Democrat David Meuse Hashtags Local GOP as “Taliban”

by Skip

Yep, we have folks monitoring other folks’ social media knowing that, at some point, the opposition is going to say something stupid. Or in his case, a rather retarded view of his fellow Legislators.  I do wonder if this would violate the NH State House of Representatives Code of Ethics? The following certainly seems to be in opposition to his Tweet:

III. Principle of Accountability
Legislators shall ensure that government is conducted openly, equitably and honorably in a manner that permits the citizenry to make informed judgments, have confidence in the integrity of the legislature, and hold government officials accountable.

IV. Principle of Conduct
Legislators shall treat each other, legislative employees, and the public with dignity and respect.

So, with that, what did Meuse do to show us that he upholds these two foundational precepts? VOILA!


David Meuse deleted Tweet calling NH GOP to be Taliban


Yeah, so much for “honorably” or the “dignity and respect” bits, eh? And even if he deleted the Tweet, he has let us all know how he feels about anyone not holding his political beliefs.

Last I knew, the GOP wasn’t out throwing gays from buildings, killing women in football fields, slapping around random people, and forcing everyone around them to live back in the Seventh century. And a whole lot more actions that only savages would do.  When’s the last time, David, that the NH GOP has legislated for an actual Theocracy to be ruling NH? Really – a very serious question.

No, the NH GOP and those of us that believe in the Conservative planks of the NH GOP (as opposed to the RINOs that don’t live up to the Platform – some not at all) don’t act that way – nice LYING, dude.  But enough of this.

Now, I can take this in a couple of avenues:

  • Having deliberately shown he doesn’t care to show his fellow legislators any respect or dignity, will he apologize?  Doubtful, VERY doubtful. More and more, Democrats show that they have not shame in spewing such hate and bullying actions – and being hypocritical in doing so after all we’ve heard from the Left about how much they care to be the “anti-bullies”.
  • Will the NH House Democrat Leadership have anything to say, and more importantly, DO something about this?  Will they reprimand him (for letting their cat out of their bag)?
  • Will the NH House Republicans go after him in the usual tit-for-tat that passes for normal political rhetoric?  Or lay down and give him a pass (knowing that the Democrats would do so in a heartbeat)?
  • Will the NH House Leadership (yes, Sherm, I’m looking at you) treat him like the prior Democrat Leadership did to the Republicans that said “NO!” to taking the Democrat imposed “re-education” sensitivity training?

And yes, it has been deleted but Mr. David hasn’t learned that the Internet is forever!  I’m quite sure, given his total lack of awareness in keeping such bullying to himself, he’ll do something stupid and as retarded in the future.

Sidenote: yes, I’m tired of the Left’s enforcing their language mandates on the rest of us (and destroying Comedy in the process), so I am going to start bringing back words that they have all but “erased” from our vocabulary (you know, like their Identity Group minions who are forever offended and telling us, stupidly and in their retarded ways, that because we don’t agree with them, we are “erasing me!” or “erasing my identity!”.

If only I could because I don’t care anymore.

So, let’s just call him Mr. Taliban, shall we?  Ridicule is a great tool, especially in his case where he all but begged us to do so.

Thank you for letting us oblige you!

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