Teachers: I’m Here to Coach You on Your LGBT Sexuality and We Won’t Tell Mom or Dad and More! – Stack of Stuff #37

by Skip

Once again, a round up of what teachers and school administrators are doing to your children and ACTIVELY going “shhhh – it’s our secret!”. As always, some reformatting and emphasis mine

The removal of staff-worn LGBTQ badges is being demanded by a number of parents from central Ohio who are suing Hilliard City Schools in federal court because teachers are engaging in “intimate sexual conversations” with pupils as young as 6 years old.

In the case, Ohio Republican Council of Clubs‘ attorney Joshua Brown said he represents parents who claim activist instructors are conducting private conversations with their children about sexuality and mental health while keeping those conversations hidden from parents.

The schools do not have the right to withhold information from parents for any reason. Especially when it involves mental health. When you are denying parents the knowledge their child is having mental distress, you are literally robbing the parents the opportunity to show their children, unconditional love,” Lisa Chaffee, director of Ohio Parents Rights in Education and one of the eight plaintiffs in the lawsuit said.

Indoctrination anyone?  This is taking kids out of the hands and responsibility of parents.  Seriously, calling themselves out as being LGBT missionaries?  How more blatant can you get?

And not only should the courts be the ones deciding that teachers, staff, and School Boards are in the wrong but Legislators should be as well. After all, they control the money (and the Left set this precedent years ago):

Many Americans despair of reforming the culture of higher education. But a substantial majority of college students attend public institutions, and these schools are subject to state law. If legislators are determined to restore free speech and academic freedom, there’s a lot they can do. In cooperation with the Goldwater Institute, we’ve developed model state legislation based on four reform proposals:

Abolish “diversity, equity and inclusion” bureaucracies. These offices work actively against norms of academic freedom and truth-seeking, advance primarily political aims, and fuel administrative bloat that raises costs and exacerbates student debt. Administrators at public institutions should maintain official neutrality on controversial political questions extraneous to the business of educating students. Leave compliance with federal and state civil-rights laws to the university counsel’s office.

Forbid mandatory diversity training for students, faculty and staff. Even when DEI officials claim their training is “voluntary,” it’s often required for faculty who wish to perform basic extracurricular roles, such as serving on hiring committees. Typical diversity training includes unscientific claims about “microaggressions” and “implicit bias” and rejects the basic American principle that everyone should be treated equally. It indoctrinates an ideology of identity-based grievance, guilt and division.

Curtail the use of “diversity statements” as a means of political coercion. These serve as litmus tests in employment processes to exclude applicants who don’t adhere to critical race theory and other radical beliefs. Although the Supreme Court has long held that requiring loyalty oaths in public education is unconstitutional—as are other forms of compelled speech—universities increasingly require that applicants state their belief in the importance of DEI, cite prior personal efforts to promote DEI and pledge to integrate DEI into their teaching. Applicants for many positions have been eliminated on the basis of diversity statements alone and many universities condition their hiring decisions on the applicant’s ideological conformity.

End racial and other identity-based preferences. The Supreme Court may do this in a few months anyway by holding that racial preferences violate the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and, in the case of public institutions, the 14th Amendment. Regardless of how the justices rule, discriminating based on race, sex, ethnicity or national origin is antithetical to universities’ basic missions. Outlawing admissions and hiring based on these characteristics would curtail universities’ efforts to evade a mandate against them from the high court.

These straightforward reforms would go far in pushing back on some of the negative trends that have afflicted higher education—without intruding on curricula or other aspects of academic life. They would free faculty and students alike to explore intellectual ideas without fearing the thought police.

While this was written concerning “higher education” (college, university level), this DIE movement has transmographied itself down to lower and lower grades in education. And we know who are the “water carriers” are for this. However, for all of the “local control” that is yelled from the rafters here in NH, most school districts receive quite a bit of State monies as well (just look at your tax bills).

Education should be just that – not roping people into the ideological fray. At each and every point, legislatures should be looking at not just the Law already in place (and here in NH, Education Rules) and find out where local Districts are finding/inserting their own loopholes HOPING that ordinary people wouldn’t notice.

Like what I’ve been doing for the last two years in working to remove unconstitutional and CODIFIED policies that, if they were to get into the court system (where school districts fight extremely hard to keep from happening – you know, that “lack of standing” schtick even though its OUR children!), should be and are being shot down around the country.

Parents, too, ought to be complaining to their legislators and putting pressure on them.  Especially over having to pay for that “mandatory diversity training for students” bit. It used to be “voluntary, then it was one class, then a couple of classes.  Each of those classes, I will hold, do NOTHING to prepare one for being a citizen or for a job unless your goal is to be yet another DIE parasite that brings little in the way of value (go ahead, challenge me on that!). However, they are a MASSIVE profit center and make no mistake – even schools are going to hoover up the bucks if they see them laying on the ground.  Remember: from movement to racket.  It’s now to that latter stage.

Education is out of control in a lot of areas and every time somebody comes up with yet another fad, our education system moves that much further away from its main mission – academic rigor and teaching.

I found another paper by the same authors (Illya Shapiro and Christofer Rufo). While copyrighted, I feel safe using this under “Fair Use”:

Abolish DEI Bureaucracies and Restore Colorblind Equality in Public Universities

The absurdity of the status quo can be illustrated by way of a simple counterfactual: Imagine a world in which UC Berkeley had an administrative division, funded at $25 million per year, whose sole purpose was to train students, faculty, and staff in conservative ideology;

Or make it mandatory to take long distance precision rifle classes under the rubric of the Second Amendment?  I bet we could come up with a long list of “contra” classes to those of DIE and related ideologies. However, NONE of them should be made mandatory or required to either attend school or work at one.

Gilford is about to send staff to a DIE training class up at Plymouth.  Now, how to threaten an action for not being willing to send staff to the complete opposite type of training?  Wouldn’t that get their knickers in a knot over a threatened “worldview discrimination” action?

There is a lot to this approach so don’t be surprised if we write about this in later posts.  But here’s a quicker one that has LARGE ramifications if you think about it:

JOANNE JACOBS: Bring back the ‘F’ to help students succeed. “If college students don’t do the work, a timely “F” can be useful feedback, writes Louis Haas, a history professor at Middle Tennessee University.”

I received an F or two early in high school, and the feedback that came with them — from my parents — was instructive.

It isn’t about giving out “F” grades – it’s about recognizing excellence and when someone is is deep trouble and won’t ask for help. And yes, for recognizing that some students just don’t care and probably should be elsewhere.

While I never got an F, I did get a D in a math class in high school that I should have aced the first time – and the teacher knew it. Yes, the first time – when Mom found out, I ended up in summer school – involuntarily. Screwed up my entire summer as I had already made other plans. It did teach me a lesson – when you CAN do the work, don’t screw around or screw up – there are consequences to doing so and I learned the hard way. I redid the class in half the time and got the grade I should have the first time. Lesson was learned.

Sidenote: bring back the old A-F grading system. Gilford shifted to the new fangled system that no one likes, doesn’t understand, and doesn’t allow (if you’ll excuse me) A to B comparisons. I hate this “competency based” system as there is no competency about it.

And that Equity Movement is proving that Socialism (whereby EVERYONE must have exactly the same outcome regardless of capabilities) is now endangering students futures – badly. We seeing schools in Virginia refusing to withhold National Merit Awards to top achieving students:

…At least 13 Virginia high schools are under investigation after failing to deliver merit awards prior to college admissions, with the state attorney general alleging that the move specifically targeted Asian American students. Following the case against 11 Fairfax and Loudoun County high schools, officials from Prince William County Public Schools revealed two of their schools did not tell 16 students they had earned a National Merit award. Attorney General Jason Miyares condemned the schools’ actions as the state launched an investigation over alleged Anti-Asian bigotry.

The National Merit awards are only given to 50,000 of 1.5million high schoolers who score well on the PSATS – and can help students compete for scholarships, honors accolades, and college admissions.

And here’s the cause

The progressive concept of “equity” is a rejection of the equality of opportunity and a commitment to equality of outcome. Let’s be frank. This is communism, and it’s antithetical to everything the United States of America was founded upon.

No, they aren’t helping ANYONE. Socialism and Equity can only be “accomplished” by lowering standards to the lowest common denominators.

No.One.Can.Be.Better.Than.Anyone.Else.  Unless you happen to be the ones making all the decisions.

And we’re right back to where this is being hatched, nurtured, inculcated, and sent out to infect the rest of us just like China infected the world with COVID. A bit long and “bits and pieces” so read the whole thing to see where a college is attacking Free Speech:

…Tenured Bakersfield College history professor Matthew Garrett said he and other faculty members of a free speech coalition were targeted with false allegations after they asked questions during a campus diversity meeting last October. Shortly afterwards, Garrett received a notice of unprofessional conduct by the administration that claimed he had caused “real harm” to students and said he was being removed from the diversity committee “effective immediately.”

In December, vice president of the school district’s Board of Trustees John Corkins made headlines after he lashed out at the group during a board meeting saying the “abusive” and “disrespectful” minority of teachers needed to be “culled,” and taken “to the slaughterhouse.”

…“Many of the faculty quietly tell me thank you for speaking up because we’re afraid to do so,” he said. He described how critical race theory and other racial equity initiatives had become popular after Black Lives Matter drew national attention in 2020.

“Our campus has been really radically transformed in the last two years or so. In the last two years we’ve adopted critical race theory, diversity training, implicit bias training, micro aggression trainings. We’ve adopted racial quotas and preferences, affirmative action-type behavior, we’ve adopted racially segregated classes, we’ve adopted mandated masks, compulsory vaccines, and location tracking software. We’ve got funding going to propaganda webpages you can track through grants,” he said.

…Other professors had raised concerns these social equity initiatives were weakening academic standards, he claimed. “A lot of the faculty are really concerned about the dissolution of rigor,” Garrett said, as academic programs were replaced with social programs focused on “inclusivity, [where] everyone passes.”

And it is happening in our high schools.  If you thought that academics can’t get much worse, just wait.

And then there’s the doctors:

The Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), in a collaboration with the Fenway Institute, is training doctors and other medical professionals to affirm a young patient’s chosen gender identity. In a training video reviewed by Breitbart News, you can see how doctors are taught to interact with a child who might be experiencing symptoms related to gender dysphoria.

From the report:

During the training video, titled “Talking with a Parent and Child About Gender Identity,” a doctor asks a young child, referred to as Sam, what his gender is. “Can you tell me, do you feel like a boy, like a girl, like both, or like neither?” the doctor asks the young child in the video before adding “There’s no right answer.”

Sam’s dad interjects, telling the doctor how the family has approached the topic. He also says “I don’t know, I think he just wants to be like his big sister.”  The doctor doesn’t offer a response to the parent, other than to simply say “Thank you for sharing. I would like to ask Sam.” He goes on to inquire “So what do you say Sam?” The child responds “I’m a girl.”

The doctor asks “How long have you known you’re a girl?” prompting the child to say “I don’t know, but a long time.”

“So when we’re talking about you, would you like us to say he or she?” the doctor asks, with Sam requesting that he be referred to as “she.” The doctor then responds simply “Okay, thanks” before the video comes to a close and displays the MUSC logo.

And Legislators to the rescue!

Breitbart also noted that the university ceased offering hormonal care for children identifying as transgender “after the South Carolina Freedom Caucus began preparing to pursue legislation banning child sex changes.”

And does DIE Training actually do what it espouses it does?


Over the years, social scientists who have conducted careful reviews of the evidence base for diversity trainings have frequently come to discouraging conclusions. Though diversity trainings have been around in one form or another since at least the 1960s, few of them are ever subjected to rigorous evaluation, and those that are mostly appear to have little or no positive long-term effects. The lack of evidence is “disappointing,” wrote Elizabeth Levy Paluck of Princeton and her co-authors in a 2021 Annual Review of Psychology article, “considering the frequency with which calls for diversity training emerge in the wake of widely publicized instances of discriminatory conduct.”

Dr. Paluck’s team found just two large experimental studies in the previous decade that attempted to evaluate the effects of diversity trainings and met basic quality benchmarks. Other researchers have been similarly unimpressed. “We have been speaking to employers about this research for more than a decade,” wrote the sociologists Frank Dobbin and Alexandra Kalev in 2018, “with the message that diversity training is likely the most expensive, and least effective, diversity program around.” (To be fair, not all of these critiques apply as sharply to voluntary diversity trainings.)

If diversity trainings have no impact whatsoever, that would mean that perhaps billions of dollars are being wasted annually in the United States on these efforts. But there’s a darker possibility: Some diversity initiatives might actually worsen the D.E.I. climates of the organizations that pay for them.

And if it is a company that is blowing its shareholders’ money, that’s one thing.  Blowing taxpayer money for government workers is another.

And WHY are Public Schools so interested in the sexuality of minors???

A father attended a school board meeting recently to confront educators regarding sexual content found in a book that he says is available to his daughter, age 7. David Todor, whose daughter attends a school in the Waterloo Region District, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, read passages from a book called “The Bluest Eye” a national best-seller readily available on Amazon.

“I can assure you this book has been approved, and it’s accessible to my daughter, the one that’s seven years old by the way … this book is approved … for grade four to five reading level,” the father remarked to the board of trustees.

He could have been an active homosexual but lacked the courage, beastiality did not occur to him, and sodomy was quite out of the question for he did not experience sustained erections and could not endure the thought of somebody else’s,” the parent read.

Who’s interested in knowing and affirming, celebrating, my daughter’s sexual orientation?! Why is the school board facilitating child abuse and has these books available in the library?” the father asked.

And here are more excerpts:

His attention therefore gradually settled on those humans whose bodies were least offensive — children. And since he was too diffident to confront homosexuality, and since little boys were insulting, scary, and stubborn, he further limited his interests to little girls. They were usually manageable and frequently seductive. His sexuality was anything but lewd; his patronage of little girls smacked of innocence and was associated in his mind with cleanliness. He was what one might call a very clean old man.

And no, this is not new – NH Gov Chris Sununu made this law in NH years ago (contra our NH Constitution which mandated that the State MUST provide the funds to do stuff like this – but didn’t):


When it comes to gender follies, Minnesota Democrats are keeping up with their insane colleagues on the coasts. DFL state representative Sandra Feist has been pushing a bill “that would require school districts and charter schools to provide students in grades four through 12 with access to free menstrual products in student restrooms.” Feist’s bill was approved in committee last year by a 12-4 vote. See Feist’s news clip. The news clip also maps out new frontiers in poverty: “Elif Ozturk, a sophomore at Hopkins High School, said ‘period poverty’ is an issue she’s encountered among classmates.”

Following the 2022 elections Democrats rule the roost in Minnesota. Feist’s bill has a better chance of passage this time around, although embarrassment and ridicule might serve as some kind of a deterrent. I hadn’t noticed that the text of the bill makes no distinction between boys and girls in mandating the availability of menstrual products. When Feist says students, she means all students.

Feist explains (video below): “[N]ot all students who menstruate are female. We need to make sure all students have access to these products. There are obviously less [sic] non-female menstruating students and therefore their usage will be much lower. That was actually calculated into the cost of this.”

Lower usage?  Try zero. But they can’t be honest, can they? 2+2=5 with these people – sorry not sorry, boys don’t menstruate.  They can’t have periods.

And you can’t be honest.

And once again, taxpayers have to pay for unneeded and ideological socialist bents.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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