Democrats are always looking for ways to make liberty so cumbersome that you might decide not to bother. Bury them in paperwork. Clutter up the statues with unintelligible gibberish that even a lawyer can’t unravel. Make lawfare more important than freedom.
Wear them down until they break.
When it comes to guns, tyrants and hoplophobes alike talk about banning things, but that’s for their base. They know they can’t. But they have to try. It looks good on their resume, and every now and then, they succeed, even if it is only for a while. Maybe a few years. Until a court or judge tosses it out, but it sets a tone you can resonate in the echo chamber.
Like demanding background checks for ammunition, which is not new, but this week it’s back.
The Democrats are pushing the Ammunition Modernization and Monitoring Oversight Act, or AMMO Act for short. In addition to requiring background checks for ammo purchases, Redstate noted the Act would also limit the number of rounds law-abiding citizens can buy over a five-day period and mandate that ammo dealers get a license separate from the Federal Firearms License (FFL) required for gun sales.
[Rep. Robert] Garcia commented on the legislation, saying, “If we’re ever going to really take on the gun violence epidemic in this country, we need to regulate ammo accessibility. This bill aims to protect the American public from the devastating violence that occurs when individuals have access to unlimited amounts of weaponry.”
AMMO would also ban out-of-state purchases, which is already the law of the Land of California. A practice we should expect to see pop up in state legislatures looking for new ways to limit your rights, with Lewiston happening just in time for the legislative bill writing season.
Timing is everything.
New Hampshire doesn’t have any of those in the mill. We’ve got a handful of new proposals that, in their service request form, are too vague to be discrened in detail. But Democrat David Meuse has requested legislation titled “relative to repealing limited liability for manufacturers, distributors, dealers, or importers of firearms or ammunition.”
Meuse is also one of those civil Democrats. He compares Republicans to the Taliban, advocates for creating TREs, compares ICE to the Gestapo and shouts misinformation about guns at every opportunity.
From here (And this is just a guess), this new bill looks like he wants everyone in the firearms and ammunition supply chain on the hook for what people do with their products.
That is a curious choice for a party that takes no responsibility for what its anti-crime and violence agenda has done to increase crime and violence.
I know, he’s a Democrat. That’s how they roll.
How about one “relative to repealing limited liability for manufacturers, distributors, dealers, or importers of COVID Vaccines treatments and vaccines“?