Right to work states

The Right-to-Work Freeloader Fallacy

Labor unions negotiate benefits on behalf of all employees of a collective bargaining unit, not just their own members, unions say. Since non-members receive the benefits, they should be compelled to pay the union for negotiating them.  Because right-to-work laws forbid non-union employees from being compelled as a condition of employment to pay any portion … Read more

The Teamsters Have Evolved From Horse And Buggy To AI

I have to preface this article by disclosing I have never been a fan of labor unions, having been in management or ownership my entire career. Still, because I drive a school bus in my retirement, I have been a Teamster for five years. I recently watched Tucker Carlson interview Teamsters National President Sean O’Brien, … Read more

To Dems The Election is More Important Than the Supply Chain

The longshoremen all along the east coast, from Maine to Texas, went on strike this week, bringing the vital shipping ports to an abrupt stop. The 45,000 men who keep the goods Americans buy and those American manufacturers ship overseas are on strike. These men feel underappreciated and fearful of their jobs as the seaports … Read more

Another Dumb Constitutional Amendment….

The Democrat/Progressive Supermajority in Montpelier isn’t just oblivious to reality. They are actively hostile to it. One has to conclude that they are purposefully attempting to destroy our state economy because nobody could actually be this stupid by sheer accident.

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Dartmouth College and Basketball Unions

A 2014 court case ruled that the NCAA violated antitrust laws by prohibiting college athletes from commercially cashing in on their sports skills, the way pro athletes have long done. The NCAA was ordered to pay plaintiffs and attorneys over $42 million.

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scale balance unequal

Are Owners and Employees Equals?

The Knead pizza chain in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, recently decided to close for good.

This may have been in response to an effort by its employees to form a union.  The owners aren’t saying.  (They did say that the closure would happen regardless of how the vote to unionize came out.)

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Biden Speaks (lies) to AFL-CIO. Facts Matter

Joe Biden spoke to the AFL-CIO this week in what can only be called a stump speech. It was a campaign speech complete with volume changes from whispers to yelling. It was big on style but weak on content. His speech was filled with lies and was both embarrassing and insulting.

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You Can’t Unionize Jobs That Don’t Exist

Remember when Amazon pulled out of Seattle in part because of the city was planning to target its largest employers with a ‘head tax’? Remember when Amazon scuttled its plans to open a center in New York City, because AOC and other progressives organized opposition to the move? Clearly this is a company that is … Read more

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