Who Would Have Guessed? Slicing Off Boobies and “Twig and Nuts” Have Transitioners Lonelier and Depressed, and More – Stack of Stuff #48

by Skip

This is the kind of info that seems to have been suppressed for a very long time in this Transgender Culture War.  We’ve been told, over and over, that it is “child abuse” to not allow a child to do the drugs and surgery that will cause them to be sterile along with a ton of other health ramifications. We’ve known for years that such kids BEFORE they get the Jabs and the Knife are already in bad shape from a mental illness standpoint (with gender dysphoria being NOT the only one). And the Trans-Authoritarians make sure that we know it with their emotional blackmail of “Would you prefer a dead son or a live daughter” and then they trot out the suicide rates with the nuance that if Parents don’t do what they’re told to do, they’ll end up paying for a funeral. Don’t doubt me on this – I’ve heard it too many times.

And now we know the truth – it ain’t matching up with the Trans Propaganda. As in all cases for these snippets, reformatting and emphasis mine:

The head of a facility that carries out so-called “gender-affirming care” has published a study confirming that transgender surgeries do not improve mental health and make people feel lonelier than those who avoided surgical intervention altogether.

“In our study, the level of life satisfaction in transgender people was not increased in transgender people who had undergone gender-affirming surgery as compared to those who were unoperated,” says a study published Tuesday in BMC Public Health, a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

“[O]ur data indicate that transgender and gender-diverse people, who have undergone gender reassignment surgery feel lonelier” than transgender-identified people who have not elected to have surgery, finds a separate study by the same four researchers, originally published online May 11 in the journal Healthcare (Basel).

The researchers also reveal that people who identify as members of the opposite sex experienced greater isolation if they played sports. “[H]igher loneliness levels were significantly associated with … already having a gender-reassignment surgery [and] more than 4 [hours] a week of sports activities,” as “compared to no sports activity.”

…The most recent study finds that people who identify as transgender have lower overall life satisfaction than the general population — and young people suffering from gender dysphoria have worse mental health than older people. Blessmann, et al., found 31% of transgender-identifying people felt “dissatisfied” or “extremely dissatisfied” with life, while 17% said they were “satisfied” and just 1% felt “extremely satisfied.” People who identify as transgender were 1,290% more likely to describe themselves as “extremely dissatisfied” than “extremely satisfied” with their lives.

…The latest conclusions come as no surprise to experts. “This finding is sadly consistent with other studies,” Mary Beth Waddell, director of federal affairs for family and religious liberty at the Family Research Council, told The Washington Stand. “One study showed that the suicide completion rate for those that had undergone surgery was 19 times higher than the general population.”

As many of us have thought for years, if the root problem are other mental illness, getting sliced, diced, and pumped isn’t a longer term cure. And as a bonus, the post references a Swedish study as well:

study taken in transgender-friendly Sweden concluded, “Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behavior, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population.”

So, don’t let them gaslight you to believe what they want you to believe.  And they try, HARD, to do that with linguistic manipulations.  Remember, women don’t have prostates but transwomen do (unless they REALLY do a thorough bottom surgery):

…In 1946, George Orwell wrote his classic essay, “Politics and the English Language,” in which he argued “political speech and writing are largely the defence of the indefensible”. Because political speech so often justifies the irrational and inhumane, Orwell wrote, “political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness.”

The sinkhole of vagueness Orwell described has now swallowed up the word “woman.” Instead of meaning “adult human female”—or the half of humanity who have ovaries—politicians such as Fentiman now say a woman is anyone who feels like a woman, even if they come with penis and scrotum. The attempt to change the meaning of the word “woman” is justified by politicians such as Fentiman because it is argued that being a woman is a social role and not a biological category. Any person can become a “woman,” just as any person can become a police officer or a nurse. When it comes to social roles, biology is irrelevant.

It’s one reason why I ALWAYS demand, when in a debate with a Lefty, to define their definition. Do a pregnant pause, then smile broadly, and let loose your broadside. We cannot allow them to redefine our common language out from underneath us all – or they win in putting “their truth” as the accepted definition. Change the meanings of words and you change everything. After all “Free Speech” is now defined, for many young people, as “violence”.

In a free society, trans activists and their allies can use the word “woman” to refer to anybody in a dress or wig, but they have no right to coerce the rest of us to share in their alternative language. Yet this coercion is exactly what is happening across the world and across the states of Australia.

WE are not allowed to have Free Speech but they demand they have free reign to muck up the debate to control the debate. But of course, their dim-witted attempts to do so are meant to accomplish one thing – HURT their opponents that defy what they wanted us on bended knee. Like here – they are trying to claim that only THEY can define what a normative version of “democracy” looks like (so we just say “Republic” to tick them off). Add to it, just like “hate speech” is just speech they don’t like and “extremists” are people that refuse to agree with their worldview – they cannot brook any form or amount of dissent:

The Washington Post is receiving pushback for publishing an article painting conservatives who support the Target boycott as “extremists” and opponents of democracy. The Washington Post published an article titled: “Target gets caught in cultural crossfire over Pride month items.”  The article about supposed right-wing extremism stemming from a retail boycott begins with the account of a female customer allegedly upset because Target was “carrying Pride month merchandise.” The woman reportedly using her own scissors to cut her Target credit card in front of the guest services at a Target location in South Florida, and informed employees, “I am never shopping here again.”

The article touched upon bomb threats that targeted several Target stores in multiple states. However, local news reports said the bomb threats were made by an individual who claimed to be angry that Target was cowardly for turning their back on the LGBTQ community and “decided to cater to the homophobic right-wing redneck bigots who protested and vandalized their store.”

…However, the article did not mention that the boycotts really took off after it was revealed that the big-box chain was selling “tuck-friendly” bathing suits, LGBTQ onesies for babies, and products from a transgender designer promoting Satanism, violence, and drug use.

Yeah, that reference to “domestic terrorist” was a nice touch – and par for the course: we GOOD and YOU BAD, EVIL, and should be put out of their society. Seriously – we’re terrorists and extremists because we don’t want to buy what you are demanding that we should? Even with the cacophony of names from the Left to demonize us as “undesireables”, most of America Society is still Normal and still trying to keep their kids’ innocence intact. A chocobloc amount of polling info here. To summarize, most people want to keep Trans-Authoritarians from infesting their childrens’ lives:

Across the board, majorities of American adults reject gender ideology, when it comes to the number of genders, school indoctrination without parental consent, and transgender surgery and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for minors, a new Rasmussen survey reveals.

Self-identified Democrats are the least likely to oppose gender ideology, according to the survey of 1,116 U.S. adults, conducted May 24-25, 2023. But, even for Democrats, majorities agree that there are two genders and support laws prohibiting transgender surgery and HRT for minors. And, while not a majority, more Democrats say schools and teachers should not be allowed to counsel students on their sexual and gender identities, without parental knowledge or consent, than disagree.

Married adults and those with children are particularly supportive of measures to protect children from HRT, surgery, and school indoctrination regarding sexual and gender identity without parental knowledge or consent. Even significant percentages of those who believe there are more than two genders oppose legal surgery and hormone replacement therapy for minors.

By a three-to-one margin, Americans agree that “there are two genders, male and female.” Fully 71% of adults agree, including 57% who “strongly agree.” Conversely, 23% disagree that there are just two genders, including 10% who strongly disagree. Four in five (83%) Republicans and two-thirds (67%) of Democrats believe there are two genders. Among married adults (78%) and those with children (76%), three-fourths agree that all people are either male or female.

Fifty-nine percent (59%) of Americans approve of laws making it illegal to give hormone replacement therapy to minors, including 43% who strongly approve. Regardless of whether they have children at home (70%) or are married (66%), Republican (70%) or Democrat (54%), majorities support these laws protecting children. Thirty-one percent (31%) disapprove of laws against HRT for minors, with 18% voicing strong opposition to such measures.

Americans are strongly supportive (62%) of legislation making it illegal to perform sex-change surgery on minors. Nearly half (46%) “strongly approve” of these laws, more than the 30% who disapprove (18% strongly). Majorities in every political category also oppose sex-change surgery for minors, with 73% of Republicans, 56% of Democrats and 59% of the unaffiliated at least somewhat approving of legislation making it illegal. Americans who are married (72%) and those who have children at home (73%) are most likely to approve of laws prohibiting sex-change surgery of minors. More than a third (36%) of those who somewhat disagree there are only two genders approve of laws prohibiting sex-change surgery for minors. Even 30% of those who strongly disagree that the only genders are male and female approve of laws protecting minors from undergoing sex-change surgery.

Only 26% of American adults think schools and teachers should be allowed to counsel students on sexual and gender identity without parental knowledge or consent, while 60% are opposed to such school practices, and 14% are not sure.

And then there are those that don’t care about Parents feelings as they are ALL IN that Parents only are interested in “oppressing” their children so they are all in about making sure that “accessories” are available to college kids that have been transed. Ayup, forget about clothes via “Transition Closets”, this is a whole ‘nother matter:

The “OUTfits Clothing Closet,” a project of the university’s “Pride Alliance” office, “is a donation-based resource” that is accessible to students year-round, according to a description on UNT’s website. Among the available items are chest binders, which women use to constrict their breasts in an attempt to appear less female, as well as “packers,” bra inserts, makeup, and other “personal care products.” “Packers” are prosthetic objects resembling male sexual organs that women wear beneath their undergarments.

And yes, the Trans-Authoritarians have infested Government to MAKE us accept sexual mutilation or suffer the results of “child abuse”. Who knew that throwing away perfectly good organs from minors is “abuse”. And they want to implement such HRC’s “Love your LGBT Index” at the state level:

The Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth recommends parents be held liable for child abuse if they do not allow their children to receive transgender medical procedures…The LGBT Commission’s recommendations for the fiscal year of 2024 include extensive coverage for sex changes in order to “incentivize care,”  as well as anti-bias and racial “equity” trainings for public hospital staff.

So those normal people (see poll, above) that don’t go along with this will be forced out of hospital employment – such a way to quash dissent from the Trans-Narrative, eh?

“With the significant rise in transphobia across the state, the Commission has serious concerns about the wellbeing of trans and gender expansive youth in the home, and advises that the state examine current laws around child abuse and welfare to ensure the unique situations faced by LGBTQ Youth are being addressed,” the group’s recommendations read. “In particular, the Commission recommends that the state examine the possibility of codifying gender-affirming child welfare protections in state law to better support youth and families.” The report asks the Massachusetts state government to “explicitly” classify “the withholding of gender-affirming care” as child abuse under state law.

Yep, they are definitely in the lane that says “YOUR children belong to US”. And not this next snippet addresses the “redefinition” of what child abuse is:

A new battle line has emerged between transgender activists and those who oppose sex change procedures for minors. The winner will get to decide what constitutes “child abuse.” Should the term become codified according to either side’s definitions, doctors could end up in jail and kids from parents on either side could end up in state care, some experts tell the Daily Caller.

Transgender activists argue that without medical intervention to change a child’s sex, or at least delay their puberty, gender dysphoric children could commit suicide. Advocates on the other side of the issue argue that children do not have the mental maturity to make the decision to change their sex, citing medical research indicating that such procedures are irreversible and do not have the mental health benefits some activists claim they have. (RELATED: Texas Children’s Hospital CEO Announces ‘Heart-Wrenching’ Plans To Discontinue Child Sex-Change Program)

…A growing number of individuals who transitioned as children are warning of the dangers of providing sex change procedure to children. These “detransitioners” argue that the medical professionals who treated them did not sufficiently evaluate them for co-morbidities which may have led to their feelings of gender incongruence.

And the Trans-Authoritarians are PERFECTLY fine with totally cancelling people – lost their jobs, their livings, their homes, and their families. And then smile over it.

‘Chilling Effect’: States Are Cracking Down On Therapists Who Don’t Affirm Kids’ Trans Identities

State laws have made it effectively illegal for therapists to help children with gender identity issues come to terms with their natural bodies and biological sex in much of the country by labeling the practice an illegal form of “conversion therapy.”

“If someone tells you what their gender identity is you must affirm them; you must accept it at face value,” Joseph Burgo, a psychotherapist and vice director of Genspect, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “It has a chilling effect on the whole profession. I know therapists who avoid gender altogether because they’re afraid of activists coming after them.”

Free Speech, much?  Nope – none at all. And now Sesame Street is all in and rammng this ideology down your kids throats. Parents, you MUST watch and vet what your kids are watching!

On Thursday, iconic children’s TV series “Sesame Street” went all-in once again for June’s “pride month” with several tweets celebrating the sexuality-based month of recognition. And the gay lobby claims they aren’t targeting our kids? While the show did not refashion its logo in rainbow “pride month” colors like so many other entities have, the show did post several tweets pushing the left-wing celebration onto its tiny fans.

Firstly, we must remember that “Sesame Street” is supposed to be aimed at tiny tots from ages 2 to 5. This should be an age where sexual activities should not even be part of a discussion. But here is the most iconic kids’ TV show pushing “pride month” on little ones, anyway. The first “pride” post was made on Thursday as “pride month” kicked off. It featured actress Ariana DeBose, who claims to identify as “queer,” in a video in which she explained the show’s “pride” celebration.

“Hi, Elmo and I wanted to share that everyone is always welcome on ‘Sesame Street,’” DeBose said in the video. “This month and every month, we want to uplift and celebrate our LGBTQIA+ family, friends and communities.” Elmo added, “From our ‘Sesame Street’ family to yours, happy pride.

Elmo loves you.”

Tiny kids – well, if ELMO agrees with this, my parents must be wrong, right?

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