Loudon County School Superintendent Finally Fired over School Sex Assaults, and More! – Stack of Stuff #32

by Skip

Virginia’s Loudon County has been ground zero for Parents going on the warpath over what “their” school systems have been teaching their kids. Silly parents, believing that Government is supposed to be working for THEM, found out that Government workers have been working for THEMSELVES instead. Public servants decided to become our Public Masters. Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, emphasis on Leftist sexuality identity politics, porn in the schools – the whole ball of wax in one place. But Parents are starting to melt that wax and this one was a big drip of his own making. And it didn’t hurt that Parents started to take over that school board (they got the message: Be Brave – DO Something!).

Because the School Administrators were cowards and just didn’t want to deal with a “transgender girl” that raped two Normal girls – the second one after the perp was transferred to a second school WITHOUT notifying anyone. As always, reformatted and emphasis mine:

ASHBURN, Va. (7News) — Loudoun County Superintendent Scott Ziegler was fired in a closed-door meeting Tuesday night following a number of parents complaining about his performance to the school board, the school system confirmed to 7News’ Scott Taylor Wednesday morning…Loudoun County parents are telling 7News on Your Side they are alarmed about how Ziegler and school administrators handled two sexual assaults that happened at two different schools last year.

“I think sadness is the first thing that comes to mind that this is our reality,” said Loudoun County mother Lauren Shernoff. “A little bit of shock in accepting it. A lot of us knew that this was coming or anticipated that it was coming, but to see it in print, with the evidence supporting that print, it’s just it’s really disheartening and it feels a little bit hopeless and helpless right now. I feel that way about my kids being in these schools.”

“So, reading that [special grand jury] report was really hard and really difficult to swallow the fact that these are the people that are in charge,” she said.

“I’ve never felt that way before, but it definitely crossed my mind yesterday reading it,” she said. “You put a lot of trust in the schools. We put [our kids] little backpacks on every day. We pack their lunches, we hug them and kiss them goodbye. The one thing we want to count on is that our school system and the leadership is really working overtime to make sure that the things within their control are done well and always have safety first. And now that’s been shattered. So, what do we do next? We can’t trust the leadership in charge.”

…“It was really shocking to me that in the report, it states that the administrators of the school that the student was transferred to weren’t made aware of their history, that it wasn’t communicated clearly, and people weren’t working together to figure out what to do about the situation,” Borg added. “It seems like one student’s right to privacy took priority over every other students’ right to be safe in their school…The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that a sexual assault occurred in a bathroom at Stone Bridge High School on May 28, 2021.

Then on Oct. 6, a sheriff’s office tweet detailed another alleged assault by the same student at Broad Run High School.

A ton more at the link.

And “White Supremacy” must be destroyed. Doesn’t help that in destroying “it”, a teacher is willing to destroy students’ futures. If u kant spel or rite…

A California English teacher recently posted several controversial videos on social media claiming that teaching children “how to write properly” is rooted in white supremacy and vowed to begin the school year with a different approach to teaching linguistics, Fox News Digital reported.

Marta Shaffer, an English teacher at Oroville High School in northern California, posted videos to TikTok claiming that white supremacy culture “runs deep” in public schools.

“What do I mean by that?” Shaffer stated. “Well, let’s look at how we write essays: Start with an introduction that includes a thesis; always cite your sources; use transition words like ‘however’ and ‘therefore.’ They are all made-up rules. They’re arbitrary. They were created by Westerners in power.”


What would we ever do without Libs of TikTok in putting a spotlight on these people????

We won’t let schools administer aspirin to children. Yet, transgender activists are fine with giving them drugs that have no long term studies for harm?

Transgender activists promote puberty blockers as a safe and reversible treatment for children with gender identity issues, but the drugs have serious side-effects and have been used to castrate sex offenders. Puberty blockers are viewed by some medical professionals as a healthy way of “pausing” puberty to give children time to decide which gender they want to grow into, but blocking healthy puberty is an off-label use of the drug unapproved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The drug has also been used to chemically castrate sex offenders.

When Alabama approved the mandatory chemical castration of convicted sex offenders in 2019, it was announced that they would use the drug medroxyprogesterone acetate, which can also be used as a puberty blocker, according to Trans Minors Rights.

…Puberty blockers, if taken at the earliest stage of puberty, will permanently impair sexual function and prevent the patient from ever experiencing an orgasm, according to transgender activist and surgeon Marci Bowers. The drug may also cement transgender identification in a young patient who would otherwise outgrow it, some medical experts have warned. Young people who are given puberty blockers also risk a lifelong deficit in bone density, and the FDA has warned that some gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists, which are used as puberty blockers, could plausibly be linked to a condition called pseudotumor cerebri, which is caused by elevated fluid pressure in the brain.

Woefully little safety data are available for the likely more vulnerable younger population. Bone loss in adult men who have been on these agents is significant, and a leading cause of morbidity with long-term administration,” wrote Harvard Medical School Professor Marc Garnick, who studied Lupron (a drug used 0ff-label as a puberty blocker) for 40 years.

And now that the cat is out of the bag, Transgender activists are trying to stuff it back INTO that bag. Perfect story that if you are talking about it, you’re a bigot, transphobe, pushing violence, and just a hateful person. All of that is “hate speech” (translation: speech that the Left hates, not that it is “hate speech”):

When the left tells you they believe “speech is violence” or opposing viewpoints are dangerous to people, they really mean it. The latest evidence of this came on Monday’s Chris Jansing Reports on MSNBC when anchor Chris Jansing brought on New York City councilman Erik Bottcher to lash out at Fox News and Tucker Carlson for booking “dangerous” guests like the person behind the popular Twitter account “Gays Against Groomers.”

During the segment which ran the chyron claiming that there’s a surge of acts of hate across the United States, Jansing turned to Bottcher for a solution to these alleged “acts of hate.” “How do you see allies can do better in the face of this?” Jansing asked. Of course, the first thing you’ll notice is the leftist buzzword “allies” which is common in the woke leftist vernacular.

Bottcher pleaded in response: “Stand up and call out hate when you see it. In your conversations with friends and family who might be conservative, please try to get them to stand up.”

On the verge of tears, Bottcher begged  “Fox News and people who are booking people on these shows like Tucker Carlson had Gays Against Groomers, that is incredibly, incredibly dangerous and some of you are members of the LGBTQ community.”  “Please, please stop because this is manifesting itself in very hateful ways and people are getting killed,” he insisted.

And yet, the phrase “LGB without the T” is starting to gain speed.  With groups opposing what has been going on, it’s a signal that the tidal wave of Transgenderism is starting to fade as parents and others are starting to ask hard, uncomfortable, and penetrating questions of those activists…

…and they don’t like it at all!

Bottcher never provided any examples of people who have gotten killed because Gays Against Groomers went on Tucker Carlson’s show.

Problem for this is that the FBI stats don’t support it.  And having flawed studies that skewered afterwards in attempts to promote it don’t help. We can call it “LYING!”.

Did not want to ruin ‘positive coverage’

University of Washington media officials knowingly kept quiet on a flawed study that claimed that injecting children with off-label puberty blockers benefited their health, according to emails obtained by a conservative radio host.

“A University of Washington study, in partnership with Seattle Children’s Hospital, claimed gender-affirming care via puberty blockers leads to positive mental health outcomes for transgender teen patients,” commentator Jason Rantz reported. “That characterization, however, was false, forcing substantial edits to the materials used to promote the study and prompting UW to cease promoting the research.”

The Washington radio host obtained emails of UW staff colluding to downplay the edits and concerns about the study, titled “Mental Health Outcomes in Transgender and Nonbinary Youths Receiving Gender-Affirming Care.”

…Social science journalist Jesse Singal first raised concerns about the methodology in April and reported he could not obtain the raw data behind the paper. “Singal has a laundry list of issues with the study: 1) the data did not back up claims made about mental health improvement; 2) the researchers provide little specific data that is typically on display in these kinds of studies, and 3) the researchers may not have used the correct statistical method,” Rantz wrote.

…It is a lie to tell a girl she can become a boy and a lie to tell a boy he can become a girl. It is biologically impossible for someone to switch to the opposite sex. Once you push the false idea that someone can change sexes, it follows you would disregard clear and obvious problems with a study that claims there are benefit to chemically affirming someone’s delusions.

And it is a Lie that transgender students need porn in their schools to feel better about themselves. Why are we allowing this pandering?

  • Under federal guidelines, TV and radio stations cannot air obscene content, some which parental rights in education advocates say are in school curriculums.
  • “When my kids were younger or just in my earlier life, I can’t think of a time that I would be talking about a children’s book, and I couldn’t discuss it on the radio. This is a new phenomenon where you cannot discuss what is in a book used for children,” Erika Sanzi, Parents Defending Education director of outreach, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
  • Parental rights in education advocates have been told to avoid talking about different types of sex and images which appear in several school districts’ sexual education curriculums.

It is against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) guidelines to describe sexual conduct or feature any “grossly offensive” language on a radio or television broadcast. Parental rights in education advocates told the Daily Caller News Foundation that television and radio stations do not allow them to talk about the obscene curriculums and books allowed in schools.

…Sanzi told the DCNF that a producer at a television station told her she could not discuss the different types of sex that 10-year-olds learn in the “Human Growth and Development” curriculum of a Wisconsin school district due to FCC regulations.  “There was anal sex, oral sex and vaginal sex,” Sanzi told the DCNF. “She was like, ‘oh, my God, like you can’t say that.’ The main thing that she was telling me was that I couldn’t use explicit terms for body parts and I couldn’t describe these different types of sex that that the kids learn about.”

Some school districts feature books such as “Gender Queer,” which depicts illustrations of the main characters masturbating and receiving oral sex, and “This Book Is Gay,” which teaches “boy-on-boy sex” and is described as an instruction manual for LGBTQ students.  (RELATED: ‘What Does Semen Taste Like?’: California School Uses Planned Parenthood Lesson To Teach Sexual Health).

…“He said ‘I am going to have to blur the images so much that no one will be able to tell what they’re looking at.’ The language on there, there was anal sex, there was erection, wet dreams,” Johnson told the DCNF. “There were the graphic images of the condoms and then the images of the vulva, vagina, penis. And they all came straight from the curriculum.”

And make no mistake – this is a full on assault on Western Civilization norms and mores:

Who among us could have guessed a few years back that today gender ideology would be the clearest, most divisive matter of contention separating the American left from the right?  To those reasonably grounded in reality, the notion that gender is fluid, that a Supreme Court Justice would be unable to define the word “woman,” that men can give birth, and that children can and should be mutilated if they are confused about their own gender identity is not only sheer lunacy, it is barbaric.

But the left’s commitment to those ideas is total; it’s the hill on which they are willing to die.  Those who disagree with them are vilified as transphobic, haters or terrorists.   Trans activists may well be the least tolerant “community” in the country.

Recently, a young trans girl/boy posted a video of what five years of testosterone have done to her; she regrets her transition.  The comments posted below her video are vicious.  There are probably hundreds of similar regret videos but there are many more videos that promote gender transitions, even for the very young.  Planned Parenthood promotes cross sex transition and has become a giant of the industry.

…In the meantime, leftists are busy stocking school libraries and classroom bookshelves with all manner of pornography, especially promoting homosexuality and normalizing transgenderism.  As parents across the country have become aware of this subterfuge, they are fighting back, showing up at school board meetings to complain.  According to AG Garland, these parents are to be designated as “domestic terrorists.”  If reported, he will sick the FBI on them.

And it gets more and more blatant – and School Boards are responsible for it:

You All Played Activist Pimp’: Mom Lights Up School Board Over ‘Family-Friendly’ Drag Show

On Wednesday, Southern California mother Brittany Mayer posted her confrontation with the Encinitas Union School District board on Twitter. The video of her insightful rant has since gone viral. The text on the post lays out the premise in plain words.

“We’re done mincing words.

“While we have a culture that has a huge problem with child porn and with sex trafficking … Encinitas Union School District in CA, made the decision to feature an event to sexualize young children.

And I think that THIS is the next level of pushback by Trans activists who decide, merely by the fact that they got one more vote than the other guy, that they can hoist their Trans ideology on others – with felony charges for NOT going along with this transgender craze with their kids.  WHO owns the kids? This nitwit, like Hillary, believes it is Government:

…Virginia state Del. Elizabeth Guzman (D) plans to introduce legislation in order to combat Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s (R) model policies on the treatment of “transgender” students in Virginia schools.  “The day that Gov. Youngkin wanted to implement this policy, I immediately texted the policy lead of that committee and said, this is how we’re going to push back,” Guzman, who is a social worker, said to ABC 7 News.

The planned bill would expand the definition of child abuse to include parents who are not willing to “affirm” their child’s stated gender identity or sexual orientation, with Guzman telling the outlet that if a child reports such an incident, “the job of that mandated reporter is to inform Child Protective Services (CPS).”

That would be DCYF here in NH. The GALL of this woman!  There is a reason why parents raise their children – those children are NOT wise enough, not mature enough, don’t understand the ramifications of their actions, and don’t have the knowledgebase to critically think of “what possibly could go wrong – and can’t be fixed?”.

And get this – she wants to HURT those parents by Government force! You vill vollow vhat ve tell you do believe!

Depending on the results of that investigation, Guzman said penalties could range from misdemeanor to felony abuse charges for parents and implied a goal of damaging the reputations of these parents if they do not follow the prescribed gender ideology.

“We know that CPS charge could harm your employment, could harm their education, because nowadays many people do a CPS database search before offering employment,” Guzman said. “It’s educating parents because the law tells you the do’s and don’ts. So this law is telling you do not abuse your children because they are LGBTQ.”

And then played the “God card”:

She also implied that not “affirming” their child’s gender identity might bar them from getting into heaven, saying, “You know, we all have a commitment to God. And for those believers out there, we know that there’s life after life, and there is going to be a conversation between that person and God and that’s what we’re after — to go by what the Bible says.”

“I, in Government, have the total right to tell you what you can believe. And I will put you into Government hell if you “sin” against me!”

Fortunately, with all of the blowback that ensued from this, Guzman backed down. Go read about it here.

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