Rep David Misogyneuse

NH Rep. David Meuse Pushes New Gun Control Bill after Rittenhouse Verdict

Today, Kyle Rittenhouse was pronounced innocent by the jury in Wisconsin and Rep. David Misogyneuse (D – Portsmouth) wasted no time in adding his useless two cents. Not only did he retweet psychopath Shannon Watts but he also alerted Granite Staters to gun control legislation that he is bringing forth in the upcoming session.

NH State Rep David Meuse - D

Democrat David Meuse Hashtags Local GOP as “Taliban”

Yep, we have folks monitoring other folks’ social media knowing that, at some point, the opposition is going to say something stupid. Or in his case, a rather retarded view of his fellow Legislators.  I do wonder if this would violate the NH State House of Representatives Code of Ethics? The following certainly seems to … Read more

Tough Guy David Meuse Calls ICE the “New Gestapo”

Democrat State Representative David Meuse is a real tough guy. When he’s hiding behind his keyboard, that is. Because unlike a real face-to-face encounter Meuse can “block you” if you push back against his vitriol and calumny: Well here is what the tough guy had to say about ICE … from behind his keyboard of … Read more

Porcupine holding an AR-15 Perplexity.AI

Night Cap: A Free State Project for the Second Amendment?

I did not have this on my Friday Bingo card!  As we New Hampshirites know, the Free State Project had people who put Liberty as the highest Civics value and moved to NH as it was selected to be the State where a few committed people could make a difference according to the Declaration of … Read more

House session 05-30-24

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (5/30/24)?

Today, we learned that we voted either Concur, Non-Concur, or Non-Concur with Committee of Conference (CoC) on 93 House bills and 20 Senate bills. Most bills passed the recommended motion of the committee chair with a voice vote. Some bills and their amendments were debated, and others were voted on with just a brief explanation … Read more

NH House 2-22-24

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (2/22/24)?

We learned that we were able to get through reconsideration of HB154 (reconsideration failed), 44 regular calendar bills and 1 bill pulled off consent, between 9 am and 5:30 pm, with an hour for lunch (thankfully provided by the NH Nurses Association). Everyone was prepared to stay much longer into the evening, but speeches were … Read more

ammunition 1

DC Dems Want Separate Background Checks for Ammunition

Democrats are always looking for ways to make liberty so cumbersome that you might decide not to bother. Bury them in paperwork. Clutter up the statues with unintelligible gibberish that even a lawyer can’t unravel. Make lawfare more important than freedom.

House Session

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (03/16/23)?

We learned that it was a good day for gun rights and cannabis legalization but not a good day for liberal green energy policies. We learned that HB76, imposing a 3-day waiting period between purchase and delivery of a firearm, died after the Ought To Pass recommendation failed 168-193. There were “exceptions” “graciously bestowed” in … Read more