Maple Syrup is a big deal around here. It’s so big that Democrats threaten it for votes. Runaway global warming will erase your industry. It hasn’t, quite the opposite. Last year set a record, but this year was terrible. No, not too warm but too damn cold.
The early season was hamstrung by uncooperative weather. February was frigid, a trend that pushed the “real” beginning of the season in most of the Maple Belt out into mid-march (The sap will run in January with the weather cooperates). You need the climate to change for this to work.
Related: Ruh-Roh – “Warming Causes Cooling” Experts Admit Warming Does Not Cause Cooling
Most years, the weather cooperates but not this year. Too cold, for too long. And as we noted recently, the folks who started that whole “cooling is a sign of warming thing” have backtracked on it. Cooling is not a sign of warming.
To borrow from Pooh Bear (prefers honey if anyone is asking), Oh, bother.
The by-product of no by-product is that syrup prices will be higher than usual. I know, the stuff is expensive already, and with the Biden inflation looming, a bottle of the real deal could tap you out.
But that’s not the only worry if real Maple Syrup is your thing. We’re at the beginning of a solar minimum—a grand solar minimum, by the look of it. Sugar Maples are common as far south as Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia. These are not the places where the weather makes tapping and sugaring as serious a business as it is along either side of the 49th parallel.
If Quebec, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Michigan, and Minnesota (and even Ohio) can’t tap enough because the weather is too cold (you need cold nights and warmer days), production will need to move south to meet demand.
And it will.
New Hampshire’s Maple industry could be in jeopardy from billion-year-old solar cycles, not life choices.
The ruling class will (of course) blame you anyway, but that’s not new, nor is it true. But any to tap your livelihood to grow government and tyranny works for them. Ideally, so that no matter where they move, the saps can’t escape no matter what the weather.