The Most “Targeted” Population is Neither Muslim Nor LGBT …

Starting off the [Laconia Daily] Sun’s week I read that both columnist Jeff Robbins and writer Bruce Jenket have written about the growing threats against Jewish students and Jewish people in general here in the US. I may have written something on the subject myself in not so distant past.

Fact is, Jews are world history’s most picked upon people. All the way back to Before Christ in the Bible right up until today.

So how come our politically correct Left have to pile on? Oh sure they are all for tolerance, equal justice, and all that for – – well, actually not all, but how come they constantly tee off on the Jews? A large percentage of Jews are fellow Progressives but when Hamas terrorists start bombing Israel, it’s the Jews’ fault for fighting back. Say a negative word about an Islamic terrorist organization and the PC police go nuts.

Look, most liberals have never seen a Koran, let alone read one, but they “know all they need to know”, just ask one. Do they know that Islamic ideology is 100% misogynist, or that it is not at all compatible with Western Democracy philosophy because it has zero secular law, courts or governments allowed?

Yes, there are some Islamic countries that have them but they are forbidden under the Islamic ideology. It is the only religion on earth that promotes and encourages its adherents to kill non-believers. Most Muslims don’t but Islamic ideology spawns the many terrorist groups that kill and maim thousands every year after year.

So again, why does the Left excuse this? Hatred of the Jews is not holding any moral or ethical “high ground”. But here we are again, the world is ramping up hate for Jews; acts of discrimination and assaults against them are on the rise. Very glad to see that the Daily Sun has at least offered up some exposure on this vile tendency. It’s just isn’t right, assaults are crimes upon anyone. Terrorism by anyone on anyone else is an abomination and must be condemned and I so do.

Come back to the civilized world and condemn it with me.

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