Dems+Kids+Pornography, Govt Schools Can’t Teach Math, NH School Choice, and More! – Stack of Stuff #39

by Skip

It’s been over a month since my last edition and a lot of stuff has been stacking up – and fast!  So, let’s get started! Pornography is in our Public / Government Schools – that is incontrovertibly true.  I sent out a number of Right To Knows here in NH (gotta restart that investigation!), and it is happening all over the country.

Hardly anyone in the public knew that School Boards were condoning this by their staff, but here we are.  The most often heard reason can be summarized by “these are needed by ‘marginalized communities.  Funny, gays, trans, Blacks, Browns, and other minorities need to have access to pornography without their parents knowing it, in order to learn?  In order to learn their ABCs, simple math, reading, and history, they have to learn all about different sexual techniques and be titillated by books paid for by taxpayers (or, as I have found out, “granted” to school libraries by “sexual special interest groups”).

WHY the rush to sexualize youngsters by those in Government? NH State Rep Glenn Cordelli has a bill, HB371, to stop this action. Everything is reformatted and emphasis is mine.

Freedom of speech collided with individual outrage during a hearing on legislation to compel school boards to create a process for any parent to charge that school materials are obscene. The legislation also would insert the state Department of Education into the enforcement of what constitutes obscenity.  “I realize that our state obscenity laws exclude education from those laws,” said Rep. Glenn Cordelli, R-Tuftonboro, the bill’s (HB 371) prime sponsor, at a House Education Committee hearing last week.

I note that one of the critics, NH State Rep David Paige (D-Conway) took exception to this but, right away, refuted WHY he’s off base:

Rep. David Paige, D-Conway, said attempts to limit materials available to students at school miss the reality that young people often can get access to pornography through their phones and social media apps outside of the classroom…“They aren’t doing it by going to their library stacks; they aren’t getting it from a language arts course.”

And the other complaint (“that it could more easily subject educators to criminal prosecution.”) is rather weak – if you get RID of obscene materials in schools (including “graphic illustrated books” showing actual sex acts by minors), then there can be no allegation of providing pornography to children, right?

So even as Government Schools are adamant about providing porn to kiddies, how well are they accomplishing what we DO pay them to do?  In many cases, not well at well. At least in NH, we just want to make sure Parents can object.  It WOULD be, in Florida, a jailability offense.

Recent test scores found that there were 23 schools in the city where not even one child was doing math at grade level. These included Elementary Schools, Middle Schools and High Schools. Those were the extreme low end but the numbers also showed that city-wide just 7% of 3-8th graders were doing math at grade level…In this case, there were 53 schools where not one child could do math at grade level

This column focuses on schools where zero percent of kids are able to read or do math. But we could have just as easily looked at the 622 schools where only 1 out of 10 kids or less can read at grade level. That’s a whopping 18 percent of the state’s 3,547 schools that tested students in 2022.

And only 1 out of 10 kids or less can do math at grade level in 930 schools…that’s more than a quarter of all schools in the state.

And thats just one State. Detroit is also well known for churning out illiterates. But you can bet that they know “preferred pronouns” like the back of their hands! And oh, the post names names as one school is spending $52K / student/year, and not ONE student is proficient in math. But, you know, White Supremacy!:

Department of Education Fights the White Supremacy of Math

Major University Professor Fights Math’s ‘Harbor for Whiteness’

Math Professor Says Math Education Is Racist — and Sexist and Homophobic

School District Hosts Year-Long Anti-Whiteness Training to Fight ‘Curricular Violence’ in Math

Yet, we keep hearing that teachers are underpaid…try doing that in the private sector…glad to see that the topic of School Choice is increasingly making the rounds. If Government schools are failing WHY shouldn’t Parents have alternatives?

Deerfield residents packed the basement community room of the town office building with one topic on their minds – the future of Deerfield’s high school age students. The event, a panel discussion on school choice, was put on by a citizens’ group that wants to expand high school options for the town. Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut was a speaker along with Republican State Rep. Glenn Cordelli and N.H. State Board of Education member Richard Sala.

The discussion is the latest installment of a decades-long conversation over which high school is the best fit for the town of Deerfield. The town educates its children in grades pre-K-8, but does not have its own high school. For the past 19 years, Deerfield has maintained a tuition contract to send its students to Concord High School. Now, faced with the choice of whether to renew the contract with Concord for another 20 years, some parents are saying they want more choices.

And, once again, proving that Democrats want TOTAL control over everything in Education, they CRY over a bill that would make using “preferred pronouns” voluntary??

A Kentucky bill recently passed the state Senate that prohibits school districts from requiring teachers to use the preferred pronouns of their students and requires school officials to notify parents if they are providing certain services to students, covering topics such as “human sexuality” or “family planning.” Kentucky Democrats Senate Bill 150 “discrimination,” “horrible,” and “destructive,” with one state senator reportedly having “sobbed,” according to

…Regarding teachers being compelled to use a student’s preferred pronouns, the bill states that it shall “prohibit a school district from requiring school personnel or pupils to use pronouns for students that do not conform to that student’s biological sex.”

And, of course, the usual emotional blackmail ensued when the bill was passed:

  • A woman yelled, “You just killed kids!” after the vote.
  • “Your vote yes on this bill means one of two things: Either you believe that trans children do not exist, or you believe that trans children do not deserve to exist,” Berg said.

Those words are DISGUSTING, and we all need to start pushing back on those that believe that only gonads should be the most important distinguishing feature.  No, upholding the Constitutional Right of Free Speech is not going to kill kids.  And trying to guilt folks doing so by the use of their political use of erasing / existing is both untrue and madness. But this is what happens – the Tyranny of the Minority in which ACTUAL Rights are to be withdrawn when any of those gender dysphoria sufferers are present or during their absence.

But this whole movement is set up to remove Choice and Freedom.  And when you do that, what’s the only status left? Yes, that’s right – enslavement to a sexual ideology/belief.  Is this how we, supposedly a Free People, to be?

And we’re back to pornography again:

The school superintendent in Abington, Massachusetts, has put back into kids’ school libraries a book that promotes sexual kinks and orgies. The book is titled “This Book is Gay” and, as noted by Fox News, it discusses “orgies, kinks, fetishes, sex apps,” among various sexually explicit topics. Fox News asked Superintendent Peter Shafer if he was “aware that the book discusses the following, among other things: orgies, kinks, fetishes, sex apps, bath house, [a] casual hookup, [and] detailed information on how to have anal sex, as well as other sexual activities.”

“After reading the entire book and understanding it in full context, I decided to put it back in the library,” Shafer said in response.

…Grindr, an LGBTQ dating app, is featured in the book…The book describes author Juno Dawson’s use of Grindr, saying, “The benefits are obvious: quick, easy, and uncomplicated sex.

The only conclusion that I can come to is that the Superintendent is fine with First Graders read this book…

Let’s switch to DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, and “Equity”) for a moment. The results of implementing this at Texas A&M is JUST what these DIE missionaries WANT:

Universities adopt Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) plans with a host of promises. Advocates pledge, for instance, that, through reforms, the university will come to approximate the racial composition of the local community or state. Yet “equity” has proven to be an elusive goal, selectively pursued. It is sought only when it advantages supposedly underrepresented minorities. There are no “Men in Elementary Education” programs and few dedicated to “Men in Nursing.” The inconsistency between the stated goals of equity and its implementation reveals that equity is about disrupting and dismantling more than achieving any kind of parity.

And what is the result that the missionaries don’t want to admit to:

tamu-DIE climate-results

When both Whites and Blacks, by a large margin, decided that a University doesn’t want them (especially where DIE is supposed to be “supportive” of a “marginalized Black community”, isn’t that a problem. And given that males have been a Higher Education whipping boy demographic for decades, you think you’d believe they’d see that they’ve created a problem rather than solved a problem?  Or is this actually achieving a result they wanted?

And after that small interlude, we’re back to teachers shoving sexuality into our kids:

A private school in Pennsylvania is employing a “sexuality curriculum” that includes graphic images and video of genitals and sexual acts.  Teacher Al Vernacchio is an English teacher at Friends’ Central School in Wynnewood, PA. He also coordinates programs and assemblies centered on sexuality. The content goes far beyond the biological aspects of sexual education. Vernacchio says children are inherently sexual beings and he thinks sex education classes should be “transformative.”

No mention of any Parental role in this, btw…oh, this being a PROGRESSIVE private school, they are fine with this. I’m not going to quote any more except for the admonition at the end

To anyone reading Vernacchio’s own quotes it should be obvious that his intent isn’t education, but sexualization. While parents at his private school may be in favor of the curriculum, this story should encourage parents seeking alternatives to government schools to always look closely at an institution’s curriculum and agenda before committing.

Flip back to DIE – and WHERE do all the young teachers get indoctrinated that DIE is supposed to be in our schools and in their classrooms?  Well, in teachers’ colleges

As an assistant professor of literacy studies in the College of Education at UT Arlington, Daly teaches the state’s future elementary school educators how to manage their classrooms. In her article, she writes elementary school teachers “need to be talking about race.”

In particular, such conversations should take place “while reading and discussing literature to empower students of color and white students with knowledge and tools for under-standing, analyzing, and disrupting racism.”  Such race talk “must be ongoing in order for students to develop the knowledge and skills needed to interrogate how racism and whiteness are perpetuated through texts, language, and social norms,” Daly’s article added.

However “Classroom race talk is often difficult to sustain, especially for white teachers whose racial identities influence how they resist or comply with dominant social and political discourses that silence conversations about race.”

Let me interject here – if teachers are being taught that the only things that matter are the color of your skin and what is between your legs, well, like Government subsidies, you’re going to get MORE of it. And I agree with this:

Teaching that white people are bad because of whiteness is racism, straight up.

And if you are a straight person, you are being told you are bad as well. Yet, this kind of discrimination, we are told, are because we are too thin-skinned. Tell you what, when all you hear from your figure of authority, your teachers, that you are bad, why are we surprised when every one has mental issues from the constant bombardment?

But sometimes, good news appears and this one comes to the favor of Parents – it’s at least a start even if a bit ambigious and I disagree with the ending:

A Colorado school district has agreed to stop concealing the transgender identity of students from parents unless it deems the child to be facing a “safety threat,” according to documents obtained by The Daily Signal.   The Cañon City school district hosted a Transgender Student Policy Work Group on Nov. 28, at which stakeholders decided schools can only withhold information about a child’s gender identity “where a credible safety threat is of a concern.” The district does not provide guidelines, however, for determining whether a threat is “credible.”

The best approach for notifying parents and guardians about their child’s transgender identity is to “work collaboratively with the student and family to meet the needs of the student,” according to a summary of the work group meeting shared on Wednesday with The Daily Signal.

But the District WILL continue a “transition” with the child even if the Parent says NO:

If the parent refuses to use the gender communication and support plans, the school will continue to “support the student in their social transition within the school.”

Parents need to keep the heat on. After all, WHOSE child is it?  Certainly with this, the District is saying “ours”.  Is this REALLY what School District have done – on their own? However, the District is, like all Districts adopting this, has decided it can contravene the US Constitution (I peeked at their policy):

A student has the right to be addressed by a name and pronouns that correspond to the student’s gender identity

And back to that damned word “Equity” which is NOT “Equality” but a euphemism for the Communist notion (wrongly) that everyone MUST be the exact same. In short, because of racial quotas that DIE and Critical Race Theory DEMANDS, those kids that are smarter than others NEED TO BE PUNISHED. A Harrison Bergeron moment:

Parents are fighting back after a California high school eliminated honors English classes, ostensibly to foster racial equity, the New WindowWall Street Journal reported Friday.

“We really feel equity means offering opportunities to students of diverse backgrounds, not taking away opportunities for advanced education and study,” Culver City parent Joanna Schaenman, who helped spearhead the effort, told the WSJ.

So STOPPING honors classes ISN’T “taking away opportunities for advanced education and study“?? Please, will someone square this circle or me?  Otherwise, this is just self-righteous blather. And can you see the logic “hole” in the following?

Those honors classes, which are no longer available, failed to enroll enough black and Latino students. That, in turn, the district reasons, could be part of the reason black and Latino students are also underrepresented in Advanced Placement classes. AP classes are the very classes that can give students a leg up in the college admissions process.

It isn’t just about intellectual capacity for Honors programs. Sure, I knew kids in high school that were FAR smarter than I taking every AP class possible and breezing through them all with almost no time studying. He just had it. We were surprised that he only got an 780 (out of 800 those days) on the Math SAT. What astonished us all is that he knew WHICH problem he got wrong – and why.  He ended up with a bio-engineering degree from MIT and an MD from Harvard.

Which brings up the other part: motivation, or the lack thereof.  Another kid, David M., was almost as smart as Kenny. Got into an Ivy League school – and then flamed out. Ended up in a series of menial jobs that were WAY below his capability.

I bring him up as an example to that last quoted bit – did they not sign up because they knew Honors were too difficult (perhaps some) or that they didn’t have the motivation to strive and do the work. After all, for most of us, brain power and motivation/stick-to-it-iveness are required to be successful.

So Culver City decided to kill off both reasons in one fell swoop.  In doing so, what are they going to do about the kids that are now BORED because nothing is sufficiently challenging to keep their attention?

And I’ll end with this overbearing, full of herself, “credentialed expert” dissing the parents that pay her salary.  People like her in the Educational-Industrial Complex have forgotten who the REAL customer is – those Parents.


Glenn Reynolds (Law Professor) adds something that escapes this Luminary with an obvious truth:

The truth is, the parents have something no educational credential can match: Skin in the game. They’ll live with the consequences of their parenting decisions for the rest of their lives. The teacher will send this year’s kids off and replace them with next year’s kids, and will have no stake in — or even usually knowledge of — how those kids do later. There’s no comparison, and to pretend there is is moral idiocy at best.

And the more teachers act like this one, the more Parents WILL create more school choice for them and their children.  Thus far, this seems to be a concept that is very foreign to educators like her – competition is coming whether you like it or not.

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