Need Assistance? Really? What about that word “Priorities”?

Sheesh.  Well, as a society, we’ve brought this upon ourselves.  In the guise of helping people, government spends more and more to do more and more for more and more people – it doesn’t seem to end.  The problem is, even with reams and reams of regulations and ‘strings’ attached, is it effective in keeping … Read more

The Global Warming Fraud, Part CLXXVIII

Could it be that the trillions of dollars that governments have—either taken forcibly from working people or created out of thin air—when used to buy allegiance and subservience, might have some effect on "truth"? Does the notion of "truth"—or "justice" or even simple "decency"—have any meaning today, in the face of pervasive, unending, systemic governmental … Read more

Blame Lynch

Courtesy of haystack over at RedState (Dave Poff, who lives in New Hampshire now by the way) we get word of the particulars on the passage of a funding bill in which was stuffed a union hand out disguised as a job creator along with federal money for Medicaid payments.


  “Dances with Wolves” meets the “Lion King,” only instead of hyenas coming to rob the available resources away from the soldier who has gone native and his new BFF’s we get GIJOE Rise Of Cobra meets Blackwater—and maybe toss in a few minutes of Altered States for good measure.  That’s my take on Avatar, … Read more

Grok ‘n Roll: Some really good new music

My rather extensive music collection tends to contain somewhat older material as a rule. I have oft said that most newer bands and musicians lack a certain "something" that older ones posses. Who can stack up against the likes of Hendrix, Pink Floyd, The Doors, Ted Nugent, Blue Oyster Cult, ZZ Top, AC DC, Zep, … Read more

Here Kiddies- Come get a cookie… Part 2

As a followup to yesterday’s posting, here is my weekly newspaper column as published in the Laconia Daily Sun, which is not available online… Exercising the First    by Doug Lambert Education? Marketing? Propaganda.   When I wrote of the canceling of the OreoMobile demonstration at the Laconia Teen Center several weeks ago, I reminded readers never to … Read more

Here kiddies…come get a cookie! UPDATED-Pt.1

I originally posted the following here on the ‘Grok on September 18th. The piece was part of my weekly Laconia Daily Sun (unavailable online)  column published on the 14th: Never underestimate the ability of the hardcore political left in their attempts to indoctrinate America’s youth. There is no end to the hidden tricks the liberals … Read more