What the Hell Happened in NH?

You may be riding the sugar-high of Republican’s cleaning House in New Hampshire at the State level. It’s a nice feeling. And the prattle about unity and advancing a Republican agenda (or rolling back the Democrat one) are cute. I’ll believe it when I see it. And we’d better see it because we may not get another chance.

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Vote voter

CD-1 Republican Voting Percentage 1998-2018

By Jon DiPietro The above graph should surprise no one and terrify everyone and if you look at this graph and apply a stock market chart analysis, you’d see a trend of lower highs and lower lows. That’s a bad thing. [Note by Skip: It also shows that the Democrat lows and highs are getting … Read more

Vote voter

Merrimack: Massive. Early. Turnout!

I just got back from voting. Long lines of cars. Lots of people voting. An impressive display of civic duty. And that’s at one of three polling places in my town. To the town’s credit, once you got parked and to the polls, things went smoothly. Even with the crowd things moved along and I was … Read more

Sifting The New Hampshire Rubble For Small Victories

New Hampshire Democrats appear to have taken advantage of Judge John Lewis’ decision to scrap the domicile rules.  The end result was that busload after busload of out of state students were ferried to the polls to vote in New Hampshire.  They killed the constitutional amendments.  They elected a Democrat governor.  And they gave New … Read more

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