GOP Candidate Tim Lang (NH Sen. Dist. 2) Is Sucking from the Union PAC Teat – AND Getting the NH GOP to Push Out Mailers for Him?

by Skip

And the NH State GOP is PAYING for it?  Good going, dufuses, right off target again!  Yep, sent right to my house:

NH GOP Bulk Mailer address Campaign Payment disclaimer

What is Chair Stepanek / Executive Director Eliot Gault?  Is this just more of the “getting a body into the slot” regardless that drives us in the base so nutty?  No discipline at all (something that Stepanek said he was going to start doing at the beginning of his tenure).  And why do I say that?  Let’s start with the NH GOP Platform:

We believe in free people, free markets and free enterprise.

And unions are not about any sense of Freedom. Sure, they have the First Amendment Right to assemble together but why should they have the ability to lock others out of jobs simply through the mechanism of a closed shop (“you must join the union to work here – or pay us tribute if you don’t join”).  It’s CLEAR that the NH GOP SAYS it’s about free markets but when it looks the other way concerning Republicans taking union money, those in charge know that their votes aren’t going to be about Right To Work but, instead, perpetuating Being Turned Away because UNIONS.

Now, Brodie Deshaies will no longer be in the NH State Legislature – as a RINO, several groups independently converged on him during the primary and well illustrated his dismal voting record to his voters.  They took note and tossed him into the trash.  I also noted that his Common Sense PAC received just about all of its campaign money from two unions ( So, Look Where Brodie Deshaies Is Getting His Campaign Money From! Hint: Right to Work). I also noted who much of the funds were disbursed to (“So, Look Where Brodie Deshaies Is Spending His Union Campaign Money To! One of Them Surprised Me“) – mostly those state reps that have been backed by the Democrat organized, funded, and run Political Action Committee called Citizens for Belknap here in (where else?) Belknap County.  They have been dubbed “the Lang Gang” and I’ve illustrated their voting records on Right To Work before (going against the Party). In part, I bet, because of Brodie’s “union contribution”:

  • Mike Bordes – $1,000 (twice!). Funny, his website doesn’t talk about supporting unions but does mention “I vow to work across party lines and support common sense movement”. Gotta say thanks, somehow, I guess.  Oh, and to Sununu as well:
  • Travis O’Hara – $1,000 (twice!)
  • Doug Trottier – $1,000

In that post, I pointed out a surprise – Howard Pearl, who got $5,000 from union money peddling Deshaies.  I dryly note that Right To Work is not one of the issues listed on his ISSUES PAGE. Guess that kind of freedom doesn’t quite make it for him – for 5,000 reasons?

Tim Lang has a website but is devoid of any issue statements so I can’t “remind” him by using the Platform.  However, the UNIONS did remind him that they are demanding his fealty to them – with $5,000, just like with Howard.  Deshaies’s latest PAC filing tells the story: the leader of the Lang Gang is also now on the Union teat:

Common Sense PAC campaign filing as of 2022-10-03 Tim Lang

(click to embiggen)

SO, ladies and gents of the Republican Party? What do you think is going to happen in the NH State Senate if another Right To Work bill appears on the docket this session (and I am told there will be one)?  Will the people that you voted for (in this case, Pearl and Lang), expecting that they will follow the Republican Platform, actually FOLLOW the Platform?  Or simply brushed under the rug as “well, I’m with you 80% of the time – while holding that handful of money behind their backs as they tell you that?

Follow the money. First, you have to FIND the money.  Fortunately, a loyal reader showed me where Brodie’s money was coming from. From there, it was easy to see where it went.

Which Party loves them Union money the most?  It’s still the Democrats – but it is seeping elsewhere.

You reward their stances on this issue by voting for these elective representatives.  You can ALSO tell them “HECK NO!” by voting for someone else.  Heck, write me in as a protest vote if you live in District 2!




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