Chris Sununu Presidential Poll Watch – Week of 5/22/23

by Skip

Frankly, I’ve slowed down on reporting NH Gov. Chris Sununu’s polling number from RealClearPolitics (the gold standard as they aggregate several vetted polling companies from both the Right and the Left to “even out the bias”).  Why?

Just like with me in my Weight Challenge with Tom Murray, Sununu is neither gaining nor losing. Well, he did “lose” – 0.3% points. Another word for it is “stagnation.” He’s gone nowhere at the national level.  In fact, he’s barely hanging in the RealClearPolitics reporting – last place.

In the last eight polls they are using since 4/21, he has only garnered two returns – both at only 1%.  So this week, I’ve decided to better illustrate where folks stand in this race:

Tier 1

  • 56.3 – Donald Trump
  • 19.4 -Ron DeSantis

Tier 2

  • 5.6 – Mike Pence
  • 4.3 – Nikki Haley
  • 3.6 – Vivek Ramaswamy

Tier 3

  • 1.8 – Tim Scott
  • 1.3 – Larry Elder
  • 1.2 – Chris Christie
  • 1.1 – Asa Hutchinson (again, WHY?)

Also Ran (for those polling <1%)

  • 0.7 – Chris Sununu

As always, Sununu’s own words about setting THE threshold in making it to the debate stage:

Hangover: An “Evergreen” statement by Sununu himself on low-rated wannabes:

Mr. Sununu also warned minor candidates not to carve up the field.

“I think there’s a lot of hope and opportunity for good candidates to get in, drive the message where it needs to be,” he said. “But the discipline is getting out, too. The discipline and saying, ‘Look, you’re only polling at 5%, you got to get out.’ We don’t want a crowded field here.”

And, like last time, according to Sununu’s “debate podium standard,” only Trump, DeSantis, and Pence would be up there. I’m betting that the RNC would also have the Tier 2 folks as well.

My prediction is that if a couple more folks jump in in the next few weeks (Scott did last week, and DeSantis is rumored to do so this week), Sununu is toast. The only campaigning he’s done is either for Veep or a talking head slot.

That last line is about all the snark I was planning to use, and it is rather mild. However…

Kurt Schlichter is never one that holds back on anything or anyone as he believes that few Republicans understand the current political climate that the Democrats have deliberately whipped into a whirlwind (the second coming of Mao’s Red Guards and the destruction of traditional American mores and norms). Fewer still are willing to publicly put themselves into “political harm’s way” and into that whirlwind to stand up for their constituents in the political mudhole we find ourselves in:

The enemy hates us, and it is dead serious about converting its hatred into policy. From legalizing crime to weaponizing the government against us, from disenfranchising us at the ballot box to disarming us in our homes, to gagging us on social media and leveraging the regime media to hide the truth and amplify the lies, this is a cold war where we become serfs if we don’t win. It’s not the time for Team Use Your Inside Voice. The enemy holds every major institution; if you are worried about collateral damage to the institutions that seek to enslave us – or worse – then you don’t have the stones to flatten them and their current occupants. And that’s what we need to do.

With that in mind, in today’s column, he had this to say about Sununu:

I will not dignify maple syrup sap Chris Sununu by pretending his nascent candidacy is a thing.

And I’ll leave it at that. Except that Schlichter did mention Vivek Ramaswamy in an analogous fashion, as I have been. I think he’s starting to approach “Dark Horse” contention.

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