How Much More Delusional Thinking is Society Supposed to Put Up With: Trans Lesbian – Stack of Stuff #35

by Skip

I am running out of words to describe the utter stupidity that I see happening to American Society. While everyone has the right to express themselves, the Left’s battle to remove “shame” from our daily lexicon puts these people (that is, if they don’t identify as “Furries”, I guess) in front of us. And they really don’t care what they say they are EXCEPT to demand that everyone else accept and affirm their mental illness.

Think about it – what is a “Trans Lesbian”?  Yeah, a man that likes women. Like the rest of us Normal guys. No, I’m not a “cis” anything – I’m a straight guy that is no longer putting up with all these made-up words simply for ridiculous sexual/political purposes?  It’s just absurdity on display (as always, reformatting and emphasis mine):

One of the big mistakes that gays (as in men) and lesbians (as in women) made was to embrace the so-called transgender movement. Gays and lesbians are about same-sex attraction, a psycho-emotional pull that has been around since time immemorial. By contrast, the so-called transgender movement essentially says that lesbians are actually men, while gays are really women.

…This time, interestingly, the label next to the buzzer read “John Doe.” And when her father answered the door, he looked once again like her father: No makeup and the male clothes she was so used to seeing him in. She asked, “What happened to the sex change surgery?”

“Well, it was this way,” he explained. Before I started the hormones and surgery, I realized that I wasn’t a woman trapped in a man’s body. What I really am is a lesbian trapped in a man’s body, and I have much more success with women when they think I’m a man.”

Oy! And I do have to wonder what lesbians are thinking when they are called “cis lesbians” – is THAT a contradiction of definitions as well, just highly bent out of shape? It’s like Cloward and Piven being applied to our language at this point – to break and shatter our system.

We here at the ‘Grok need an expert on the Federal Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) as I don’t know the ins and out of it to know if this even makes sense:

Earlier this month, Michigan’s Oakland County Circuit Court ruled that schoolteachers are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation that the ruling raises concerns over public school transparency.

Judge Jacob James Cunningham determined on December 15 that public school teachers are exempt from producing school-related documents in response to FOIA requests because they are not considered “public bodies” and, therefore, their documents are not considered “public records.”

…Litkouhi argued that the district has refused to provide her with certain course materials for the class “History of Ethnic and Gender Studies,” thereby violating FOIA law.

“It is incredibly disappointing that the district continues to refuse to be transparent and has stonewalled my efforts to learn more about what is being taught in the classroom,” Litkouhi stated.

…”Schools must make curricula available to parents under Michigan law,” said Steve Delie, director of open government and transparency at the Mackinac Center. “Despite this, Rochester schools has repeatedly failed to fulfill this legal obligation. It shouldn’t take months of back and forth, hundreds of dollars and a lawsuit just to see what is being taught in your community.”

During a labor union workshop presentation last year, an early childhood teacher admitted to using a “gender unicorn” in her classroom to discuss gender identity and sexual orientation with preschoolers, Fox News Digital reported. The educator also advised the teachers watching her presentation to introduce gender ideology in their classrooms.

According to Danita McCray, the presentation focused on adopting lessons about gender ideology into preschool to third-grade classrooms.

“Now, early childhood is 0 to 8 years old, so that’s kind of like from preschool to third grade. … And the focus … of this workshop is to provide you with positive strategies to support transgender and gender non-conforming children,” McCray said in the recorded workshop.

…”You can download them, and you can talk to them about it. And of course, it’s age appropriate,” McCray claimed. “And even at five years old, you can ask them, are you a girl or boy? … and you explain that to them. Yes, you were born a girl or boy, but you may not feel that way.”

Again, PRESCHOOLERS?  Kids that barely know how to go to the bathroom on their own and they are expected to know about sexuality? No, this is taking advantage their young age – and their parents assuming that teachers would never do this!

And we’re back to porn again:

Fonte, who resigned from the elite Dalton Prep School in Manhattan in 2021 after outraged parents complained about the educator’s alleged “porn literacy workshop” for first-graders, argued in the video that “porn can be good if sex ed is good.”

Fonte asserted that there are “artistic liberties that we want people in the creative world and, specifically, in the entertainment industry that is pornography to have the ability to exercise. But it’s on us to create commentary and discourse around it, and if we’re in a sex-negative world, yeah, porn’s gonna be bad because kids are defaulting to that to learn about their bodies … but that doesn’t mean it’s the porn industry’s fault.”

As another tweet said: “This has to be a joke. Right?

And we also get to revisit W. Virginia vs EPA on the overreach of the Federal government: bureaucracy overstepping it’s authority by simply changing definitions on its own instead of waiting on the Legislative branch to either alter or pass a new law:

A federal judge has reversed a Biden Administration rule that directed the Department of Health and Human Services to increase access to sex change surgeries and hormone therapies, including to children, in a Friday ruling. Biden’s HHS said in May 2021 that it would interpret a section of the Affordable Care Act, which bars doctors from discriminating on the basis of sex, as covering sexual orientation and gender identity. Two doctors represented by the America First Legal Foundation brought a class action lawsuit against the Biden administration after the HHS took the action, arguing that the rule would interfere with their ability to properly practice medicine.

The judge argued that the Biden administration’s interpretation of Title IX to include “gender identity,” was faulty and could not be changed until Congress passed a law to that effect, or the Supreme Court ruled otherwise.

The New York Times ran a chipper story Monday about the glamour of teenage girls removing their breasts to, as the paper put it, “better align their bodies with their experience of gender.” Surely there’s no better way to enhance a child’s life than to indulge their thoroughly considered ideas about “the experience of gender.” I can’t think of any!

“Because breasts are highly visible, they can make transitioning difficult and cause intense distress for these teenagers, fueling the demand for top surgeries,” the Times said. “Small studies have shown that many transgender adolescents report significant discomfort related to their breasts, including difficulty showering, sleeping and dating. As the population of these adolescents has grown, top surgery has been offered at younger ages.” At least, it included that such studies on transgender adolescents are “small.”

…Gallagher should probably be in prison, but if teenage girls distressed about their sex are going to be led to believe even for a moment that hacking off their breasts, rendering them permanently incapable of ever breastfeeding, is a good idea, there’s some literature that might interest them.

First, The Atlantic’s extensive report in 2018 on children experiencing gender dysphoria. One young girl profiled by the magazine was 14-year-old “Claire” (not her real name), who recalled having internalized feelings that she was male. She had pleaded for her parents to help her find hormone therapy, and she eventually asked them to support her in undergoing a double mastectomy to remove her breasts. The feelings grew over the course of several years, but one day in late 2017, Claire looked in the mirror and realized that the changes she was making to her appearance, which by that point was considerably more masculine, weren’t helping her feelings of anxiety and depression.

I was still miserable, and I still hated myself,” she said. With more consideration, she determined that at their core, her feelings were driven by an inability to fit in with many of the girls she knew at school. But in time, she found some who shared her interests. “It was kind of sudden when I thought, ‘You know, maybe this isn’t the right answer — maybe it’s something else,’” she said. “But it took a while to actually set in that yes, I was definitely a girl.

I can’t think of any better way either to hack off perfectly functional organs because of a mental illness condition.

But there are times when pushback starts to show itself:

A religious school in Florida says it will only refer to students by their sex assigned at birth, while pupils who are gay, transgender or gender nonconforming “will be asked to leave the school immediately.” NBC News obtained an email from Grace Christian School in Valrico, about 20 miles east of Tampa, sent before the beginning of the school year by Administrator Barry McKeen.

…The June 6 correspondence to parents cited scripture and said that students will be referred to by the “gender on their birth certificates” during the school year beginning this month. While the email refers to “biological gender,” the National Institute of Health defines “gender” as a social construct, as opposed to “sex,” which is the biological difference between females and males.

“We believe that God created mankind in His image: male (man) and female (woman), sexually different but with equal dignity,” the email said.

“Therefore, one’s biological sex must be affirmed and no attempts should be made to physically change, alter, or disagree with one’s biological gender — including, but not limited to, elective sex reassignment, transvestite, transgender, or non-binary gender fluid acts of conduct (Genesis 1:26-28). Students in school will be referred to by the gender on their birth certificate and be referenced in name in the same fashion.”

It continued: “We believe that any form of homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, transgender identity/lifestyle, self-identification, bestiality, incest, fornication, adultery and pornography are sinful in the sight of God and the church (Genesis 2:24; Leviticus 18:1-30; Romans 1:26-29; I Corinthians 5:1; I Corinthians 6:9; I Thessalonians 4:2-7).”

Yeah, well, there are a lot of us that don’t agree with that “social contract” – and why do we have to follow someone else’s idea as if it was Law?

And no, I don’t believe the Democrats either:

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