If you understand what the real purpose of the politics of transgenderism is, that it is better (perhaps) not to list Rights but Wrongs, and an inventive way to deep-six the pornography books in your second grader’s public school library, you’re in luck!
I have more snippets to glide through over the absolute insanity (with some sane items to level you out) going on in our schools. As always, reformatting and emphasis mine:
Coming up soon is the Transgender/Antifa called “Transgender Day of Vengeance” this Saturday at 11 am, Supreme Court in DC to “fight the hate” and to “seek revenge for what they term “trans genocide.” Problem is, there is no “Trans Genocide” – the term, like “assault weapon,” is a made-up term for political purposes. In this case, to make themselves feel even more like victims and engender “sympathy” from others. Problem is, there is no “genocide” going on: according to the FBI:
- No Transgender Genocide
Americans who claim to be transgender were the victims of 271 hate crimes in 2021, with few of the crimes being serious, undercutting claims that the community is facing “genocide,” according to FBI data released this week.
Of the 177 cases where the offender’s race was known, 81 offenders were black, about 60 were white, 20 were Hispanic, and one was Asian. Still, even that data could be misleading as FBI statistics inflate the number of “white” hate crime perpetrators by counting most Hispanics and Arabs as “white.” To a limited extent, the data can be adjusted to treat Hispanic as a race separate from black and white, which The Daily Wire did in the above numbers, but in many cases the “ethnicity” was not even recorded, forcing them to be treated as white.
While no one should be attacked or their items trashed, sorry, but 271 isn’t a “genocide.” It’s not even rare. Breakdown:
Of the 271 crimes against transgenders, the FBI data reported two slayings and two rapes. Of the remainder, 70 were incidents of “intimidation.” There were 48 aggravated assaults, 87 simple assaults, eight robberies, 14 thefts, and 37 instances of vandalism or damage.
I rail against how the Left redefines our common language to support their political agenda. Sorry, two slayings, while despicable, are not genocide. Nor do we hear much about such killings (nor do I read about them) on a regular basis. It just doesn’t exist.
BTW, now go and look up the FBI hate stats about Jews as a comparison. And talking about surprises, should anyone be surprised about this (except for the hardcore activists)? Please note that WaPo is no right-wing publication:
Most adults who identify as transgender don’t consistently identify as the opposite sex or present themselves as such, according to a Thursday poll from The Washington Post and Kaiser Family Foundation. Only half of transgender adults actually present as the opposite sex all or even most of the time, according to the poll. Fewer than half identify as transgender women or men, as opposed to “nonbinary” or “gender non-conforming.”
Among transgender respondents, 40% identified as “trans, nonbinary” and 22% identified as “trans, gender non-conforming; only 22% identified as transgender women and 12% identified as transgender men, according to the poll. Nonbinary people feel that they do not fit into the category of male or female, and gender non-conforming people feel that they do not fit into conventional gender norms. Few transgender respondents said they presented as the opposite sex all the time; three in 10 did, compared to 20% who presented as the opposite sex “most of the time,” 34% who did “some of the time” and 16% who “never” present as the opposite sex, the poll found.
…Among transgender adults, 78% reported that they had experienced serious mental health problems compared to 32% in the U.S. overall, according to the Post.
Confused? I am – and I’m thinking some of them may be as well. Isn’t that the definition of gender dysphoria? But I AM confused as to why Teachers won’t be honest with parents:
A former elementary school teacher based in New Hampshire revealed the approach she would use when discussing her students with their parents. In a video posted to TikTok in February, Jess Smith, 33, said teachers “have a code when we email parents. When we use phrases like, ‘Your child is very social,’ that means they won’t stop talking,” she said. She also shared another “secret teacher (sic) code” like, “Their excitement in the classroom is contagious,” which really means, “They will not calm down.”
@bored_teachers Have you used our secret Teacher Code when talking with parents?? 🤫 #teachersoftiktok #teacherlife #secret #teacher #parents ♬ original sound – Bored Teachers
Read the rest.
A different way of thinking about schools (Ian, he always makes my head hurt – and that’s a good thing!): a takeoff of a Dillon’s Rule State
It would be much simpler, much more direct, and much more justifiable for the bill to express what schools may not do [instead of a Parents Bill of Rights -Skip] — a Schools’ Bill of Wrongs, so to speak. After all, schools are creatures of the state. There is no need to discover new rights, or claim new powers, for the state to tell schools what they are prohibited from doing.
Instead of Parents being able to ask and get a truthful answer about the name their child uses in school:
…why not just prohibit schools from using any name other than the one under which a child is enrolled? If they want to use a different name, the parent would have to re-enroll the child under the new name.
…Ultimately, the state should have the same relationship to schools as it does to towns: Dillon’s Rule. If a school isn’t given explicit permission to do something, it has no power to do it.
If schools aren’t given explicit permission to collect biometric scans or DNA, or to immunize a child, or give a child counseling or psychological advice, then they can’t do those things.
And if you don’t know what a Dillon’s Rule State is, read this.
Oh, about those porn books:
In the upstate village of Fairport, New York a group of parents have lawyered up and are bringing pressure on the local school board to get age-inappropriate material out of the schools. But the approach they are taking is rather unique and might prove more effective than attempts in other districts around the country.
The school board wars are turning up the temperature on porn-pushing administrators. In Fairport, N.Y., a group of parents has grown tired of asking for the school board to remove explicit books and materials from their schools. After months of asking nicely, speaking to the board, writing letters, and other efforts, the Fairport Educational Alliance has hired a lawyer and filed a claim against the board’s insurance bond.
…This will force the insurance company to investigate the situation. If they find that the school board has violated state and federal laws against child endangerment and child pornography, each member will be personally responsible for refunding the insurance company the entire amount of the surety.
This type of claim has been tried with forced masking in other parts of the country but has been unsuccessful. However, parents in Fairport say the major difference between those complaints and this one is that the school district is breaking federal and state laws which are tied directly to the complaint.
Brilliant! Hope it works! This next one certainly is a #FAIL. Once again, we have Critical Race Theory (CRT) at play here. While National Geographic isn’t a school per se, geography is taught in schools. However, NG has gone Woke and has to figure out how to make everyone winners because we certainly can’t allow others not win (e.g., lose). Competition/meritocracy is under attack again (remember Participation Trophies and no more Valedictorians?):
The time-honored geography contest GeoBee is now history. National Geographic, which has sponsored the event for more than three decades, has decided to “permanently discontinue” the bee, citing issues about equitable participation.
According to the outlet’s New Windowwebsite, the National Geographic Society decided to cancel the contest after 33 years “to make way for new, transformative, and innovative geography education opportunities in which students around the globe can more equitably participate.” It is unclear when the official decision was made.
…Critics of the bee’s cancellation suggest that the move may have been racially or ethnically motivated, as young males of Asian descent seemed to dominate the competition for more than a decade. National Geographic’s new emphasis on helping students “more equitably participate” has only fueled such claims.
So NG is blaming the subset of students that studied hard, put in the time, exercised their minds, and won on merit. Guess what message is now being sent (er, winners are losers?).
Continuing on the sexualization of children, this is what a sex-crazed Boston School did with the “Youth Risk Behavior” survey: