Night Cap: The Rapid Change in “Climate Change” … Narrative

Most of you knwo about the years or fire predictions in the 1970s. Scientists believed we were at the beginning of another ice age. Experts, along with a compliant media, pimped story after story about the precipice of frozen doom and what we should do about it.

By 1978, everyone was well aware of the situation, but four years later, in 1982, the compliant media was singing a different song. The experts had been warning us about global warming “for years.”

Credibility, much?

Forty years into the latest thing and what experts believe has resulted in forty years of failed predictions, models that calculate the size of future grants but nothing about the earth’s climate or even the local weather.

Trillions have been wasted on non-productive purposes. A decades-long political movement whose only purpose is to realign the means of production.

Four years, and the narrative completely flips.

Tony Heller at RCSB shares a few of the receipts.

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