The Climate Cult is “Coming” For the Family Pet – Dogs and Cats Contribute to Global Warming

It looks like you are not the only carbon they want to reduce. The Climate Cult is building a narrative around pet ownership and how it is a threat to the planet.

Related: The Elites’ Want You to Eat Bugs – But They are Toxic to Humans

“According to a 2017 study, feeding dogs and cats creates the equivalent of around 64 million tons of carbon dioxide in the US each year. That’s roughly the same impact as 13.6 million cars on the road. And, if our furry friends formed a separate country, it would rank 5th in global meat consumption behind China, the US, Brazil and Russia, according to UCLA professor and author of that study Gregory Okin,” CNN stated.


I think the crazy liberal cat ladies need to riot. Sorry, I meant protest. You already have the pussyhat (or know someone who does). Just repurpose it for this. Stand up for a woman’s right to own cats. Or, you could consider the alternative. Take them off a diet with foods they need (meat) and put them on something the Left is trying to convince us has a smaller carbon footprint. Plants.


The news outlet added that most of the carbon pawprint comes from their diet, which is extremely high in meat and so requires a lot of resources (including energy, land, and water) to create.


Impossible dog and cat chow. They could make it with impossible beef and the potentially (or is it Impossibly) filthy processing plant in Pennsylvania. And that’s the impossible solution to the impossible dream of the people who would end the moment world based on decades of predictions that failed to come true.

But this time, they are right. And if that means declining your quality of life or that of the company you keep (people or pets), it’s a price they are willing to make you pay.

I also think the CNN pet food piece was a trial balloon, so keep your eyes open for more like it.



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