Dancing To the Tune of a Test That Could be Wrong 90% of the Time

When the pandemic was no longer an adequate means to confine the people, the Casedemic quickly emerged. The Pipers played the new tune, and testing rose exponentially, but the rats never told you the most popular version probably gives false-positives 90% of the time and means nothing.

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I beg the editors pardon for poking the COVID-Cultists with inconvenient notions that might get us throttled on social media but,


Our political masters have been deliberately misconstruing covid ‘cases’ as ‘infections’ since the peak of the pandemic passed in May. Talking heads on television news have been all in on fooling the masses with ideas of ‘asymptomatic’ spread.

But there is no scientific evidence to back that claim. But what is provable scientifically is that the tests commonly relied on – the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests – are known to give False Positives in as many as 9 out of 10 instances, (see Study Finds Immunity to Coronavirus Linked to the Common Cold ).


If a positive test result has idled your child or their teacher or anyone else, three things are more likely truer than the test result.

They have no symptoms; there is a close to zero-percent chance they will even get sick and even less of a chance it will be serious if they do; and that the vaccine we get – when we get it, will do nothing for those with the highest risk (94+% survival rate) and mean nothing to anyone else because COVID19 has little to no effect on most people.


The (PCR) tests themselves are wholly unreliable for medical diagnosis because they cannot offer a binary – yes or no – answer to any question. They may show the presence of a very, very small part of a piece of matter (a particular set of nucleotide) that may, or may not be from the COVID virus. But as to proving someone is actually ill – not possible!


Note: NPR has called the PCR test the most reliable, but according to this report, the PCR test is incapable of producing a reliable result for COVID19.

Not to worry. We’re testing more than ever. And we’ll have a vaccine soon – even though “the virus has never been isolated and replicated to create a ‘gold standard’ – no scientist, no university, no lab claims to have been the first to do so.  COVID19 thus does not pass Koch’s Postulates, so it’s existence cannot be considered irrefutable.”

But maybe COVID20  becasue, to borrow from Axel Rose, the experts and politicians” used to do a little but a little didn’t do it, so a little got more and more.”

Now that you’ve given it to them, and I don’t mean COVID19, they will not easily give it back.

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