WDLNH Hold The Line Gun Rally Family Picture

WDLNH “Hold the Line” Fifth Annual Gun Rally – Safety Check

by Skip

You certainly wouldn’t hear these words at a Granite State Progress or Moms Demand Action rally – certainly not!  Even at the mention of the word, or a pencil drawing of said inanimate object, they’d quiver themselves into a heap like the Wicked Witch of the West (water not included or necessary). They believe that … Read more

John Burt wearing assault pearls

‘Hold The Line’ Micro–Interview: NH State Rep John Burt

by Skip

This past Saturday, before the Women’s Defense League of NH held its Fifth Annual Gun Rally on the State House Plaza I spoke with NH State Rep John Burt about the bills going through his Public Safety and Criminal Justice Committee. I also asked what he thought about Shannon Watts and the “clutching pearls” controversy … Read more

Susan Olsen - WDLNH HTL Rally

WDLNH ‘Hold the Line” Fifth Annual Gun Rally – Susan Olsen

by Skip

This past Saturday was the Women’s Defense League of NH’s Fifth Annual Gun Rally complete with a number of Conservative groups, informed speakers, a crowd that filled the State House plaza in Concord, NH – and of course, GraniteGrok! One of the sobering moments (there were two – I’ll post the other one up in … Read more

‘Hold The Line’ Micro–Interview: Kimberly Morin

by Skip

Today, the Women’s Defense League of NH held its Fifth Annual Gun Rally on the State House plaza in Concord NH (noon to 3pm). I arrived early, set up my cameras, and then had some time to do what I like doing – microinterviews with folks at events. Here I talk with Kimberly Morin, independent … Read more

Susan Olsen - WDLNH HTL Rally

Micro – Interview: Susan Olsen Has a Message for Shannon Watts

by Skip

Yesterday, the Women’s Defense League of NH held its Fifth Annual Gun Rally on the State House Plaza in Concord NH (noon to 3 pm). I arrived early, set up my cameras, then had some time to do what I like doing – micro-interviews. Susan Olsen is a tireless Conservative activist, the Legislative Director for … Read more

WDLNH Hold The Line Gun Rally Family Picture

WDLNH ‘Hold the Line” Fifth Annual Gun Rally – “the Family”

by Skip

It has become a tradition – at the end of the gun rallies, first starting with the ones held on 2/23 (shush, the anti-Constitutionalists mostly won’t get the joke) and now under the WDLNH banner), the ending “talk” is all of the participants and attendees assembling on the State House steps for a “family” picture.  … Read more

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