Slippery Slope of Transgenderism Hot Air FI

Transgender Club is an Art Class, Childism, Free Sex Change Kits to Kids, School Erases Mother’s Day – Stack of Stuff #45

It never seems to stop and because it never stops, it gets worse and worse. I’ll remind you, this whole “Fundamental Transformation” (yes, an Obama reference) that is turning the relationship of Parents and Children upside down over the broadening of the meaning of sexualizing children and destroying families.  “Childism” is the cause and I … Read more

Kid cant be an indian but an adult man can be a woman Powerline

Transgender “Transitions” Solve Nothing, YouTube Still Censoring, And a Teacher Stands up for Biology – Stack of Stuff #44

Fast and furious, it continues. More stories/snippets of what’s ailing our education system and the children placed within it.  First up, a realization that the social contagion that is affecting our young ones with the activists message of “a live trans boy or a dead daughter” isn’t holding as much water as they would have … Read more

Hilliard City School Im here LGBT badges Tennesee Star

Teachers: I’m Here to Coach You on Your LGBT Sexuality and We Won’t Tell Mom or Dad and More! – Stack of Stuff #37

Once again, a round up of what teachers and school administrators are doing to your children and ACTIVELY going “shhhh – it’s our secret!”. As always, some reformatting and emphasis mine Parents Sue Hilliard School District over Indoctrination and LGBTQ ‘I’m Here’ Badges The removal of staff-worn LGBTQ badges is being demanded by a number of parents … Read more

dear trans community

Loudon County School Superintendent Finally Fired over School Sex Assaults, and More! – Stack of Stuff #32

Virginia’s Loudon County has been ground zero for Parents going on the warpath over what “their” school systems have been teaching their kids. Silly parents, believing that Government is supposed to be working for THEM, found out that Government workers have been working for THEMSELVES instead. Public servants decided to become our Public Masters. Critical … Read more

dear trans community

School Boots LGBT Group Over Lewd Card Game! – Stack of Stuff #29

Yet another list of schools acting badly, sexual identity political groups acting worse, porn in the public school systems, and the question of the day: WHY do we taxpayers keep putting up with this degeneracy?  And yes, we should start making degeneracy and debauchery common words again. As always, reformmating and emphasis mine). Read through, … Read more