Was This Class Taught in an Inclusive, Respectful, and Equitable Manner?

Years ago, story after story would appear stemming from the developing  “outlook” of what Social Work Graduate Schools were demanding their graduates adopt. They kept throwing out students who were either Conservative, Christian, or both, or just not hewing to the Narrative of how the world was to be seen and dealt with by these newly minted graduates.

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Ben and Jerry VW van Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Ben & Jerry’s Says, “Hold My Bud Light!”

Okay… So, by now you have probably heard that Ben & Jerry’s, in a “Hold my Bud Light” attempt to see who can alienate the most customers with one Tweet, kicked off July 4th with the statement, “It’s high time we recognize that the US exists on stolen Indigenous land and commit to returning it.”

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About Woke

A very interesting debate took place in England recently. British satirist Konstantin Kisin engaged in that debate at Oxford Union and, surprisingly, won over many woke liberals. I don’t agree with much of his views on climate change endangering polar bears and such but he scored high points with me for addressing free speech as … Read more


Promoted from the Comments and Blogline of the Day – Finally, a “Supremicist” That the Right Can Use

A TWOFER! From Amil’s post “We No Longer Have a Country“, Commenter Jamie nails who really is the “invader” against our traditional and Normal American Society (emphasis mine): If the Democrats weren’t anti-Constitutional enough, now we have the “Woke Supremacists“. A most SPLENDID new category in my estimation! There is just SO much future usage … Read more

dear trans community

Teaching Toddlers Transgenderism and More! – Stack of Stuff #28

And story after story as to what teachers and school board honchos are doing to our kids keep rolling  in.  And it just never stops as the Left is intent on accomplishing its goals.  And that means eliminating parents out of their way. Funny, isn’t it – we pay their salaries and stipends and they … Read more

Hanover School District SAU70

Halloween in Schools Through an “Equity Lens”? What Does That Even Mean????

My other working title was “It just never stops, does it?  The Government continued imposition of a secular humanist religion on our young’uns”. From that Font of School District Woke Virtue Signaling (that would be the Hanover School District SAU70) comes this via their school newsletter.  Once again, we see Government School Educators willingly bend … Read more

Rachel Richardson Duke Volleyball Roster

The “Woke Hoax” Is Unraveling America

The women’s volleyball match between Duke University and Brigham Young University had ended, but the turmoil had just begun. A black Duke player complained that every time she served, a fan heckled her using the N-word.

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School Teacher Indoctrination

The Bigoted Woke Mask Continues to Slip

The CT public school administrator has clearly revealed the true sophistry of the Woke/CRT/Anti-racist dogma. Likewise, (assuming this internal union leadership “warning memo” is genuine). Like the school administrator, this labor organization has also exposed its bigoted foundational beliefs.

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Kelli Jean Drinkwater TedTalk Body Image YouTube screenshot

Skip’s Sauntering Snippets – #14 – No, I’m Not Affirming Your “Body Positivity” When You’re Fat

Once again, we see that the “Wokeness” crowd going after a model because they can’t be one (reformatted, emphasis mine): ‘Feels Like A Threat’: Sydney Sweeney’s Tiny Outfit At Award Show Riles Up ‘Body Positivity’ Activists A Yahoo! Life writer questioned actress Sydney Sweeney’s fashion choice at the MTV Movie and TV Awards, not over concerns … Read more

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Recording Educators at Work: Is it Time?

In my day, the helping professions such as teaching and policing were generally populated by those realizing satisfaction in helping and protecting others. Like today, however, there were always a few individuals whose personalities were a poor professional fit.

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CrybulliesPout650pw permission by FireBreathingChristian

Very Good Advice…

Weekend Pundit is a weekly read for me. DCE’s “Thoughts On Sunday” always has some tidbit that strikes home. I only wish that he would do more but this one, for all of us Normals, is good advice:

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Its a WOKE WORLD after all - YouTube screenshot

Sing Along! “It’s a Woke World, After All…”

Both funny and sad at the same time. The fact that somebody put a lot of time into creating and animating this woke version of Disney’s “It’s a Small World After All” (and the actual ride has been “evolved” to be more SJW/PC safe for the perpetually offended snowflakes) says a lot about our society.

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