The UN Is Not Above “Climate Catastrophe” Fearmongering; “We Have Two Years To Save The Planet!!!”

by Skip

I’ve been listening to these dire predictions for LITERALLY 50 years from mid-wits who don’t have the science chops to make such predictions. These bureaucrats use this tactic to wind up and create severe doom-and-gloom anxiety among actual nitwits.

I don’t know which is worse—the meaningless yammering or the fact that I’ve reached the age where I’ve had to listen to 50 years of EVERY. SINGLE. STUPID. SOOTHSAYING message from our Climate Betters (or Climate Con-Artists trying to justify their jobs; pick one or the other).

United Nations Climate Chief: ‘We Have Two Years to Save the Planet.’

…others are leveraging the warming weather to decry the supposedly warming planet. The United Nations (UN), which never saw a socialist pry-bar it didn’t try to apply to the free world, is no exception to that.

Simon Stiell is the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Did you know they had one of those? Nor did I, but it’s not too surprising. The UN has a plethora of offices designed to hector us to behave in the ways that the UN wants us to; we are fortunate indeed that, unlike our government, the UN can only nag, not compel.

In another example of the UN’s nagging, on Wednesday, Simon Stiell took to X/Twitter to claim that we have two years left to save the planet.

See here as well:

Smug sorta guy, like all the rest of them involved in this grift.

Except for Al Gore – he’s in panic mode all the time despite none of his predictions of “climate disasters” coming true. And yet, there are followers paying good money to these prophets of doom (just like Ibram X Kendi and Robin DiAngelo are for “anti-racism” and “white fragility”). Think of these paying fools who have never realized that climate ALWAYS changes incrementally every year and tremendously over various Epochs. But a buck is a buck, and Stiell is no different in guilting people.

In his case, however, he wants governments to be the guilty “people” and cave to the UN. After all, THEIR grift is to become the “over-country” in which all other countries give up their sovereignty to the UN and tax their people to death to make the UN feel good about themselves.

See what I just did there? Anyway, two years is all we’ve got left. So, given that it’s been 50 years, can I wish that “Party like it’s 1999” also meant I’d have the young body I had back then?

However, let me be kind to ClimateBat (instead of Moonbat)  as he looks “long term” compared to a couple of the predictions from the post:

  • In 2019, “Think Progress” breathlessly reported we had 14 months to save the planet.
  • In 2009, United Kingdom Prime Minister Gordon Brown claimed, “We have fewer than fifty days to save our planet from catastrophe.”

Yeah, the Climate Catastrophe Credibility has worn a bit thin and is highly tattered, but that won’t stop them at all. As with all things of the Left, it’s all about the intent and never the results. They know it—they just depend on everyone else to NOT know it.

And sadly, because it’s been 50 years, too few haven’t fallen for this.


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