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But, But, You Can’t Even Make Maple Syrup Without Climate Change!

Tree Sap flows best when the climate changes. Cold nights, warmer days. Springtime. Late winter. Without these changes, each and every day, not enough sap, and no syrup. So, pardon my amusement by a pair of headlines that popped simultaneously about how Climate Change is impacting Maple Syrup in New Hampshire.

Another Maple Syrup Stake Through Their Global Warming Heart

Talking about Maple Syrup and Maple Syrup production has become an annual affair, only because the ideologically motivated New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D- EMILY’s List), used the sticky stuff as part of a charade to pull at voters ignorant heart-strings.   Had she never brought it up I’d have little or no reason to mention … Read more

It’s Maple Syrup Season Again… it must be time to make fun of Jeanne ‘Global Warming’ Shaheen. (Or just Greene Shaheen if you prefer.) When Mrs. Greene Jeanne ran for the Senate in 2008 she made a point of making some dire predictions about the ill effects of Global Warming–if left unattended.  (Back in 2008 they were still calling it that even … Read more

Striving to Preserve Your Culture against False Charges of Racism

In an ongoing cultural controversy in Vermont, a former House member named Kiah Morris has launched a video attacking Vermonters and their culture as racist. Ms. Morris has employed the empty trope that Vermonters who wish to preserve their traditional culture employ “political tactics [that] are historically consistent in the acceleration of increased discrimination, bias, and hate crimes … Read more

typewriter fake news

Bananas: Journalism Lay-off-Pandemic Sweeps Across America to Vermont

Investigative journalists are dropping like a congressional aide’s pants across the U.S. as main stream media lays-off thousands. Fake news powerhouse the L.A. Times has nearly emptied its Washington D.C. bureau just months before what many consider the biggest election year in American history.  This shocking move has many of the journalists questioning the real … Read more

Bananas: CBS Newest “Survivor: Burlington”

The Emmy Award-winning television show Survivor will be headed to the Green Mountain state to film their latest installment, “Survivor: Burlington,” this month. Airing its forty-second series since it debuted in 2000. The producers were looking for a location that could provide a unique set of challenges not yet faced by previous contestants.

Wheeler is STILL on Notice!

Some people might ask why I even bother with doing this, reaching out to him only to be both ignored and misrepresented(by voting the wrong way) again. It’s kind of like Robin Norwood’s book Women Who Love Too Much(when you keep wishing and hoping he’ll change).

Chris Sununu - crazy

Chris Sununu Presidential Poll Watch – Week of 5/22/23

Frankly, I’ve slowed down on reporting NH Gov. Chris Sununu’s polling number from RealClearPolitics (the gold standard as they aggregate several vetted polling companies from both the Right and the Left to “even out the bias”).  Why?

Bananas: Dear Alien Overlords

Dear Alien Overlords, Let me be the first to congratulate you on achieving intergalactic space travel!  You guys (gals?) must be very excited.  I can only imagine how gigantic the solar panels on your super high-end ultra-efficient alien spacecraft must be.  I can’t wait to see it!