Teacher’s Goal Is To Confuse “Her” Children About Gender and MORE! – Stack of Stuff #40

by Skip

Yep, another helping of teachers/staff/School Districts acting as full-blown ideological missionaries for Gender Dysphoria mental illness and Critical Race Theory (you are only what your skin shows, not how you think). The first story up is a tale about the endgame of both tactics – chaos, and confusion. 

We adults of a certain age think teachers should be teaching to create structure – making sense of small pieces of life and then connecting the dots between them to build up a critical thinking knowledgebase.  But what happens when a teacher actively works to destroy those data bits and the connections to make young children believe that nothing is real, provable, or reliable?

And this teacher is boasting about her kids having no idea of what they are (like the rest, reformatted and emphasis mine):

Valentine Hills Elementary is a Minnesota school in the Mounds View Public Schools district in the northern portion of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. It is there that Kourtney Ryan, presumably a woman, was said to work as a music teacher actively aiming to confuse students about her gender.

“The students asked the other teacher if I’m a boy or a girl, and the teacher was like, ‘Does it matter?’”

Assenting to the teacher’s logic, the child was said to go on, “No, I just, I just can’t figure it out. It’s just so hard. I can’t figure it out.”

Another who reportedly had removed his daughter from the elementary school over their lesson materials expressed, “These are discussions about life, sexuality, and human development that parents should have with their children.”   ”

When an elementary teacher injects herself into that relationship between a parent and a child by making the child confused about gender and sexuality, they are violating the trust and relationship between a parent and a child,” he went on. “When a school allows professional staff to behave this way, there are negative consequences in learning. The classroom is no longer an equal and safe place for everybody.”

Again, this teacher is preying on the knowledge that these kids are in their most formative years, and the ideas that she inserts (or withholds) from them will last forever. She doesn’t care or honor that it is supposed to be the bond between Parent and child is uppermost – another case where a teacher believes SHE is most important in a child’s life and look what she’s doing. Yep, cutting.

And we turn back to NH – no, not teachers but Democrat lawmakers who ALSO believe that the teacher/child bond outweighs that of Parent/child ones. It’s one thing to do it in a classroom, but when Legislators do it, they are actively advocating for total government control for children – Parents are just breeding pairs in their eyes. These Democrats HATE the idea that Parents should be in charge of their child’s education.

State Senator Debra Altschiller (D): “My Democratic colleagues and I will not give up our fight for our public schools, and against sending our students to siloed and unregulated institutions of indoctrination. SB 141-FN may have not passed today, but we will continue to shine a light on this reckless lack of oversight over an out-of-control program.”

The seacoast Democrat’s description of private and home school education as “siloed and unregulated institutions of indoctrination” did not sit well with parents or with advocates for school choice.

Course not – unless something has the Government in charge of it, it is EVIL. Add to the above, former State Senator Jeanne Dietsch (currently on a jeremiad against the Free State Project, which IS an existential threat to Socialism and Big Government:

…made headlines for suggesting New Hampshire parents without college degrees weren’t intellectually competent to make education choices for their children. She also suggested one reason some parents choose home school is because they are child abusers.

…Rep. David Luneau (D-Hopkinton), Deputy Ranking Democrat on the House Education Committee, opposes the EFA program and repeated the suggestion that parents could not be trusted with these funds.

The overall message Parents cannot be trusted – full stop.  Isn’t that how the Aristocracy, before our Revolution, viewed its serfs? And they hammered down again:

  • NH Dems Organize Protest Against Parents’ Bill of Rights

Granite State Democrats are organizing a Tuesday morning protest against GOP-backed legislation “establishing a parents’ bill of rights in education.” In particular, Democrats support allowing school administrators and staff to keep students’ on-campus activities regarding sex and gender secret from their parents.

…In their alert, Democrats decried the bill for “saying parents have ‘the right to know what extracurricular activities, clubs, or organizations their child is participating in.’” They claimed unless the information is kept secret, “trans students who attend clubs may no longer view these places as a safe place to learn freely and equitably.”

On full display – a home with loving Parents is a myth and children are always at risk with them.  Bring on the Government child barracks!

The argument echoes Democratic Party state chairman Ray Buckley’s claim that if parents are informed, “some kids will be beaten to death.”   (Asked to name such an incident ever happening in New Hampshire, Buckley declined to respond.). Supporting school authority over parental control may be a principled stance for New Hampshire Democrats, but based on recent polling, it is not politically savvy.

And Altschiller seems to believe that Laws must be passed to make Parents to love their children:

Sen. Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry), Altschiller said that rather than empowering parents, “Should we not enumerate [in the law] that it is a parent’s responsibility to love them and support them  for who they are?”

Asked to repeat the question, Altschiller said that just as parents are required by law to feed and clothe their kids, “Should we not require parents to support and love and bring up their children to have these close relationships?”

And it doesn’t stop there. Again, the Democrats have no problem in disrespecting Parents. Fenton sounds just like Ray Buckley.

…“the right to direct the education and care of his or her minor child; the right to direct the upbringing and the moral or religious training of his or her minor child,” and “the right to access and review all school records relating to his or her minor child.”

“Legislation like SB 272 can, and will, cause serious, irreparable harm to LGBTQ+ youth and their families, harm that can end up being fatal for our young citizens,” said state Sen. Donovan Fenton (D-Keene).

…Democrats are pulling children away from their own parents and giving an inappropriate amount of unaccountable power to bureaucrats and administrators. Their willingness to put politics between parents and their own children is the reason New Hampshire needs a parents bill of rights.”

And this was brought about by Government’s action in Manchester NH when Government school teachers were commanded not to tell Parents if their child was transitioning – and when the Parent found out, into court. The District’s decision was upheld in court that Parents don’t have full control – and now it’s heading to the NH Supreme court.

But it turned out better in another case:

Court Gives Conservative ‘Mama Bears’ the Last Laugh, Brutally Punishes School Board Trying to Keep Porn Stash Hidden

A school district in Georgia was forced to pay $100,000 in legal fees to a group of mothers who were barred from conducting out loud readings at school board meetings of the porn-infested books the board had approved for kids to see on school library shelves. A federal court ordered the Forsyth, Georgia, County School District to pay the legal fees of the group calling themselves the Mama Bears, who sued the district when officials barred them from reading from the disgusting books during board meetings, according to Atlanta NBC affiliate WXIA.

The group claimed that the school board violated their First Amendment rights in order to hide the disgusting, inappropriate content of the books from the public. And a federal judge agreed, ruling that the board’s efforts to shut the mom’s group down was unconstitutional. The lawsuit against the district was brought by parents Alison Hair and Cindy Martin who attempted to read aloud at a board meeting passages of board-approved books that she feels are pornographic in nature. Hair and other members of Mama Bears group were barred from reading the passages, a policy the women claimed is illegal.

The court also told the district they were prohibited from barring the plaintiffs or any “current or future FCS speakers entitled to speak at an FCS school board meeting, from reading or quoting verbatim from the text of any book or written works available in an FCS library or classroom, while addressing the school board during the public-comment period at school board meetings.”

After all, a school board exists for the Parents and not the school board to lord over parents.  But this is what happens when severely and improperly educated students grow up to be bad elected officials.  And here’s another teacher doing so in an area that rarely makes it into a “Stack of Stuff”:

Don’t get me wrong, there are tons of amazing teachers out there. However, there are those who think they know more than they really do, particularly on subjects like guns and gun rights. We’ve seen this more than once, too. A kid brings home their classwork and there’s some blatantly wrong fact revolving around the Second Amendment. Most such teachers at least try to keep their ignorance out of the public eye, but a former teacher and superintendent recently wrote an op-ed on the subject that put his own ignorance on full display.

Ignorance can be seen as benign. The author forgot about the phrase “deliberate posed”:

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads as follows: “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

When I taught government, my students would ask questions as to the purpose and meaning of amendments, particularly the Second Amendment. My response to this question was, “Our founders were painfully aware, because of their experiences with England, of a federal government’s potentially abusive power, and they were committed to the preservation of the power of the states. Our founders had, as a primary concern that specific protection.

And THAT from his Op-Ed is perfectly correct and well worded.  And then fell off the cliff:

The Second Amendment was meant to be a collective-rights state’s protection, not an individual right to bear arms.”

So much for Teach’s ability to diagram a sentence (the 2nd Amendment). As has been pointed out many times, both in the Constitution and passed laws, words matter, the order in which the words appear, and the absence of words can speak FAR louder than words that are present.  If it was supposed to be only at the State level, the Founders would have written that in – they didn’t. And he can’t do the opposite (like in the ATF case where Trump forced them to call a bump stock a machine gun when the Law stated that one trigger pull-multiple rounds fired constitutes a machinegun – bump stocks just pull that trigger once for one round fired).

And Teach decided to disregard Supreme Court decisions on this – obviously from an ideological bent.

Let’s switch to economics and the phrase “the US can only be defeated from the inside”. After all, moving the country from capitalism (where individuals make the choices) to communism (where bureaucrats make most decisions along with Party members) requires a communistic government.  FULL SPEED ahead according to this teacher:

‘F*** capitalism’: Communist teacher brags about ‘indoctrinating’ students with ‘Marxist literature,’ says ‘revolutions involve violence’

A self-described communist teacher from Maryland bragged on social media about “indoctrinating” her students with “Marxist literature” and called for a fight against capitalism. Rebecca F. Rothstein, a teacher at North Bethesda Middle School in the Montgomery County School District, posted multiple controversial videos to her TikTok account – which has since been deactivated.

Rothstein, who stated that she is “proud as f*** to be liberal,” insisted that educators should not prioritize teaching students math and science but instead provide lessons on anti-racism and “how to be kind.”

Ah, Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory, and SEL (Social Emotional Learning). Academic rigor?  Nope – the “new” product of Government schools and a new definition of “lifelong success” (/sarc).

 “As a teacher, I wish we could do more with our students, like teach anti-racism and how to be kind people. Does anyone else feel like … we can skip the math, skip the science, like we’ll do that next year. Maybe this year we focus on teaching our youth how to be anti-racist,” she said in one TikTok video.

Tired after a long day of indoctrinating students,” she stated. Rothstein told her more than 13,000 TikTok followers that she had to “un-brainwash” herself to “fall in love” with socialism and communism. “If everyone had the same amount of money, then money wouldn’t be worth anything,” she said. Rothstein insisted that “capitalism must go” and said that “revolutions involve violence.”

Above, it was Democrats shouting that Parents can kill their kids – here, a Government school drove a kid to suicide (this time in NY and not Florida like a previous story):

A New York teacher is being sued for allegedly manipulating a fifth-grade girl into changing gender without her parents’ consent.   The nine-year-old child, who was taught by Debra Rosenquist at Terryville Road Elementary School in Long Island, identifies as a girl but was being called a boy’s name and given male pronouns in class.  The damning lawsuit claims that Rosenquist started calling the fifth-grader ‘Leo’ and using he/him pronouns in class in October 2021 – unbeknownst to the girl’s parents.

It was only months later in January 2022 – when the girl was caught drawing a picture of a suicidal girl with the words ‘I wanna kill myself‘ – that her parents were informed that she was being called male pronouns in school. Rosenquist also allegedly read from LGBT books that were not on the school district’s curriculum, and told her students to ‘try being gay’ even if they were not…’To further her agenda, Rosenquist read and provided her students graphic books about gender and sexuality which were not on the curriculum.

Yeah, a missionary.  This story also shows that teachers and staff are not properly certified to do therapy (aka, SEL). Trust that teachers are doing the right things?  Hardly.

And I am glad that THIS guy will not be running for the 2024 Republican nomination for President:

Is there no end to the supply of ostensible Republicans who do nothing but echo the Left’s talking points and fall into line as Leftists set the nation’s political and cultural agenda? Abe Lincoln once observed that “God must love the common man, He made so many of them,” and He must love controlled opposition RINOs even more because the nation is positively inundated with them.

…On NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday, Hogan was asked about DeSantis’ Parental Rights in Education bill, which attempts to counter the gender madness that is now being forced upon children at the earliest ages by forbidding teachers to engage in instruction about sexual orientation and identity in “a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate” for children in kindergarten and older.

As DeSantis himself said, he pushed for this in order both to protect children and to safeguard the rights of parents to raise their children without having them indoctrinated by woke gender-queer groomers: “This is inappropriate,” DeSantis said sensibly, “for kindergarteners and first graders and second graders, parents do not want this going on in their schools.”

But Larry Hogan would have us believe that this practically made Ron DeSantis into Barack Obama. “I’m a small government, common sense conservative,” he claimed risibly on Sunday, “and to me, it sounds like big government and authoritarian, … Yes indeed. But protecting the rights of parents to raise their own children is now “big government”?

One Twitter user observed: “Republicans like Larry Hogan use ‘small government’ as an excuse for inaction. Perverts teaching kindergarteners about sex? Big Tech censorship? Corporations outsourcing jobs from middle-America? Can’t do anything … small government.” Mark Hemingway of RealClearInvestigations quipped: “Yes, not wanting your grade school kids taught gender ideology that everyone agreed was insane 15 minutes ago means you’re in favor of ‘big government.’ Go ahead and campaign on that, Larry.”

And he has dropped out of the race.  Good riddance.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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