As COVID19 Burns Out "Experts" Discover Virulent AIDS Variant Targeting Heterosexuals - Granite Grok

As COVID19 Burns Out “Experts” Discover Virulent AIDS Variant Targeting Heterosexuals

HIV is the New COVID and there's an Mrna vax in production

Is the fearmongering on COVID19 gearing down because the experts have a new trick up their sleeve? What could be more terrifying than letting the government weaponize flu? How about an HIV “variant” that “experts” claim is more virulent AND more likely found in heterosexuals?

It’s the talk of the tyranny town as articles pop up on the topic and world leaders (Including Sleepy Joe) read from the approved palm cards.

Last week, President Joe Biden commemorated World AIDS Day by announcing his administration’s commitment to ending the HIV/AIDS (human immunodeficiency virus) epidemic.


Joe has lined up billions and billions (say it like Carl Sagan) ‘cuz it’s time to end AIDS. Just in time for the discovery of a variant in the Netherlands that is highly virulent and highly transmissible.


“We found that on average, individuals with this variant would be expected to progress from diagnosis to ‘advanced HIV’ in nine months, if they do not start treatment and if diagnosed in their thirties,” first author Chris Wymant, a senior researcher in statistical genetics and pathogen dynamics at the University of Oxford, told Live Science in an email. The disease’s progression would be even faster in an older person, he said.


But wait, maybe it’s not as bad as you think.


Thankfully, in their study, the team found that antiretroviral drugs, the standard treatment for HIV, work just as well against the VB variant as they do against other versions of the virus. “For an individual on successful treatment, the deterioration of the immune system towards AIDS is stopped, and transmission of their virus to other individuals is stopped,” Wymant said.


I predict they will apply the COVID19 response model to this – something demonstrably more emotionally and physically threatening. AIDS!

You will (probably) need constant testing and, therefore, billions of tests. That information will need to be logged and tracked (passports), and deniers can be pilloried because we’re talking about AIDS!

It gets more dangerous the older you get. There is a treatment, so you’ll need that, quickly and often.

To ensure this, they will need universal access to “health care” (socialized medicine).

Fear, Testing, surveillance, Tracking, Socialism, and yes – An mRNA vaccine.


In a truly startling coincidence, Moderna’s HIV vaccine began clinical trials the exact same day the “new variant” of HIV hit the headlines, and the same week as the NHS’s annual “HIV Testing Week”. Funny old world, isn’t it?


Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Sorry, I meant the vaccine or the disease it supposedly prevents?

And don’t you worry about the crappy economy, inflation, high energy prices, empty store shelves, open borders, warmongering with Russia in Ukraine, ascendant Iran, or expansionist Chinese Influence peddling. Get tested, allow yourself to be tracked, and get that new ‘Vaccine.’

Does anyone doubt that if I’m right, you will need to it keep a job, access services, have any sort of life? That seems likely.

And they can always spin up another strain and insist on boosters, and I expect there will be unpleasant side effects, but hey, worse than a fast-acting heterosexual-targeting AIDS? How horrible a person must you be to wish that on someone?

I hope I’m wrong, but I fear I am not. But just in case, what do we call them? You know the Heterosexual Aids Variant equivalent to COVID Karens.

We might as well work that out now.


HT | Off
