The Left’s Culture of Crime Continues to “Target” Retailers

Over the summer, Target made a show of pulling back its controversial Transgender collection. They claimed it was to protect worker and customer safety. That was a cover story to hide a marketing stumble, but Target still has safety concerns, forcing it to close nine stores.

Related: LGBT = Let’s Go Blowup Target: Stores Get Bomb Threats for Pulling Queer Gear

The crime culture in big cities catalyzed by Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and Progressive District Attorneys – in other words, Democrats – has made doing business impossible.


Target is closing three stores each in San Francisco and in Portland, Ore., two stores in Seattle, and one New York City store in Harlem, according to a statement on the company’s website.

The company said it “cannot continue operating these stores because theft and organized retail crime are threatening the safety of our team and guests, and contributing to unsustainable business performance.” Target can only be successful “if the working and shopping environment is safe for all,” the company said. …

Target “continues to face an unacceptable amount of retail theft and organized retail crime,” Cornell said, according to the Star Tribune.

Walgreens has closed stores, as have Amazon and Wal-Mart, for the same reasons. Add this to a long list of retail downsizing and the closing of local markets and stores, and urban communities are finding it challenging to shop for anything. Chicago has proposed city-owned grocery stores to replace the ones run out of business or out of town by Democrat politics.

For all their talk about equity and access, the Democrat party has consistently embraced politics and policy that harms minorities. I have to wonder if they’ve noticed who is to blame. And it’s not just white Democrats. Black Democrats leaped to the front of the Black Lives Matter crime and riot wave during the Summer of Love (2020). They couldn’t wait to defund local police, which polling showed was not what the urban community wanted.

They did it anyway.

With a vocal lack of support for law enforcement and systemic progressive support for organized retail crime through refusals to prosecute it, Black Lives have suffered exponentially. Add to that the influx of illegal immigrants vying for the declining number of jobs due to retail departures, and nothing good has come from any of it.

The Democrat’s urban plantation has seen a precipitous decline in jobs, opportunity, and access to essential goods and services. On the flip side, property and violent crime have risen. All while inflation sucks the life ot of the few dollars they have left.

It explains all the chatter about reparations.

They’ve so badly compromised their supposed base that the only way they can imagine to keep them is to bribe them. It is money they should take, if they ever get it, with them (now that they can afford to move out of the city) to someplace safer before it gets stolen from them.


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