicans if I remember correctly) that will take 35% more out of your wallet for County taxes.  In this time of financial instability, this is putting Government over taxpayer wellbeing.

Nice to see that Republicans are now starting to be with the Progressives in stating that your money is really theirs’

Belknap County Delegation: Motion made and seconded to table the Delegation’s budget to accept 35.4% percent rise in taxation of the Belknap County Commissioners to accept the 35.4% percent rise in taxation of the Belknap County Commissioners.

Sidenote: Too easy to give up? Or WAY too easy to make a political point against those pointing out errors in trying to make them the fall guys? I’ll go with both.  Led by Chair Harry Bean and Travis O’Hara (Republicans).

Voting to raise your taxes because they can’t get the job done:

  • Chair Harry Bean (R-Gilford)
  • Richard Beaudoin (R-Gilford)
  • Steven Bogert (R-Laconia)
  • Mike Bordes (R-Laconia)
  • Matt Coker (D-Meredith)
  • Russ Dumais (R-Gilford)
  • David Huot (D-Laconia)

Voting and showing that they care more about your wallets than the wants of Government:

  • Barbara Comtois (R-Barnstead)
  • Nikki McCarter (R-Sanbornton/Tilton)
  • David Nagel (R-Gilford)
  • Travis O’Hara (R-Belmont)
  • Tom Plojszaj (R-Center Harbor)
  • Lisa Smart (R-Meredith)
  • Charlie St. Clair (D-Laconia)
  • Paul Terry (R-Alton)
  • Doug Trottier (R-Belmont) (9)

Motion failed 7-9.  I’m amazed at the pique shown by the Republicans that voted for that and punted their responsibilities.

And where did that pique come from?  At the sake of repeating myself, this:

A good leader listens and uses persuasion to bring people on board

A bad leader merely berates and scapegoats in coercing them to change.

Guess which one is the operative on in this clip from Monday’s Delegation money with Chair Harry Bean front and center (“Belknap County Delegation Chair Harry Bean calls for working together then stomps on his tongue”):

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